Préface (Alain FEUGIER, Dr.Envir.IFP))



part I


Chapter 1. Base lubricating oil manufacturing


1.1 Conventional mineral base oils manufacturing

1.2 Non conventional mineral base oils manufacturing

1.3 Syntheses oils manufacturing

1.3.1 The polyalphaolefins

1.3.2 The organic esters

1.4 The main additives used

1.4.1 The antioxidant additives

1.4.2 The detergent additives

1.4.3 The dispersing additives

1.4.4 The antiwear additives

1.4.5 The viscosity index improvers

1.4.6 The pour point depressors

1.4.7 The antirust and anticorrosion additives

1.4.8 The antifoam additives

Chapter 2. Oil use in the engine, collect and controls

2.1 Usual use of the oil in the engine

2.2 Total waste oil to dispose of

2.3 Collect

2.3.1 Waste oil composition, collect and analyses

2.3.2 Collect organization, financing and legislation

2.4 European data (collect, recycling and rerefining capacity)

2.4.1 Waste oil collection and disposal for every country

2.4.2 Rerefining plants annual production in the European countries

2.4.3 Brief survey of the waste oil management in the European countries

2.5 Short review on the rerefining industry in France and financing procedures



Chapter 3 Oil composition and the treatment steps required

3.1 Upstream treatments

3.2 Separations processes

3.2.1 Physical/chemical separation processes (sulfuric acid, thermal treatment, flocculation) 3.2.2 The physical separation treatments (vacuum distillation, deasphalting, ultrafiltration, centrifugation)

3.3 Finishing steps

3.3.1 Bleaching clay

3.3.2 Catalytic hydrotreatment (process and catalyst)

3.4 Rerefining schemes: Yields evolution and ecological restraint

Chapter 4 Main processes available (industrialized or not)


4.1 The MEINKEN process involving sulfuric acid and clay

4.1.1 Process description

4.1.2 Waste production

4.1.3 Process improvement

4.2 The MATTHYS/GARAP process (acid, clay, centrifugation)

4.2.1 Introduction

4.2.2 Process description

4.2.3 Conclusion

4.3 The ECOHUILE process

4.3.1 Review of previous activities

4.3.2 Used oil receipt and control

4.3.3 Production scheme

4.3.4 Base oils and gas-oil analyses

4.4 The REVIVOIL process (DSV, propane extraction on residue, Hydrofinishing)

4.4.1 Review

4.4.2 Process applied to day and in the near future at Viscolube S.p.A.

4.4.3 Feedstocks and products analyses

4.4.4 Some advantages of the process

4.4.5 Economics

4.5 The KTI process (Thin film evaporator + refining)

4.5.1 Introduction

4.5.2 Process description

4.5.3 Feedstocks and products analyses

4.6 The CEP/MOHAWK process (Thin film evaporator + refining)

4.7 The“ EVERGREEN OIL ” process (stems from Mohawk with technical and economical improvements)

4.8 The SNAMPROGETI process (two steps involving propane + refining)

4.8.1 Introduction

4.8.2 Process description - (first scheme)

4.8.3 Feedstocks and products analyses

4.8.4 Conclusion

4.9 The Vaxon process (multi-evaporators + refining)

4.9.1 Introduction

4.9.2 Description of a separation stage

4.9.3 Complete process description

4.9.4 Feedstocks and products description

4.9.5 Conclusions

4.10 The SOTULUB Process (Thin film evaporator, basic additive “antipoll ”)

4.10.1 Main characteristics of the process.

4.10.2 Patents survey.

4.10.3 To date process description.

4.10.4 Feedstocks and products annalyses.

4.10.5 Economical data.


4.11.1 Introduction

4.11.2 Process description

4.11.3 Products analyses

4.11.4 Economics

4.11.5 PCB removal from transformer oils

4.12 The REGELUB process (ultrafiltration + hydrofinishing)

4.13 The n.M.2.P solvent extraction process

4.13.1 Introduction

4.13.2 Application of the process to waste oil

4.13.3 The BECHTEL process description

4.13.4 The MRD-Solvent-Extraction-Procedure and process optimization using n-M 2-P

4.14 The PROP TECHNOLOGY process (Phillips Petroleum Company - phosphate d'ammonium + hydrofinishing)

4.14.1 Process description

4.14.2 Process features

4.14.3 Economics

4.14.4 Conclusion

4.15 The UOP process (Direct Contact Hydrogenation + catalytic hydrotreatment)

4.15.1 Process description

4.15.2 Pilot tests

4.15.3 Material balance and products analyses

4.15.4 Economics

4.15.5 Conclusion

4.16 The INTERLINE process (Interline Resources Corporation)-(Chemical pretreatment, water and sludge removal using cold propane)

4.16.1 Introduction

4.16.2 Process description

4.16.3 Products analyses

4.16.4 Economics

4.16.5 Process features

4.17 The ENTRA TECHNOLOGY process (thermal reaction under vacuum, very short residence time + finishing)

4.17.1 Introduction

4.17.2 Process description

4.17.3 Process features

4.17.4 Conclusion

4.18 The CHUSCEN process (ARCESA S.A.) (conversion into fuel for ship engine)

4.18.1 Introduction

4.18.2 Process description

4.18.3 Comments and conclusion

4.19 The CODATEN process (HP microemulsion, metals removal, finishing step)

4.19.1 Introduction

4.19.2 Equipment description

4.19.3 Application to engine waste oil

4.19.4 Process description

4.19.5 Conclusion

4.20 The CITRA/EXTRAMET process (sulfur, halides and metals removal in a melted salts mixture

4.20.1 Introduction

4.20.2 metals removal step description

4.20.3 Comments on the process

4.21 The CeraMem process (ultrafiltration through membranes)

4.21.1 Process description

4.21.2 CeraMem approach and membranes used

4.21.3 Main results

4.21.4 Economics

4.22 The PROBEX - Proterra process

4.22.1 Introduction

4.22.2 main steps of the process

4.22.3 Brief process description

4.23 The TIQSONS Technologies process (antifouling additive + preflash + vacuum + finishing)

4.24 The flocculation process by organic solvent extraction (Wismann et al)

4.25 Syntheses on the processes described

4.25.1 The commercialized processes

4.25.2 The non commercialized processes

4.26 Economics

4.26.1 Economics data specific to waste oil

4.26.2 Typical case evaluation



Chapter 5 Engine used oil combustion, alone or mixed with other fuels

5.1 Engine used oil combustion

5.1.1 Introduction

5.1.2 Detailed characteristics of this combustion

5.1.3 Elemental analyses and combustion calculations

5.1.4 Stack gas treatment

5.1.5 Co-incineration

5.2 Waste oil preparation at the user or in a storages center in view of energetic valorization

5.2.1 Usual scheme of preparation equipment (based on 10 000 t/y)

5.2.2 Equipment cost evaluation

5.2.3 Control analyses on site. Analyses equipment cost

5.3 Combustion of engine waste oil mixed with n°6 fuel oil.

5.3.1 Introduction

5.3.2 Characteristics of each fuel

5.3.3 Mixture waste oil/N°6 fuel survey

5.3.4 Mixture waste oil/fuel n°6 combustion

5.3.5 Conclusions

5.4 Valorization in the cement industry

5.4.1 Introduction

5.4.2 Cement manufacturing process

5.4.3 Furnace energetic needs and fuels generally used.

5.4.4 Wastes elimination in cement works

5.4.5 Waste oil combustion in cement works furnace.

5.5 Valorization in asphalt plants

5.5.1 General characteristics of an asphalt plant

5.5.2 Usual fuel substitution by waste oil

Chapter 6 Other valorizations

6.1 Valorization in refinery

6.1.1 Refinery valorization survey under the aegis of UFIP (FCC route)

6.1.2 Valorization into lube oils

6.1.3 Refinery valorization presented by Chemical Engineering Partners

6.2 Valorization by cogeneration (diesel engines and turbines - combined cycle)

6.2.1 Diesel engine coupled with alternator

6.2.2 Combined cycle involving gas and steam turbines after waste oil gazeification.

6.3 Regeneration residues valorization.

6.3.1 Regeneration residues analyses

6.3.2 Valorization of mixtures of asphalt with regeneration vacuum residue

6.3.3 Valorization of mixtures of asphalt with propane deasphalting residue

6.3.4 Sulfuric acid sludges valorization.

6.3.5 Conclusion

Chapter 7 Waste oil rerefining and combustion comparison in terms of TEP saved


7.1 Case n°1 - Waste oil is burnt without any pretreatment.

7.1.1 Waste oil combustion assumption (advantages and drawbacks)

7.1.2 Rerefining assumption.

7.1.3 Energy available resulting from non manufacturing a product.

7.1.4 Two routes comparison and conclusion.

7.2 Case n°2 - Waste oil is transformed into clean fuel before combustion.


7.2.1 Waste oil potentiality for the combustion route.

7.2.2 Clean fuel definition.

7.2.3 Waste oil transformation into clean fuel

7.2.4 Processes selected for this transformation (flocculation and ultrafiltration)

7.2.5 Material balance and economical evaluation.