Sandyston Township
June 14, 2011
This meeting was opened and called to order at 9:05 am by Mayor Harper who stated this meeting was being held in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act, having been duly advertised.
Roll Call
The clerk was asked to call the roll. Present were: Deputy Mayor Leppert and Mayor George Harper. Absent: Committeeman MacDonald.
Also in attendance: Betsy Pinzone, Glenn Hull
The Mayor invited all to join in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes: The Committee reviewed the Regular Meeting minutes of Tuesday, May 8, 2011. Deputy Mayor Leppert made a motion to approve the minutes of Tuesday, May 8, 2011, seconded by Mayor Harper and unanimously carried.
Tax Collector Report: The Tax Collector’s report for the month of May 2011 was presented with total receipts Month-to-Date of $847,854.44 and Year-to-Date of $2,432,504.71. Mayor Harper made a motion to approve the Tax Collector’s Report, seconded by Deputy Mayor Leppert and unanimously carried.
Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s Report for the month of May 2011 was presented with a beginning balance of $235,414.47, total receipts of $916,562.50, and total disbursements of $688,753.87 with an ending balance of $463,223.10. Mayor Harper stated General Capital Account now has a balance of $599,815.05, Animal Control Escrow $31,303.13, Public Assist Escrow $3,521.48, Unemployment Escrow $20,969.96, COAH Trust $34,884.07 and the Small Cities Master $42,540.98 (Housing Rehab). Mayor Harper made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report, seconded by Deputy Mayor Leppert and unanimously carried.
Payment of Vouchers: The Bills List for the month May 2011 was submitted for approval in the amount of $237,680.76. Mayor Harper made a motion to approve the payment of bills, seconded by Deputy Mayor Leppert and unanimously carried.
Departmental Reports: The Committee reviewed the departmental reports. The Clerk advised the Committee that Hampton Township has stated they are willing to do a Shared Service Agreement with Sandyston Township with regard to their truck washing facility. Mayor Harper made a motion to ask Hampton to match the same Shared Service Agreement that Wantage Township has presented to Sandyston Township, seconded by Deputy Mayor Leppert and unanimously carried.
Old Business:
Layton Post Office: Mayor Harper stated the Bike Rack, Bench and pavers will be installed at a future date. Mayor Harper stated we are waiting for the contractor to start the replacement of the roof over the side entrance of the Layton Post Office.
C.O.A.H. Update: The Committee stated there has been no activity with COAH since the last meeting.
Green Acres Submission/Municipally Owned Property: There has been no word from the State of New Jersey since the November 2009 Meeting regarding the proposal submitted by Louis Cherepy for the possible land swap with the State. Mayor Harper stated this will be reviewed after the public auction of the foreclosed properties.
Flatbrook Road: There has been no word as to the maintenance on Flatbrook Road. The Mayor stated we have received a complaint which has been forwarded to the State.
Public Auction – Scheduled for July 12, 2011 at 7:30 pm. The Mayor stated the signs are posted on the properties being auctioned. The Clerk stated the public auction resolution will be in the newspaper once a week in the two weeks prior the public auction.
Performance Bond: David Simmons of Harold E. Pellow & Associates will be compiling a deficiency list for the Apple Pit property owner. The last resort will be to call the Performance Bond.
Quote: Smoke Detectors for Municipal Building/Fire Department: The Clerk stated she is working to acquire a second quote for this work.
New Business:
Jessica Caldwell of Harold E. Pellow & Associates, came forward to discuss a possible COAH/Small Cities project for Stevenson property. The Committee reviewed a proposal prepared by Mrs. Caldwell which would utilize all the money in the COAH Trust and the Small Cities Trust. Mayor Harper addressed the concerns of our auditor in mingling the two funds. Mrs. Caldwell stated the COAH funds would be used for the building purchase and the Small Cities funds would be for the demolition and construction work. After a lengthy discussion the Committee expressed concerns on depleting both funds for this project and running the risk of needing more money or not being able to help other residents who might need the Small Cities money. The Committee asked Mrs. Caldwell to review the project again and see how to best utilize either the COAH money or the Small Cities Money.
Jessica Caldwell of Harold E. Pellow & Associates also updated the Committee on the status of Plan Endorsement. Mrs. Caldwell stated we have gone through our Consistency Review and have received we have received the Action Plan. Mrs. Caldwell stated she talked to Kate Meade of Office of Planning Advocacy on scaling the Action Plan back so we do not have to expend funds. Ms. Meade has stated she is currently talking to other agencies receiving help from the State. There should be a Memorandum of Understanding coming to us in July and that would give Sandyston Township back the Centers Designation.
Jessica Caldwell of Harold E. Pellow & Associates also stated that COAH is now being heard by the Supreme Court.
Quote: Concrete Replacement by STVFD Entrance
The Committee reviewed three quotes for the replacement of the concrete walkway by the Fire Department entrance. One quote received from Vela Masonry for the install of the concrete walkway for $1,210; one quote from TY Landscaping & Hauling for the demolition, removal and install of the concrete walkway for $1,100 and one quote from TY Landscaping & Hauling for just the install of the concrete walkway for $650. Mayor Harper made a motion to accept the quote offered by TY Landscaping & Hauling in the amount of $650 with our road department doing the demolition, seconded by Deputy Mayor Leppert and unanimously carried.
Quote: Electrical
As per our Loss Control Survey on April 5, 2011 performed by our insurance company, Statewide Insurance, recommendations were made for outlets in fire department and kitchen because they currently present some sort of hazard. The Committee reviewed a quote from M & B Electric for this electrical work in the amount of $1,000. Mayor Harper made a motion to accept the quote from M & B Electric in the amount of $1,000, seconded by Deputy Mayor Leppert and unanimously carried.
Sussex County/Morris County Improvement Authority (MCIA) Solar Initiative Program: The Clerk stated she contacted Gable Associates regarding the possibility of Sandyston Township joining the County with the Solar Initiative Program and was informed our electrical load is not enough to meet the requirement for a ground mounted system. The Clerk also inquired as to the roof size requirements and was informed they viewed our building via satellite and it does not meet the requirements. The Committee suggested looking into quotes to save money on our electrical bills.
Use of Building: Flu Clinic scheduled for Wednesday, October 19, 2011 from 2:00 pm – 7:30 pm. Mayor Harper made a motion to approve the use of the building for this event, seconded by Deputy Mayor Leppert and unanimously carried.
Use of Building: STVFD – Saturday, June 18, 2011 from 2:00 to 5:00 pm. The fire department has requested use of the meeting hall to host a lunch following the funeral service for Charter Member, Harold Haskins. Mayor Harper made a motion to approve the use of the building for this event, seconded by Deputy Mayor Leppert and unanimously carried.
Application for Blue Light Permit: The Committee reviewed the Application for Renewal Blue Light Permit for Edward Drake. Mayor Harper made a motion to approve this Blue Light Permit, seconded by Deputy Mayor Leppert and unanimously carried.
WHEREAS, the Township of Sandyston strives to be a place where military veterans can feel at ease,and,
WHEREAS, the Sandyston Township Committee would like to join the County of Sussex in continuing a long tradition of honoring those who gave their lives for their country, and,
WHEREAS, the Sandyston Township Committee recognizes that there are no veterans cemeteries in Northern New Jersey and families of those who gave their life for their country need to travel hours in order to pay respects to their loved ones,and,
WHEREAS, there is a desperate need for additional burial spaces for our World War II veterans who are dying at a national rate of 1,000 per day, and
WHEREAS, Korean War veterans who are in their 60’s and 70’s; and Vietnam Veterans, who are in their 50’s and 60’s, will also need space, and
WHEREAS, the Vietnam Veterans of America, Wallkill Valley Chapter 1002 seeks support from the Township in their pursuit of this worthy endeavor in Sussex, and,
WHEREAS, supporting this endeavor is not only a way to remember those who died for their county, but also those who were prepared to make the supreme sacrifice for their country in defense of those sacred ideals of liberty, freedom, and justice for all,and,
WHEREAS, President Abraham Lincoln said in the Gettysburg Address that it is for, “us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Sandyston supports the proposed efforts of the Veterans of America, Wallkill Valley Chapter 1002 that a veteran’s cemetery be located in Northern New Jersey, Sussex County, in the honor of those who gave the greatest sacrifice.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Sandyston that a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the Sussex County Freeholders, Sussex County Administrator J. Eskilson, and all Sussex County municipalities.
Mayor Harper made a motion to approve R-30-2011, seconded by Deputy Mayor Leppert and unanimously carried.
WHEREAS, the Alcohol Beverage Control Law provides for an issuing authority in each municipality for the purposes of issuing, renewing, and transferring retail liquor licenses and encouraging that law, ABC rules and regulations and local ordinances pertaining to the control of alcoholic beverages; and
WHEREAS, the Alcohol Beverage Control Law entrusts the governing body of the municipality to assume the role of the issuing authority; and
WHEREAS, application must be made annually for renewal of all retail licenses; and
WHEREAS, all fees have been paid by Licensees; and
WHEREAS, Clearance Certificate(s) for Renewal are in the possession of the Municipal Clerk for the retail alcoholic beverage license holders listed below.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Committee of the Township of Sandyston, County of Sussex, State of New Jersey, that the following applications be approved for renewal:
CJM Liquors, Inc. 1917-33-002-004 Flatbrook Tap House
Robert J. Edwards 1917-33-007-002 Gyp’s Tavern
Hainesville Inn 1917-33-004-004 Ashwood Tavern
NIM Foods LLC 1917-33-001-007 Fratelli’s Restaurant
Nick’s Bar & Grill, LLC. 1917-33-006-002 Nick’s Bar & Grill LLC
Nighthawk Enterprises 1917-33-005-005 Layton Hotel Sportmens Bar & Grill
Deputy Mayor Leppert made a motion to approve R-31-2011, seconded by Mayor Harper and unanimously carried.
WHEREAS, the Open Public Records Act (OPRA) (N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1 et seq.) was adopted to assure the public’s access to sufficient information to enable it to understand and evaluate the actions of public bodies by making accessible for inspection or copying all government records; and
WHEREAS, since the adoption of OPRA, there has been an escalating series of requests by private sector firms from all over the nation for voluminous public records, already freely accessible to the general public through government websites, with the intent of selling said information to the general public for a profit; and
WHEREAS, said information is already freely available to the public on government websites; and
WHEREAS, this information freely obtained for resale to the public involves an extra cost to the general public, once upon its creation by government employees, second upon extraction, copying and frequently, conversion to specific formats by government employees, and thirdly by sale to the same public who have already paid twice for this information; and
WHEREAS, this constitutes additional substantial costs to the taxpaying public solely to benefit a private entity; and
WHEREAS, in the new renaissance of fiscal responsibility, unnecessary expenses by government should strictly be curtailed.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Sandyston, County of Sussex, State of New Jersey that the current Open Public Records Act be amended to preserve its original intent and reduce expenses to the public by providing that in situations where the requested documents are already available to the public on a downloadable government website, regardless of format, a referral of the requestor to the said website shall fully comply with the OPRA obligation of the governmental unit, with no need to convert the data contained therein to any other format; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Township Committee of the Township of Sandyston requests as follows:
1. that our local legislators draft and introduce such legislation; and
2. that the President of the State Senate and the Speaker of the State Assembly urge adoption of such legislation; and
3. that Governor Chris Christie sign and execute such legislation upon its adoption; and
4. that all Counties in the State and municipalities in the County of Sussex adopt and distribute similar Resolutions; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this Resolution be sent to Honorable Chris Christie, Governor, State of New Jersey, State House, P.O. Box 001, Trenton, NJ 08625; Honorable Stephen M. Sweeney, President, NJ State Senate, 935 Kings Highway, Suite 400, West Deptford, NJ 08086; Honorable Sheila Y. Oliver, Speaker of the NJ State Assembly, 15-33 Halsted Street, Suite 202, East Orange, NJ 07018; Honorable Steven V. Oroho, State Senator, 115 Demarest Road, Suite 2B, Sparta, NJ 07871; Honorable Gary R. Chiusano, State Assemblyman, 115 Demarest Road, Suite 2B, Sparta, NJ 07871; Honorable Alison Littell McHose, State Assemblywoman, 115 Demarest Road, Suite 2B, Sparta, NJ 07871; all Boards of Chosen Freeholders in the State of New Jersey; and all Municipal Clerks in the County of Sussex.