Aston Language School Application Form

Applicant Information

Applicant NameClick here to enter text.
Home PhoneClick here to enter text.
Other ContactClick here to enter text.
Email AddressClick here to enter text.

Skype NameClick here to enter text.

Address (permanent home)

Number and StreetClick here to enter text.
City Click here to enter text.
State/ProvinceClick here to enter text.

ZIP / Postal CodeClick here to enter text.

CountryClick here to enter text.

Address (current postal – if as above leave blank)

Number and StreetClick here to enter text.
City Click here to enter text.
State/ProvinceClick here to enter text.

ZIP / Postal CodeClick here to enter text.

CountryClick here to enter text.

D.O.B.Click here to enter a date.

Marital status:Choose an item.

NationalityClick here to enter text.


Position or program applying for:Choose an item.

Whichterm are you interested in joining? (See attached term dates)

In which year would you like to begin?Choose an item.

If offered a place, are you able to participate for the whole term? Choose an item.

If no, please give details of yourpreferred start and end dates

Click here to enter a date.Click here to enter a date.

Are you willing to participate in activities on weekends?Choose an item.

Are you willing to participate in activities in the evening?Choose an item.

What is your main reason for wanting to participate?Choose an item.

Education, Training and Experience

High School:
School name: Click here to enter text.

School address:Click here to enter text.
School city, state, zip:Click here to enter text.

Number of years completed: Click here to enter text.
Did you graduate?Choose an item.
Degree / diploma earned:Click here to enter text.

College / University:
School name: Click here to enter text.
School address:Click here to enter text.
School city, state, zip:Click here to enter text.

Number of years completed:Click here to enter text.
Did you graduate?Choose an item.
Degree / diploma earned:

Do you possess a TEFL or equivalent certificate?Choose an item.

If yes, give details:Click here to enter text.

Please describe any experience you have working with childrenClick here to enter text.

Please give brief details of your last 3 jobs (include employer, duties and dates)

Job1Click here to enter text. Click here to enter a date.Click here to enter a date.

Job2Click here to enter text. Click here to enter a date.Click here to enter a date.

Job3Click here to enter text. Click here to enter a date.Click here to enter a date.

Please give details of any volunteer work you have been involved in

Click here to enter text.

Please give details of any employment or character referees you would like to include

Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text.

Personal Information

Have you ever applied to / worked for Aston before?Choose an item.
If yes, please explain (include dates)Click here to enter a date.

If offered a place, would you be able to present a scan or good photograph of your passport for identification and visa application purposes? Choose an item.

Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence?Choose an item.

If yes, please give detailsClick here to enter text.

(Note: No applicant will be denied employment solely on the grounds of conviction of a criminal offense. The date of the offense, the nature of the offense, including any significant details that affect the description of the event, and the surrounding circumstances and the relevance of the offense to the position(s) applied for may, however, be considered.)

Do you have any chronic or existing illnesses?Choose an item.

Do you have any allergies?Choose an item.

Have you had any inoculations for travel purposes?Choose an item.

If yes, please give details including datesClick here to enter text.

Do you take regular medication?Choose an item.

Do you have any special dietary requirements?Choose an item.

If yes, please give detailsClick here to enter text.

Have you ever been refused a visa for China?Choose an item.

If yes, please give detailsClick here to enter text.

How did you hear about our organisation?Choose an item.

Term Dates

Autumn Term 2017/8
Airport pick-up 30 or 31 August
Training and orientation 1-8 September
First day or term 9 September
Last day of term 14 January 2018 / Spring Term 2018 (Exact Dates to be Decided)
Airport pick-up 22 or 23 February
Training and orientation 24 February to 2 March
First day of term 10 March
Last day of term 24 June
Summer 2018 (Exact Dates to be Decided)
Airport pick-up 27 or 28 June
Training and orientation 29 June to 6 July
First day of term 14 July
Last day of term 28 August / Autumn Term 2018 (Exact Dates to be Decided)
Airport pick-up 1 or 2 September
Training and orientation 3-15 September
First day of term 15 September
Last day of term 13 January 2018