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Getting organized is more involved than just time management. In this presentation, we will examine the three steps to get your life under control:

1.  Getting more organized mentally

2.  Getting your environment under control

3.  How to get more done through co-workers (boss, peers and subordinates)

1) How to Get More Organized Mentally

·  A fun, interactive exercise to learn your behavioral style, and then learn how to deal with the other styles in the office

·  How to use Microsoft Outlook more effectively

·  What to do if you are juggling too many balls

·  For better control - design an Absolute Yes List

·  The WADE formula of time management

·  Are you a Workaholic? A test to find out, and then what to do about it

·  SMART goals - Michael Jordan on goals; Tiger Woods on goals

·  The difference between Urgent and Important

2) How to Get Your Environment More Organized

·  How to set up your Knowledge Store (your workspace)

·  Dealing with space wasters

·  Attack the S-P-A-C-E method of organizing your office

·  Four Boxes and a List

·  The PAPER method of handling paper

·  Organizing paper at home

3) How to Get More Organized Through Other People (Boss, Co-workers, andSubordinates)

·  When to use / when not to use: e-mail, voicemail, face-to-face communications

·  How to deal with Time Vampires (the Mr. or Ms. "Have-You-Just-Got-a-Minute")

·  The Admiral Hyman Rickover method of running a more efficient meeting (a "tight ship")

·  7 Questions to Hit Your Employees Hot Buttons (or how to determine what really motivates your employees, and become "Boss of the Year")

·  Are you a ROAD Warrior or are you engaged in your work?

·  How to get Outside Insights for those issuesthat are challenging you at work

www.januspresentations.com – 614-440-7487