English IIMidterm Review/ Mrs. Brumback

Part I: Reading Comprehension -18 multiple choice questions worth 1 point each

You will read a story and answer 10 questions about the story based on your study of British literature this semester. You will also read a sonnet (that you haven’t read before) and answer 8 questions about the sonnet.

Part II: Literary Terms–10 matching questions worth 1 point each

This section has 2 groups of 5 matching questions over literary terms. You are responsible for the following terms. Some will be asked in this portion and other terms will be used in later questions about other works of literature.

AlliterationCoupletShakespearean/English Sonnet

BalladKenningItalian SonnetMood

CaesuraNovelSonnet StructureTone

EpicRefrainIambic Pentameter Plot Structure

ExemplumRiddlePerfect Rhyme

Frame storySatireSlant Rhyme

Part III: British literature selections– 42 multiple choice questions worth 1 point each

Listed below are the selections that we read this midterm:

Epic: Beowulf

Ballads: Lord Randall, Get Up and Bar the Door, Barbara Allen, Sir Patrick Spensand The Twa Corbies

Poetry (frame story): The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales

Exemplum (anecdote): The Pardoner’s Tale

Sonnets: Notes on sonnet forms and examples by Petrarch and Shakespeare

Pastorals: The Passionate Shepherd to his Love, The Nymph’s Reply

Novel: Frankenstein

Review all your notes, quizzes and tests on the works listed above. You may feel that it is necessary to review the literature to refresh your memory.

Part V: Essay– One 5 paragraph essay worth 30 points

Prompt attached - The essay must be typed using standard writing conventions and MLA format. The essay is due on exam day.

Studying literature gives readers insight to the society and/or to societal problems of the times. Each of the three major pieces of literature studied this semester gave insight to the society. Using Beowulf, Canterbury Tales and Frankenstein discuss how each piece of literature reflects society.

Suggested Outline

I. Introduction

II. Discuss Beowulf and how it reflected Anglo-Saxon life. Defend and support with concrete details and discussion.

III. Discuss Canterbury Tales and how it reflected Medieval Life (especially on the Church). Defend and support with concrete details and discussion.

IV. Discuss Frankenstein and Shelley’s commentary on the dangers of the pursuit of knowledge.Defend and support with concrete details and discussion.

V. Conclusion

Essay Grading

  1. Grammar and mechanics
  2. Literature is discussed in the present tense
  3. Follows MLA format
  4. Clear, concise introduction featuring the thesis statement as the last sentence of the introduction.
  5. Thesis clearly outlines the paper’s argument: contains a textual assertion and the implications of the textual assertion.
  6. Body paragraphs include clearly stated topic and concluding sentences. Logical transitions are utilized throughout the essay.
  7. Coherent, organized, formal and persuasive arguments that prove the thesis
  8. Each body paragraph includes a minimum of two concrete details (evidence) supporting the argument stated in the topic sentence.
  9. Each piece of evidence is analyzed for meaning.
  10. Concluding paragraph includes a restated thesis and frames the argument of the paper in the context of a bigger issue.