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Chapter 8 Photosynthesis

8.1 energy and Life

Session 1 Diagnostic activity- Answer the questions in plenary.

1-  What is photosynthesis?


2-  Name three examples of organisms that carry out photosynthesis.


3-  What is the importance of photosynthesis to living things?


Chemical energy and ATP

ATP as a Charged Battery An analogy takes two things that seem to be different and shows how they can be similar.

1. How is a partially charged battery like ADP?

2. Why do cells contain only a small amount of ATP?

A. ATP cannot store large amounts of energy for a long time.

B. ATP releases energy too quickly.

C. ATP cannot carry out active transport.

D. ATP has only two phosphate groups.

Chemical Energy and ATP

Chemical Energy Living things use chemical fuels. One of the most important compounds that cells use to store and release energy is ATP.

Follow the directions. Then answer the questions.

1. Trace the outlines of the adenosine molecule and the three phosphate groups.

2. Cut out each phosphate group.

3. Arrange the phosphate groups on the adenosine molecule to form a molecule of ATP.

4. When ATP is changed to ADP, it releases energy. Change your ATP molecule so that it forms ADP. What change did you make?

5. ADP can be converted into ATP. Change your ADP molecule into ATP. What change did you make?

6. Fill in the blanks with two or three. The primary difference in the structures of ATP and ADP is that ATP has phosphate groups and ADP has phosphate groups.

Write a brief summary that mentions the importance of the ATP molecule regarding how it stores and releases energy.


Session 2

Heterotrophs and autotrophs

Fill in the following table.

Heterotrophs / Autotrophs
Define the term / ______
______/ ______

History of the discovery of photosynthesis

Write the contributions that the following scientist made on photosynthesis.

Jan Baptiste van Helmont ______


Joseph Priestley ______


Jan Ingenhousz ______


Melvin Calvin ______


8.1 Assessment

1- a. Review What is ATP and what is its role in the cell?


b. Explain How does the structure of ATP make it an ideal source of energy for the cell?


c. Use Analogies Explain how ADP and ATP are each like a battery. Which one is “partially charges” and which one is “fully charged?” Why?


2- a. Review What is the ultimate source of energy for plants?


b. Explain How do heterotrophs obtain energy? How is this different from how autotrophs obtain energy?


c. Infer Why are decomposers, such as mushrooms, considered heterotrophs and nos autotrophs?


8.2 Photosynthesis: An Overview

Session 3 Chlorophyll and chloroplasts

Write statements that indicate the relationship between light, pigments and chloroplasts.


Make a drawing of the chloroplast and list the names of its components and structures.

Chlorophyll and Chloroplasts

In addition to water and carbon dioxide, photosynthesis requires light and chlorophyll. Inside chloroplasts are thylakoids. The region outside the thylakoid is the stroma.

Answer the questions.

1. Where do the light-dependent reactions occur? Circle the correct answer.

thylakoids stroma

2. Where do the light-independent reactions occur? Circle the correct answer.

thylakoids stroma

3. Is the following statement true or false? In plants, photosynthesis takes place in the chloroplasts.

4. The function of chlorophyll is

A. to protect a plant from losing water.

B. to help plants absorb oxygen.

C. to protect the plant cell.

D. to capture energy from the sun.

Chlorophyll and Chloroplasts

Photosynthesis in plants takes place in organelles called chloroplasts. Within each chloroplast is a fluid-filled area called the stroma. Also inside each chloroplast are many saclike membranes called thylakoids. Thylakoids are connected to each other in stacks. Each stack is a granum.

Complete the Venn diagram to compare the stroma and a granum in a chloroplast. Use the phrases below. One has been done for you.

Answer the questions. Circle the correct answer(s).

1. Which reactions change the energy of sunlight to energy-rich carriers?

light-dependent reactions light-independent reactions

2. Which two reactants are needed for light-dependent reactions?

carbon dioxide light oxygen water

3. Which two reactants are needed for light-independent reactions?

carbon dioxide energy-rich compounds oxygen stroma

Photosynthesis overview

Write down the general chemical equation of photosynthesis, as well as the general stages.

8.2 Assessment

1- a. Review Why are pigments such as chlorophyll needed for photosynthesis?


b. Predict How well would a plant grow under pure yellow light? Explain your answer.


2- a. Review What is the function of NADPH?


b. Explain How is light energy converted into chemical energy during photosynthesis?


c. Infer How would photosynthesis be affected if there were a shortage of NADP+ in the cells of plants?


3- a. Review Describe the overall process of photosynthesis, including the reactants and products.


b. Interpret Visuals Look at Figure 8-7. Into which set of reactions—light- dependents or light –independent—does each reactant of photosynthesis enter? From which set of reactions is each product of photosynthesis generated?



Session 5 Chart definitions.

The chart below shows key terms from the lesson with their definitions. Complete the chart by writing a strategy to help you remember the meaning of each term. One has been done for you.

Term / Definition / How I’m Going to Remember the Meaning
ATP synthase / Enzyme that converts ADP and a phosphate group to ATP / Many enzymes end in the suffix –ase, and ATP synthase is an enzyme that produces ATP.
Calvin cycle / Another name for the light- independent reactions in which carbohydrates are produced
Electron transport chain / Series of electron-carrier proteins that transport high-energy electrons during the process of making ATP
Photosystem / Cluster of chlorophyll and proteins in the thylakoids essential to the light-dependent reactions

Make a Concept Map, include words that describe each of the concepts and show how it is associated to the one before. You may use an extra sheet of paper. Use the following words: photosynthesis, ATP synthase, photosystem II, electron transport chain, photosystems, thylakoids, NADPH, photosystem I, ATP, and oxygen.

Session 6 Light- dependent reactions

The process of photosynthesis

Flowchart A flowchart is a way to show the steps in a process. As you read, complete the flowchart to show the steps involved in the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis.

Write down the main events of the light- independent reactions and describe them.


Light-Dependent and Light-Independent Reactions

Photosynthesis involves two sets of reactions. The light-dependent reactions need sunlight. They use energy from this sunlight to produce energy-rich compounds, like ATP. The light-independent reactions use these energy-rich compounds to produce sugars from carbon dioxide.

Complete the T-chart. Write the phrases in the box that belong in each side of the chart.

Light-dependent Reactions / Light-independent Reactions

Session 7

8.3 Assessment

1- a. Review Summarize what happens during the light- dependent reactions of photosynthesis.


b. Sequence Put the events of the light- dependent reactions in the order in which they occur and describe how each step is dependent on the step that comes before it.


2- a. Review What is the Calvin cycle?


b. Compare and Contrast List at least three differences between the light- dependent and light- independent reactions of phosotynthesis.


3- a. Review What are the three primary factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis?


b. Interpret Graphs Look at the graph on page 240. What are the independent and dependent variables being tested?


Draw a thylakoid, in the box on the next page that shows the following:

a-  The location at which events occur in light- dependent reactions and where oxygen, ATP and NADPH are produced.

b-  Where events occur in independent reactions of light and where CO2, ATP NADPH are used and the place where sugar is produced.

Chapter Review

Use the clues and words to help you write the vocabulary terms from the chapter in the

blanks. You may use a word once or not at all.

1. molecule that carries high-energy electrons

2. light-absorbing molecule

3. enzyme that converts ADP into ATP

Answer the following questions.

4. What is the source of energy for plants?

5. What compound is broken down during photosynthesis to produce oxygen?


B. carbon dioxide

C. glucose

D. water

6. Which term is used for the series of electron carrier proteins that move high-energy

electrons during ATP-generating reactions? Circle the correct answer.

electron transport chain food chain hydrogen ion movement

7. What causes the gradient across the thylakoid membrane?

A. charge

B. H+ ion concentration

C. charge and H+ ion concentration

D. None of the above.

Use the diagrams of the ADP and ATP molecules to answer question 8.

8. Circle the compound that shows a cell’s stored energy.

9. The chart below compares ADP and ATP to a battery. Place check marks under the

category that best describes each molecule.

Partially Charged Battery / Fully Charged Battery

Chapter 8 Assessment

1-  Which of the following are autotrophs?

a-  deer

b-  Plants

c-  Leopards

d-  mushrooms

2-  One of the principal chemical compounds that living things use to store energy is

a-  DNA

b-  ATP

c-  H2O

d-  CO2

3-  The amount of energy stored in a molecule of ATP compared to the amount stored in a molecule of glucose.

a-  greater

b-  less

c-  the same

d-  variable, depending on conditions

4-  When a candle burns, energy is released in the form of

a-  Carbon dioxide and water

b-  The chemical substance ATP

c-  Light and heat

d-  Electricity and motion

5-  How do heterotrophs and autotrophs differ in the way they obtain energy?


6-  Describe the three parts of an ATP molecule. ______

7-  Compare the amounts of energy stored by ATP and glucose. Which compound is used by the cell as an immediate source of energy?


8-  Use the analogy Develop an analogy to explain ATP and energy transfer to a classmate who does not understand the concept.


9-  Infer Examine the photograph of the Indian pipe plant shown here. What can you conclude about the ability of the Indian pipe plant to make its own food? Explain your answer.

10-  In addition to light and chlorophyll, photosynthesis requires

a-  Water and oxygen

b-  Water and sugar

c-  Oxygen and carbon dioxide

d-  Water and carbon dioxide

11-  The leaves of a plant appear green because chlorophyll

a-  Reflects blue light

b-  Absorbs blue light

c-  Reflects green light

d-  Absorbs green light

12-  Write the basic equation for photosynthesis using the name of the starting and final substances of the process. ______

13-  What role do plant pigments play in the process of photosynthesis? ______

14-  Identify the structure labeled A, B, C, and D. In which structure(s) do the light-dependent reactions occur? In which structure(s) does the Calvin cycle take place?

15-  Form a Hypothesis Although they appear green, some plant leaves contain yellow and red pigments as well as chlorophyll. In the fall, those leaves may become red or yellow. Suggest an explanation for these color changes. ______

16-  Predict Suppose you water a potted plant and place it by a window in a transparent, airtight jar. Predict how the rate of photosynthesis might be affected over the next few days. What might happen if the plant were left there for several weeks? Explain.


17-  The first process in the light- dependent reactions of photosynthesis is

a-  Light absorption

b-  Electron transport

c-  Oxygen production

d-  ATP formation

18-  Which substance from the light- dependent reaction of photosynthesis is a source of energy for the Calvin cycle?

a-  ADP


c-  H2O

d-  Pyruvic acid

19-  The light- independent reactions of photosynthesis are also known as the

a-  Calvin cycle

b-  sugar cycle

c-  carbon cycle

d-  ATP cycle

20-  ATP synthase in the chloroplast membrane makes ATP, utilizing the energy of highly concentrated

a-  Chlorophyll

b-  Electrons

c-  Hydrogen ions


21-  CAM plants are specialized to survive under what conditions that would harm most other kinds of plants?

a-  Low temperatures

b-  Excess water

c-  Hot, dry conditions

d-  Long day lengths

22-  Explain the role of NADP+ as an energy carrier in photosynthesis. ______

23-  Describe the role of ATP synthase and explain how it works. ______

24-  Summarize what happens during the Calvin Cycle. ______

25-  Discuss three factors that affect the rate at which photosynthesis occurs. ______

26-  Study Figure 8-11 on page 238 and give evidence to support the idea that the Calvin cycle does not depend on light.


27-  Apply Concepts How do the events in the Calvin cycle depend on the light- dependent reactions of photosynthesis?


Session 8

Chapter 9 Cellular Respiration and Fermentation

9.1 Cellular Respiration: An Overview

Diagnostic activity. Answer the following questions.

1-  How is the energy contained in food extracted?


2-  Are you breathing through your nose or through your cells?


3-  What is the difference between cellular respiration and pulmonary respiration?


Take notes on the section named Chemical Energy and Food. Pg. 250 of your text book.


Session 9 Overview of Cellular respiration

Take notes on the following concepts of cellular respiration: