Ship Observations Team

National Report for 2006

1. / Country: / INDIA

2.  Contributing national marine organizations:


Programmes # / SOT / VOS / VOSClim
Website URL

3.  List of National Focal Points for SOT / VOS / VOSClim / SOOP / ASAP (see Appendix 1):

4.  List of Port Meteorological Officers (see Appendix 2):

5.  VOS and VOSClim:

a.  Programme description:

/ No. of ships at 31 Dec 2006 / Comments
/ 11 / Nil
Supplementary / 133 / Nil
Auxiliary / 41 / Nil
Other (specify) / Nil / Nil
Total National VOS fleet / 185 / Nil
Number of VOS vessels recruited in 2006 / 2
Number of VOS vessels de-recruited in 2006 / Nil
Number of VOSClim vessels at 31 December 2006 / 21
Number of VOSClim vessels recruited in 2006 / Nil
Number of VOSClim de-recruitments in 2006 / Nil
Number of VOSClim recruitments planned for 2006 / 3
Target number of ships to participate in VOSClim / 3

b.  Automated Observing Systems:

Type / No. of ships at 31 Dec 2006 / Manual Input
Yes / No / Comms Method / Comments and
plans for 2006

c.  Electronic logbooks:

Software & Version / No. of ships at 31 Dec 2006 /
TURBOWIN 3.0 / 33 / 600 observations in electronic form are received

d.  Data Management:

Total number of BBXX distributed on the GTS in 2006 / -
Frequency of VOS data submitted for the GCC in 2006 / 7278

e.  Major challenges and difficulties:

f.  Research / development / testing:

g.  Other comments:

h.  Major challenges and difficulties:

i.  Research / development / testing:

j.  Other comments:

Appendix 1: List of National Focal Points for SOT / VOS / VOSClim. Country: INDIA

Focal Point * / India
Name / Smt Sunitha Devi Meteorologist Gr I
Title / Focal Point
Postal Address / Office of Deputy Director General of Meteorology (Weather Forecasting),
India Meteorological Department,
Shivajinagar, Pune 411005
Email /

Telephone / +91 020 25535211 ext. 558
Facsimile / +91 020 25533201

Appendix 2: List of Port Meteorological Officers. Country: INDIA

Name / Shri P. Dattachowdhury, AM-II / Shri M. Yovas / Shri N. Rengaswamy
Title / Port Meteorological Office / Port Meteorological Office / Port Meteorological Office
Postal Address / Port Meteorological Office, Alibnagar, Malkhana Building,
N. S. Dock, Gate No. 3, KOLKATA – 700043 / Port Meteorological Office, Cochin Harbour,
North End, Wellingdon Island, KOCHI - 682 009. / Port Meteorological Office, 10th Floor, Cenetenary Building,
Chennai Port Trust, Rajaji Road, Chennai - 600 001
Telephone / +91 033 24793167 / +91 0484 2667042 / +91 044 25360187 ext 23
Name / Shri K. Anand Rao / Shri P. K. Supekar / Shri P. S. Chattopadhyay
Title / Port Meteorological Office / Port Meteorological Liasion Office / Port Meteorological Office
Postal Address / Port Meteorological Office, C/o The Director,
Cyclone Warning Centre, Chinna Waltair,
VISAKHAPATNAM-530 017 / Officer-in-charge,
Port Meteorological Liasion Office, Sada P.O.., Head Land Sada,
GOA - 403 804 / Port Meteorological Office,
3rd Floor, New Labour Hamallage Building,
Yellow Gate, Indira Dock,
FORT, MUMBAI - 400 001
Telephone / +91 0891 2746506 / +91 0832 2520012 / +91 022 22613 733