Study Guide for Unit 5, Nervous System

Thacker Anatomy 1/2018

Please use your handouts from activities as well as your guided notes to review the following concepts for the test.

Unit 5 ppt #1 The Nervous System:

Student should be able to:

1. Describe the two major systems in the body that maintain internal coordination.

2. Describe how the nervous system carries out its work in three basic steps.

3. Describe what constitutes the CNS and PNS.

4. Know the differences between nerves and ganglion.

5. Describe the two divisions of the PNS.

6. Know what the sensory division responsibilities are

7. Within the sensory division what are the responsibilities of the visceral and somatic divisions?

8. Within the motor division what are the responsibilities of the visceral and somatic divisions?

9. Describe how the visceral (autonomic) division is divided and what are the basic functions of

Each division.

10. Know what nerve primarily enervates the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems.

11. Be able to describe the three types of neurons and their functions.

Unit 5 ppt #2 Histology of the Nervous Tissue:

1. Know that nervous tissues are made up of neurons and supporting cells (neuroglial), glial cells.

2. Be able to identify on a picture these types of cells within the CNS and PNS and define their


3. Be able to describe and identify the structures of a nerve cell.

4. Be able to describe the sequence of nerve stimulation.

5. Describe how Schwann cells protect the neuron and the sequence of synapsis of neurons.

6. Be able to describe how transport occurs within a nerve cell and what kind of supporting protiens

make this possible.

7. Be able to describe how brain tumors can occur and by what kinds of cells.

8. Describe the important facts about myelin, what cells make this and what is necessary to have as

myelination progresses.

9. Understand and describe how the lack of myelination can cause diseases.

Unit 5 ppt #3 Nerve Regeneration and Spinal Cord:

1. Describe the sequence of the basic steps to nerve regeneration.

2. Understand and describe what has to be left of a damaged nerve in order to have potential to


3. Describe the main functions of the spinal cord.

4. Be able to describe the surface anatomy of the spinal cord and be able to identify structures on a picture.

5. Know and be able to identify the layers of protective material surrounding the cord.

6. Be able to identify on a cross section picture the areas of gray and white matter and be able to

describe their functions within the CNS and their connections to the PNS.

7. Be able to describe the organization and function of ganglion.

8. Be able to identify the major nerves that are innervated at different plexus locations along the spinal cord

9. Describe how Spina Bifida might occur.

8. What are Rami, and what is their function?

9. Describe the properties of a reflex and the steps to a reflex arc.

Unit 5 ppt#4 Brain Structure and Function:

1. Describe brain organization, structures on the cortex and meninges, tracts and ventricles

2. Describe the functions of CSF.

3.. In general be able to describe the functions of the left brain and the right brain. (see last brain picture on GN4)

4. Be able to identify on a picture the “Gross” anatomy of the brain.

5. In a cross section be able to identify the locations of the major areas of the brain.

6. Be able to label and describe the functions of the various lobes of the cerebrum and the cortical regions and their


7. Describe the functions and structures of the cerebellum.

8.. Label and describe the structures and functions of the Brain stem.

9.. label and describe the structures and their functions within the Forebrain (Limbic System)