Welcome to McU
You have received multiple user names and passwords to explore McU. Below you will find a brief description of each one:
Franchise Log In – this will give you access to the Demo Store which will allow you to see a dashboard in action, test out the functionality with a student as well as access to one or two of your individual stores.
Franchise Student Log In – this student is in the Demo Store, you can “play” with this student record and see the functionality from both a Manager and Student Perspective.
Generic Manager Store Logon(s) – this access is to give your Store Manager to add real students and manage their training.
Franchise Log In – This user name is set up to allow you to see the dashboard which includes the ___Franchise Demo Store, and one or two of your locations. The dashboard gives you a statistical overview of your stores. Now drill down into the demo store:
- Click ___Franchisee Demo
- The ___Franchisee Demo Dashboard opens up showing employee level information. The top 5 students show the different icons represented on the dashboard to indicate status of training.
- Click the yellow triangle to the right of Sally 1Anderson – Under Orientation
- This shows Sally’s progress within this Learning Program, she has completed the first 4 courses in this Learning Program
- Click the Viewto the right of the Orientation Checklist, this allows to you to see Sally’s progress on the checklist.
- Click Cancel
- Click Sally 1Anderson - Edit Properties shows the users information
- Click History – this shows the courses and Learning Programs that have been completed
- Find the student named Jimmy 1Cricket – notice the lock under the Cashier Learning Program. This signifies a pre-requisite.
- Click the lock
- Click the Pre-Requisite Required lock, a window will open with the name of the Learning Program that must be completed first.
- Click Done
- Find your Franchise Student in the demo store – they should be named the same as your Franchise name with the number 2 at the end.
- Click the Name of the student
- In the lower right corner, select a Skill Position for your student
- Click Apply
- You will see the auto assignment take place
- Click the intersection of another Learning Program and your student to manually assign a Learning Program.
- Click ___Franchisee Demo
- One or more of your stores should appear, select one store
- The Generic ZManager can be used by your Store Manager to load new employees
Franchise Student Log In – this view will show you how the Learner sees the system
- Launch a course by clicking START
- Open the Orientation Checklist
- Click all the items
- Enter your Franchise Logon used above to “sign off” on the checklist
Generic Manager Store Logon(s) – this the view your managers in each store will have to monitor learning.