Southrop Parish Council

Minutes of the AnnualCouncil Meeting held on

14th May 2015 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall


Councillors: Chairman Beccle, Cllr. Hibbert, Cllr. Guest, Cllr. Jones, Cllr. Gowland and The Clerk

Members of the public: There were none.

  1. Apologies for Absence. Apologies were received from Cty Cllr Ray Theodoulou. These were accepted.
  2. Declaration of Interest in becoming Chairman and Vice-Chairman. Abagail Beccle declared an interest in becoming Chairman and Jerry Hibbert declared an interest in the role of Vice-Chairman. There were no other declarations of interest.
  3. Appointment of (a) Chairman and Acceptance of Office and (b) Vice Chairman and Acceptance of Office. The appointment of Cllr. Beccle to the role of Chairman was proposed by Cllr. Jones, seconded by Cllr. Gowland and approved by the remaining Cllrs. The appointment of Cllr. Hibbert as Vice-Chairman was proposed by Cllr. Beccle, seconded by Cllr. Jones and approved by the remaining Cllrs. Both the Chairman and Vice-Chairman accepted their positions and were duly appointed. The Declaration of Acceptance of Office was signed by the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman.
  4. Signing of Acceptance of Office forms by remaining Councillors. Councillors Guest, Jones and Gowland duly signed their acceptance of office forms.
  5. Appointment of Responsible Financial Officer and Acceptance of Office. Chairman Beccle proposed The Clerk, Karen Benbow and this was seconded by Cllr. Jones.
  6. Open Public Session.
  7. Close. There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.40pm.

Southrop Parish Council

14th May 2015: this meeting immediately followsCouncil’s Annual Council Meeting(see above) and is also held in the Village Hall


  1. Apologies for Absence. Apologies were received from Cty. Cllr. Ray Theodoulou. These were accepted.
  2. To Approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 16th April 2015. The minutes were approved and signed off by The Chairman.
  3. Declaration of Interest in Items on the Agenda. Cllr. Hibbert in item 7bii.

4. Changes to declaration of members’ interests. There were none.

5. Review of standing orders. It was decided that these would remain the same.

6. Open Public Session.

7. Finance:

  1. To approve the financial statement. Council approved the financial statement.
  2. To approve the expenditure since the last Meeting. Council approved the following financial expenditure:
  1. £77.80 liquid refreshments for the APM

ii. £80.00 food for the APM

iii.£63.05 GAPTC membership

iv.£29.25 ChairmanBeccle’s expenses (diesel to course)

v. £80.77 Clerk’s expenses (stationery & stamps, printing & binding,

photocopying and diesel to course)

vi.£25.90 website hosting April & May

  1. To sign-off cheques and cheque book transaction record. The Chairman signed off the cheque transaction record in the cheque book.
  2. 2014-15 Annual Return (Audit process update). The Clerk confirmed that the process was underway but that the documents had not yet been returned so the return could not yet be approved.
  3. Review Council’s financial arrangements. It was decided that these would stay as they are.
  4. Confirmation of appointment of Internal, Internal Auditor(Cllr Tim Guest). Proposed by Chairman Beccle and seconded by Cllr. Gowland.
  5. Reappointment of authority of the Clerk for appropriate spending in emergencies. The Clerk confirmed she is happy for this to continue.
  6. Approve checklist for Risk Assessment. The Clerk confirmed this is the same as last year. Decision: Approved.

9. Notice board refurbishment. An update from Cllr. Gowland. Cllr. Gowland advised that the cost would be approximately £350 to have the boards refurbished professionally. Alternatively Cllr. Gowland could do them himself for approximately £100 plus the cost of glass. It was decided that Cllr. Gowland would get a quote for buying new ones. In the meantime he will put cork tiles on all 3 boards.

10. An update on enforcing the 20mph zone. Chairman Beccle advised that there is now a speed defence team. Anthony Stanbury is buying speed guns which provide data that the police will accept and Chairman Beccle has prepared a flyer asking for help which she will distribute to villagers.

11. Community emergency contact details. At the moment this is Chairman Beccle and Cllr. Jones. One more person is needed. The Clerk undertook to ask Cathy Brickley and Caroline Simmons.

12. Date of the next Meeting. The next meeting will take place on Thursday 9th July at 7.30pm

13. Close. There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.30pm.