Meeting of the INSARAG Regional Group Asia/Pacific

Brisbane, Australia

28/29 November 2006

Chairman’s Summary and Work-plan

The meeting was opened by Mr. Robert Cornall, Secretary of the Attorney-General’s Department and Chair of the Australian Emergency Management Committee (AEMC) after introductory remarks by the Chairman Mr. Tony Pearce, Director General, Emergency Management Australia. On behalf of the United Nations, opening remarks were made by Mr. Arjun Katoch, Chief, Field Coordination Support Section, OCHA-Geneva and Secretary INSARAG. The meeting was attended by 49 participants from 23 countries and organisations. A list of participants is attached.

The meeting included the following presentations:

-  Review of progress on decisions of the last Asia/Pacific, which was held in New Delhi, India, in November 2005 (Mr. Arjun Katoch, INSARAG Secretariat).

-  Reports on worldwide INSARAG activities carried out since the last regional meeting (Mr. Thomas Peter, INSARAG Secretariat)

-  Introduction and update of purpose and activities of the INSARAG Regional Antenna in Tunisia (Mr. Moncef Belkhir, Director General Tunisian Civil Protection and Chairman of the INSARAG Regional Group Africa/Europe)

-  Report and lessons learned of the Asia Pacific Regional USAR exercise, held in Shijiazhunag, China in August 2006 (Mr. Huang Jianfa, Director, Department of Earthquake and Disaster Management, China Earthquake Administration)

-  Report of the INSARAG inter-regional working group on training (Mr. Dewey Perks, USA, Chairman of the INSARAG Training Advisory Group)

-  Presentation about rescue dog standards and evaluation criteria and search dog training opportunities (Mr. Wolfgang Hitsch, International Rescue dog Organisation, IRO)

-  Introduction of the revised INSARAG Guidelines (Mr. John Lovell, New Zealand, Chairman of the INSARAG Guidelines revision working group)

-  Introduction of the concept of GDACS on-line simulation exercises as part of the overall INSARAAG training concept (Mr. Thomas Peter, INSARAG Secretariat)

-  Presentation on the INSARAG USAR classification and evaluation concept and lessons learned in previous USAR team evaluation exercises (Mr. Dewey Perks, USA)

-  Presentation of the results of the scientific research “The coordinated use of international USAR assistance by earthquake affected countries” (Mr. Brendon Morris, South Africa)

-  Updates on ASEAN cooperation on disaster management (Mr. Bandoro, Chairman, ACDM)

-  Discussion of the USAR deployment to the Pakistan earthquake (Mr. Arjun Katoch, OCHA)

-  DVD presentation about the Banda Aceh Tsunami disaster 26 Dec 2004.

The discussions during the meeting resulted in recommendations for follow-up activities, as described in the work-plan of the Regional Group Asia/Pacific for 2006/2007 given below.

Work-Plan for the period 2006/2007 for the INSARAG Regional Group Asia/Pacific

Capacity Building and training

1.  USAR command-post exercises to be held in the region must include thorough previous training and preparation of national participants of the host country in INSARAG methodology and coordination procedures.
Action: All member countries hosting exercises

2.  Mongolia offered to host an INSARAG Asia Pacific regional group USAR command-post exercise in summer 2007 in Ulaan Bataar. Further details to be developed between Mongolia and the INSARAG Secretariat, which will assist Mongolia in the preparation and conduct of the exercise. China also offered to assist Mongolia in preparation for the exercise based on its experiences in conducting the regional exercise in 2006.
Action: China, Mongolia, INSARAG Secretariat

3.  Countries are encouraged to incorporate INSARAG and UN response coordination procedures into their national disaster management plans in order to facilitate incoming USAR assistance in a disaster. In this connection, New Zealand offered to make available their national disaster response plan that has incorporated INSARAG and UN coordination tools and procedures to serve as reference for other countries. The document will be made available on the Virtual OSOCC.
Action: New Zealand, all member countries

4.  China offered to make available their newly constructed USAR training facility in Beijing which is to be opened in the second half of 2007, to be utilized by countries in the region for USAR training.
Action: China and interested member countries

5.  Member states and organisations offered training opportunities as per the table given below to be utilized by any USAR team or country requiring that training.
Action: Member countries

USAR team evaluation and classification

6.  The regional group agreed that the INSARAG classification should be carried out in a transparent manner approved by the INSARAG Steering Committee by experts in the components of the USAR team to be evaluated, namely: management, logistics, search, rescue and medical. To ensure consistency, quality and sustainability, it was recommended that the INSARAG Secretariat establish a roster of experts for the required components in consultation with member countries. Dedicated training for these experts should be considered.
Action: INSARAG Secretariat and member countries

7.  New Zealand stated that it would like a classification of their international USAR team to be conducted in 2007. It will confirm to the INSARAG Secretariat by February 2007 suitable dates for the classification.
Action: New Zealand, INSARAG Secretariat

8.  The Chairman INSARAG stated that Switzerland and IRO plan to hold a meeting in Jan 2007 to discuss dog performance criteria. The INSARAG Secretariat is requested to assist in identifying interested countries to participate. The meeting should identify minimum dog performance standards for international USAR and determine organisations or countries to be accepted as certifying entities for search dog performance within INSARAG.
Action: Switzerland, IRO and INSARAG Secretariat

INSARAG Guidelines

9.  Countries that intend to translate the INSARAG Guidelines into other languages should ensure that technical expressions are accurately interpreted in the given context.
Action: Member Countries

10. The process for updating and maintenance of the Guidelines to be decided by the Steering Committee.
Action: Steering Committee

Study on coordinated use of USAR assistance by affected countries

11. It was agreed that the results of the study that had been conducted by Mr. Brendon Morris should be further considered as reinforcement of existing methodology with in the INSARAG community. It was recommended to identify additional areas for scientific research that might help to determine means for improving national and international disaster and USAR response coordination.
Action: Member Countries. INSARAG Secretariat

Cooperation among regional organizations in the Asia/Pacific region and INSARAG

12. INSARAG Secretariat should organise a meeting for members of Asia/Pacific regional organisations i.e. ASEAN, SAARC and SOPAC in conjunction with the INSARAG Asia/Pacific regional meeting in 2007 to discuss issues and opportunities for cooperation and consolidate the findings in a discussion-paper prior to the regional group meeting.
Action: INSARAG Secretariat

13. Focal points in ASEAN member countries are encouraged to request on-line for user-accounts on the Virtual OSOCC. The INSARAG Secretariat to approve these requests accordingly.
Action: ASEAN member countries, INSARAG Secretariat

14. It was suggested that UNDAC and INSARAG participate in the upcoming ACDM exercise, which will be held in Singapore in 2007. ACDM is requested to coordinate through the OCHA Regional Office in Bangkok.
Action: ACDM, OCHA Regional Office Bangkok

15. ACDM is in the process of developing SOPs for disaster response procedures. ACDM stated that these SOPs will take into account agreed procedures as defined in the INSARAG Guidelines where appropriate.
Action: ACDM

Regional Chairman and next meeting

16. South Korea was selected to take over the Chairmanship of the INSARAG Regional Group Asia/Pacific for the period 2007/2008.
Action: South Korea

17. The next meeting will be held in Seoul in 2007 on a date to be confirmed.

Training opportunities Asia/Pacific 2006/2007

Date / Organiser & Location / Event / Language / Website / Participants / Fee per participant
29Jan – 9 Feb 2007 / Singapore
Civil Defence Academy / International USAR Course / English / Rescuers / 2,150 S$
7 May - 2June 2007 / Queensland Fire Rescue, Australia / CAT 2 course / English / Rescue technicians / Tbd[1]
Jul/Aug 2007 / JICA/Japan / Rescue course / Mainly Japanese / tbc[2] / tbd1
2007 / IRO,
worldwide (see website) / Search dog training / German & English / / Dog handlers / See website
1-4 Nov 2007 / IRO,
Slovenia / Search dog Mission Readiness test / English & German / / Dog handlers & team leaders / 50 EURO per dog (tbc2, see website)

INSARAG Asia/Pacific Regional Meeting 2006



Ms. Adelina Kamal

Senior Officer, Enviroment and Disaster Management

ASEAN Secretariat

Tel: +62816955141

Fax: +62217230985



Mr. Tony Pearce (Chairman)

Director, Emergency Management Australia and

Chairman of the INSARAG Regional Group Asia/Pacific

Tel: +61 2 6256 4631
mob: +0418 546 702

Fax: +61 3 5228 2819


Mr Greg Mullins


New South Wales Fire Brigade

Phone +61 2 9265-2920


Lee Johnson


Queensland Fire and Rescue Service

Phone +617 3247 8100


Diana Williams

Assistant Secretary Emergency Management Policy

Emergency Management Australia

Attorney Generals Department

Phone +612 6256 4682


Mr. James Gustus (event organisation)

Assistant Director

Urban Search and Rescue

Emergency Management Australia

Mobile: +61407220803

Tel: +61 2 6256 4618, Fax: +61 2 6256 4641


Mr Gerry Foster (event organisation)

Urban Search and Rescue Project

Emergency Management Australia

Attorney-General's Department



Mr. Ian Rector

Chief Technical Advisor

880 2 989 0854


Mr. Chay Pheap

Response for Search and Rescue Department Cambodia NCDM

Mobile: +85511910084

Tel: +855 23 11171, Fax: +855 23 211030



Mr. Zhao Heping

Deputy Director General China Earthquake Administration

Fax: +86108801538


Mr. Wang Jian

Vice Section Chief Department of International Cooperation China Earthquake Administration

Fax: +861068210995


Mr. Huang Jianfa

Department Director Department of Emergency Management and Response China Earthquake Administration Beijing, China

Mobile: +8613910300366

Tel: + 86 10 88015526

Fax: + 86 10 68210995/ +861068170544

E-mail: /

Mr. Jia Linbo

Senior Advisor China International Search and Rescue Team


Mr. Sun Xiaojing

Section Chief Department of Personnel China Earthquake Administration


Mr. Ding Xiufang

Department Director China Earthquake Administration


Mr. Xu Yajun

Section Chief Emergency Management Office State Council



Dr. Thomas Ferdinand Hoenicke

Chargae de relations internationales envoye special du vice-president de la BA Technisches Hilfswerk

THW Deutschherrenstr. 93 - 95 D-53177 Bonn Allemagne

Mobile +49 172 240 66 20

Tel +49 228 940 1815

Fax +49 228 940 1144



Mr. Adik Bantarso Bandoro

Head Bureau of Cooperation BAKORNAS

Mobile 62 8161910619

Fax 62 21 3458400 ext 301


Mr. Agus Haryono

Staff of SAR Operation Center of the National SAR Agency (BASARNAS)

Mobile 62 8159962541

Tel 62-21 34832901

Fax 62-21 34832884



Mr. John Choi

International Rescuedog Organisation (IRO)

Tel 82 11 3503036

Fax 82 31 3209008


Mr. Wolfgang Hitsch

International Rescue Dog Organisation

Moosstrasse 32 5020

Salzburg Austria

Mobile +43 664 428 2231

Tel +43 662 826 526

Fax +43 662 826 526 20


Mr. Wolfgang Zoerner

President International Rescue Dog Organisation (IRO)

Tel +43 0664 3534857

Fax +43 662 826526



Mr. Mitsunori Namba

Director Overseas Disaster Assistance Division International Cooperation Bureau (MDFA)

Tel +81 3 5501 8359

Fax +81 3 5501 8358


Mr Hiroyuki Yokoi

Secretariat of Japan Disaster Relief Team Training Team, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Tel +81-3-5352-5476

Fax +81-3-5352-5400


Mr Takashi Yoshida

Director General, Secretariat of Japan Disaster Relief Team, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Tel 81-3-5352-5453

Fax 81-3-5352-5400



Major Mohd Sakri Hussin

Major, Crisis And Disaster Management Directorate Management,

National Security Division,

Prime Minister Department

Mobile +6012 3038289

Tel +603 88882063

Fax +603 88883051



Mr. Togtokh Ganbold

Deputy Chief Commissioner NEMA

Mobile 00976 11 95117855

Tel 00976 11 327373


Col. Batmunkh Uuganbayar

Head of Policy and Planning Division of National Emergency Management Agency of Mongolia

Mobile +976 11 95255502

Tel +976-11-262334

E-mail b_ubayar

New Zealand

Mr. John Hamilton

Director, Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management

Tel +6444737363


Mr. John Lovell

Emergency Management Advisor Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management

Mobile + 64 27 438 26 94

Tel + 64 33 79 02 94

Fax + 64 33 79 52 23


Mr Jim Stuart-Black

National Manager, Special Operations New Zealand Fire Service Manager

New Zealand USAR

Mobile +6421739362

Tel + 64 (0)4 496 3741

Fax + 64 (0)4 499 1716



Mr. Arjun Katoch

Chief, FCSS and Secretary INSARAG

Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

Mobile +41794174165

Tel +41 22 917 1199

Fax +41 22 917 0023


Mr. Thomas Peter

Deputy Chief Field Coordination Support Section OCHA-Geneva

Mobile +41 79 417 4169

Tel +41 22 917 3143

Fax +41 22 917 0023


Mr. Rajan Gengaje

Regional Disaster Response Advisor

OCHA Regional Office in Bangkok

Tel +66 2 288 2572

Fax +66 2 288 1043

E-mail ,


Mr Arnel Capili

Regional Director for the Philippine Office of Civil Defense- Region 5 and

Executive Officer of the Regional Disaster Coordinating Council

Mobile +63 917 5338877

Tel +63 052 481-1656



Mr Ramasamy Puniamoorthy

Director, Civil Defence force Academy

Tel + 65 68483811


Mr. Shaiful Herman Shali

Rota Commander Singapore Civil Defence Force

Tel +6564717484


South Africa

Mr. Brendon Morris

Medical Rescue Consultant

Mobile +31622421528

Tel +31 622 421528

Fax +31 162 522482


South Korea

Mr. Cheolsu Bae

Chief Commander

National 119 Rescue Services, National Emergency Management Agency

Phone 82 31 870 2085

Mr Yongsang Kim

Int'l Program Coordinator Korea Int'l S&R Team UNDAC Member

Mobile 82 10 2215 6634

Tel 82 31 570 2085

Fax 82 31 529 1119

E-mail ,

Pyoung Kang Shim

Head U119 Team

National Emergency Management Agency

Phone 82 31 570 2085



Mr. Toni Frisch

Deputy Director Federal Department of Foreign Affairs