Washington’s CCSS Implementation
Educational Content Association Collaboration Meeting
Organizational Overviews (April 2014 – to be reviewed/revised in April 2014)
Programs / Web Address / Mission / Audience / Role / Current Goal related to CCSSAESD / / To support student learning - equalize educational opportunities; reduce duplication; provide an effective system / Educational Stakeholders B-20 / Develop capacity beyond awareness (depending where-which region); Common and consistent opportunities across the system. Mathematics & ELA Common 2-day training around year/implementation; focus on administrator connections well. Other Content Areas - ELA Connections to: Science, Social Studies; other studies. For 2012-2013:
The ESD Coordinators will consistently present PD around the CCSS to move from awareness to implementation and understand the connections between content areas. A greater partnership with school districts, ESD regions, ESD Assistant Superintendents and OSPI is also forging ahead.
WSMC / / The Washington State Mathematics Council is a professional organization that exists to promote and influence mathematics education. The membership is committed to developing, supporting, and encouraging opportunities that lead to quality mathematics curricula and effective instruction. WSMC promotes high professional standards and serves as a communication network for anyone interested in mathematics education. / Anyone interested in Mathematical education / To serve and support people involved in mathematics education around the state / Developing, supporting and encouraging opportunities that lead to quality mathematics curricula and effective instruction. (Communication Network) Short term goals - Increase awareness of CCSS and available implementation resources. Long-term Goals - 1. Connect classroom instruction to the standards of mathematical practices and mathematical content. 2. Connect educators to resources.
WA Branch of the IDA / wabida.org / Educate; Advocate; Inform / Educators, parents, organization leaders / To educate teachers in the most effective practices for dyslexic and SLD students so that they are able to meet the CCSS. Offer sessions/workshops that integrate best instructional practice and CCSS.
WERA (Washington Educational Research Assoc.) / / Improve instruction and assessment by using data and applying research / Teachers, principals, central office staff/administrators, high Ed / Provide training at conferences, institutes, and through on-line newsletters. December 5-7 conference includes - Joe Willhoft - Smarter Balanced; David Conley - College Readiness; OSPI - CCSS details. Future institutes/symposia will be planned.
WATOTOM (Teachers of Teachers of Mathematics) / / Focus on preparation of teachers of K-12 mathematics/ provide voice in mathematics education policy considerations; connection between K-12, community, colleges & colleges/universities. / Higher Ed and State Policy Makers. / Preparation of future teachers to enact CCSS; Inform faculty regarding CCSS and expectations for incoming students; keeping CCSS implementation and assessment consistent with the research base.
Washington State Council for the Social Studies (WSCSS) / / To enhance, support, and promote Social Studies education in Washington State. / The professional organization for those who teach and promote social studies education in Washington State / Most of our current work is around professional development. We are working on the National Conference, a K-8 Conference, and a Leadership Retreat. At each of these conferences, there will be sessions and keynotes about the CCSS. As representatives to this Educational Content Association, we will educate our board about the resources and conversations. We will engage discussion within our organization and amongst others in the state.
Washington ACTE - Association for Career & Technical Education / / To support our members in providing high quality CTE opportunities for all student in WA State. / STG: Bring CCSS (Math/Science 1st) to CTE Programs and need integration of core academics and CTE. LTG: Looking for ED Partners. Integrated programs of study across Core & CTE programs leading to high student success in life.
Puget Sound Writing Projects / / To create a community of writing teachers from all disciplines and grade levels. / P-2 teachers and administrators in Western Washington / To integrate writing as a tool for thinking and learning into all subject areas. / Integrating reading, writing and speaking; to serve schools and districts with sustainable, bet practice professional development; supporting teachers as professionals.
Leaning Forward Washington WA State Affiliate / learningforwardwashington.org / Learning Forward is focused on professional development, defined as an comprehensive, sustained and intensive approach to improving education professionals effectiveness in raising student achievement. / Support through networking and knowledge sharing; building partnerships/trusting relationships between and among state educational organizations influencing state and local prof develop policies and plans; professional development standards. Every educator engages in effective professional learning every day so every student achieves.
School's Out Washington / / Is dedicated to building community systems to support quality afterschool and AYD youth development. / Programs for WA's 5-18 year olds through training, advocacy and leadership. / Professional development for AYD staff and others. Focus on quality components in AYD programs; provide resources ($, research) to communities/AYP programs; help to build public will in multiple settings around the role AYD plays in supporting learning; support AYD programs through training and other resources to align AYD activities with formal education content for greater student success; support the development of policies in education arena as related to AYD programs and their role in education results; establish linkages between community based organizations, schools, higher Ed and other key stakeholders. / Build AYD awareness and professional development opportunities; promote join PD between informal and formal educators/habits of mind.
Central Washington Writing Project / / We believe teachers develop the best professional development foe other teachers with the purpose to improve instruction / We want to be a professional home for Educators in the digital, interconnected world. / Focused on sustained efforts to improve writing and learning for all learners. / Short Term: develop core PD to share with emphasis on agreement writing; utilize technology as a tool for writing instruction. Long term - Support teachers in the rigor(s) of the CCSS writing/reading; professional community for all educators.
Washington State PTA / / Be a resource for parents; advocate for kids. / Role with CCSS - right information to parents at the right item; advocacy, esp. for resources. Challenges - logistics for getting information to parents at a time they need it in a format that is useful and accessible; Question for colleagues - how can we foster collaboration at the local level?
Washington State LASER / / Catalyst for innovation and sustainability and making connections between Common Core and NGSS. / State and regional K-12 science leaders and critical stakeholders including administrators, teachers, parents, and students. / Short term goals - informational to science stakeholders, informals and parents (increasing awareness and understanding) Strategies - using logic model for PD, working with alliance directors, session at STEM Education Leadership Institute, Steering Committee meetings...
WORD: Washington Organization for Reading Development (IRA Affiliate) / / Increase literacy and instill a love of lifelong learning for educators and students / K-12 (primarily K-8) / Provide professional development in all areas of literacy across Washington State (10 local councils) / Short Term - make connections with organizations; PD, publications, calendar links; CCSS conference in October. Long Term - identify and support local council needs regarding CCSS; focus on components of CCSS; develop strong partnerships.
WACTE (Washington Association of Colleges for Teacher Education) / / Prepare high caliber, quality teachers who will make positive impact on student learning. / Teacher candidates, K-12 students, K-12 teachers, families, etc. / Work with Deans, Directors of teacher education programs in Washington state to inform them of policy changes, to coordinate policy positions, and share resources/information across institutions that informs those involved in educator preparation / Immediate - Integrate common core into program curricula. Longer term - ensure newly minted teachers well-prepared to deliver common core when they get to field. Help K-12 partners (esp. K-12 teachers) Excel in delivering common core.
WEA - Washington Education Association / / To continue to advocate for a fully-funded quality public school education for every student. / Certificated and Classified Public School Employees in WA / Advancing the professionalism and competence of our members by publicizing professional learning opportunities and critical CCSS updates with members.
WLMA -Washington Library Media Association / WLMA.org / "To ensure that all students are effective users and producers of ideas and information" / All the staff and all the kids. / Connectors for all members of community; 30% time with teachers - planning supporting, designing, problem solving; finding barriers and helping get beyond those; working for and…we are the 24/7 teachers in schools; identifying efficiency and possibilities; TLS the relentlessly positive, active and tempered realism; TLs - the GO To when there is no other; PD of best (not last) resort -- best tech, best link, interdisciplinary, collaborator; subservice strategic bomb throwers.
On-site professional learning; curators and creators of content
Equity of access for learners / The scope and mix of these functions will depend on the program priorities and goals of each local school district and school building - information technology instruction reading advocacy; information management and services.
Prepare TLs to serve as Common Core coaches in partnership with Washington State Library and OSPI
Washington Association for Middle Level Education / / To articulate the characteristics and needs of the young adolescent, to provide support and services to those who work with middle level students and to promote the uniqueness of middle level education. / Educators who work with young adolescents and/or their teachers, as well as families with young adolescents. / Provide quality PD that meets the needs of middle grades teachers across the state…advance middle level Ed across the state. Provide education opportunities to families of young adolescents. / Short term - disseminate CCSS inform/training opportunities to our members. Long term - ensure that the CCSS are thoroughly supported/shared at AMLE national conference in Nov. 2012, Portland; Provide PD on CCSS related to middle level philosophy at every WAMLE State Conference. We are also developing some after school workshops (booster shots) to help educators transition to the CCSS in several content areas.
Washington STEM / / Advance student success in STEM by bridging educational experiences and economic opportunities; use investments, knowledge capture and discuss, communications and advocacy. / Primary - Educators, STEM professionals/businesses, policymakers / Short/long term - Prioritize CCSS/next Gen in investments; build stories and evidence from early implementers; be a trusted partner/source for opinion leaders, policymakers, elected officials.
WA State GEAR UP / / College: My Dream, My Plan / 28 high poverty school districts; 42 middle/high schools; 6,200 students and their families; many low-income, first gen., diverse ethnicity; teachers, administrators, counselors, advisors, support staff, GEAR UP staff; strategic partners: UW, CSF, NELA, WSEC, AVID, OSPI, TITLE II, post-secondary programs and institutions. / OSPI mini-grants to high poverty districts support implementation (provided $$); ongoing professional development for GEAR UP Sites focused on CCSS; UW - Summer Institutes for GU schools with College of Ed providing CCSS content. / Building school and district capacity to support CCSS implementation.
WASA (Washington Assn. School Administrators) / / Enhance policy, political, economic and leadership to improve learning systems and student learning. / Members - individual schools/district admin, primarily central office, superintendent, directors, T&L, HR, Fiscal / provide professional development, professional advising. / Expectations - systems capacity sustainability and reform initiatives; student learning improvements - continuously. Challenges - communication of common core; clarification - specifics, timeliness; invitational engagement. Sense of urgency; fidelity; capacity for continuous professional development; viable connectivity to ALL associations, organization, communities....
Washington Language Arts Council / / Improve quality of language arts/English instruction in Washington public and private schools and colleges / Support/sponsor teacher in-service; work toward application of best practices; affiliated with - National Council of teachers of English (NCTE)
Washington State ASCD (WSASCD) / / We are the community of all educators committed to promoting promising practices to ensure ALL students are safe, healthy, engaged, supported and challenged. / Teachers, administrators, pre-service educators, community partners, higher education, (parents). / Promote a more comprehensive school improvement approach that ensures each child is healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged – a whole child approach to learning. All PD offerings support the five tenets of the ASCD Whole Child Initiative / Short Term - Partnering with OSPI and WASA for annual conference (October 11-12, 2012) CCSS is one of three major strands at the conference. Our fall/winter journal (Curriculum in Context) will feature articles around CCSS.
Long Term - Continue our partnership with OSPI and seek other partners for professional development around CCSS. Continue to keep our members updated with how districts are implementing through our ‘Critical Question’ series of short articles.
Washington Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (WAHPERD) / / WAHPERD’s mission is to enhance knowledge, improve professional practice, and increase support for high quality health, physical education, and physical activity programs. / PreK-12 College and University Health and Physical Education Teachers, Recreation Specialists and Dance Educators / Provide support, advocacy, and professional development in all areas of health, physical education, recreation and dance across WA State. Provide tools (e.g., exemplar lessons) that are necessary to implement CCSS in health and physical education best practices. / Continue committee work to support and educate health and physical education teachers align CCSS with H/F Learning Standards.
ArtsEd Washington / Artsedwashington.org / To advance arts education for all K-12 students through leadership, partnership, and communication / Education leaders, teachers, school directors, parents, arts/cultural organizations, and community leaders – as constituents and partners to benefit students / To monitor and advance policy that requires the art at state and local levels; To advocate for funding to support the policy (incl full funding of basic ed);
To help schools and districts build capacity to teach the arts equitably and sequentially;
To engage active voices on behalf of the arts in the greater education conversation;
To align networks and coalitions with shared goals; / To be an active participant in the state’s implementation of CCSS with these goals: --Bring access to the rich opportunities and resources for arts integration to deepen learning and develop higher order thinking skills
--Be a liaison with the arts educator associations and our broader constituency
--Help with the development of CCSS messaging to districts, schools and the community at large so that it is clear that the arts requirements continue to exist – and avoid curriculum narrowing in the implementation thrust.
Washington State Arts Commission (ArtsWA) / / We advance this role of the arts in the lives of individuals and communities throughout the state. (Arts in Education focus: Supporting the arts as basic education for all K-12 students) / Organizational audience = arts producers, consumers, supporters, and all citizens of the state. Arts in Education audience =“the arts teaching workforce” of classroom teachers, teaching artists, arts education staff at cultural organizations, etc.; K-12 schools/districts, arts orgs, parents, community organizations, and STUDENTS / Our role in arts ed can be defined as serving as a bridge or a connector between the professional arts education community and the professional teaching/learning community – so that these entities work together to support in-school arts learning, aligned with state standards, for every student, in every school, every year. / Work with grantees: informing our partners about CCSS development and work, supporting and encouraging them to be informed and make connections between their work and ELA as well as arts EALRs/GLEs.
Teaching Artist Training Lab – ditto above – with this PD program, there are great opportunities to help them understand how to connect with classroom work. We can develop some specific training tools to support this work.
Work on language around 21st Century Skills and Habits of Mind and how they are connected to arts learning and CCSS.
Create materials that demonstrate connections. Gathering resources to support our efforts in messaging as well as direct work. What’s the “cheat sheet” or intro document to start to build basic awareness among non-professional-educators
Washington Association for Bilingual Education (WABE) / / Promote and improve bilingual education in Washington. WABE seeks to ensure that the latest research and information on Bilingual Education is available to members, and to offer statewide and regional opportunities for collaboration and conversation. / Teachers, administrators, policy makers, paraprofessionals, parents, community members who are interested in the achievement of bilingual students Pre-K-12 / We provide communication, training workshops (this year: Writing with Bilingual Students), an annual conference (this year’s theme: Academic Language, Long-Term English Learners and CCSS). / Educate our members on strategies that will enable ELLs to access CCSS at all levels of language acquisition.