27 - 28 June 2005, Milan
The different AlpCity Case Studies - which will be deeply exploited during the working groups’ session of the 1st Conference’s day (27th June 2005) - will be the core subject of the whole AlpCity meeting.
The SSC has considered the possibility of a plenary presentation of each case study but this kind of presentation would take too much time. In opposite this time could be used for a further discussion and debate among the Project Partners and Conference’s participants.
Therefore, the Scientific Steering Committee is proposing a posters’ session able to present in synthesis the Case Studies. The posters - which have to be finalised by the Project Partners - will be displayed in a suitable area accessible during the whole AlpCity trans-national meeting. This posters’ session will allow all the participants to explore and compare on their own the different local projects. Furthermore, the posters’ authors and the conference’s participants will have the opportunity to exchange information and discuss during the coffee breaks held in the posters’ exhibition area.
Posters’ contents and layout
Each Partner is responsible for preparing and printing its own poster(s) which could include information concerning one or more Case Studies implemented by each PP. Wooden stands, pins and tape will be provided on site before the Conference in order to allow each Partner to install its own Poster(s). Partners will required to remove the Posters before leaving. The size of the poster should be 100 cm x 140 cm. The posters have to be in English and present some minimum standards (e.g. dimension of letters, pictures and maps should be readable and visible from a distance of 1-2 meters. Minimum letters’ dimension: 12 mm).
Authors are basically invited to use texts sparingly. Ideal posters are designed to:
A basic posters’ electronic format with the EC, Alpine Space, AlpCity, PPs logo and the writing ‘A trans-national project co-funded by ERDF’ will be provided by the LP (AlpCity web site – section download) by May 15, 2005.
In alternative each Project Partner has to include in its poster as basic and compulsory information:
1.EC and AlpineSpace logos (available at the AlpCity web site – download section)
2.ERDF co-funding writing ‘A trans-national project co-funded by ERDF funds’
3.AlpCity logo (available at the AlpCity web site – download section) and full length project title ‘AlpCity – Local endogenous development and urban regeneration of small alpine towns’
4.Writing of the AlpCity official web address: as well as potential other web sites relevant for the project (e.g. Partners’ web site: and
Furthermore, the Posters have to mention:
1.The full length name and logo(s) of the Case study’s responsible Project Partner and contact details
2.The title of the case study and its insertion in the respective WP (the WP title has to be mentioned)
3.Total budget of the case study
4.Total duration of the project case studies (from – to) and case studies’ milestones
5.Institutions involved in the Case studies’ implementation (e.g. Universities, NGOs, Research Institutions etc … ) and their role
6.Relevant pictures concerning the case studies’ environment, process related to the case studies’ implementation (e.g. meetings with local actors, stakeholders, interviews, local surveys etc …. )
7.A map showing the location of the case study
8.Synthesis of the Case studies’ aims, activities and expected/achieved results
9.Synthesis of the Case studies’ innovative aspects (methodology, impact on the local context, added value to the sustainable local development etc ….)
10.Other information, comments, highlights considered relevant to case studies’ presentation
The finalisation (including layout and printing) of the posters are left to the partners who are also invited to realize other I&P material, like flyer, CD Rom to complete the posters’ presentation.
Deadlines for posters’ finalisation (to the Project Partners)
1.Finalisation of draft posters (contents and layout) as electronic version by the 10th of June 2005 in order to send the file to the LP by e-mail (or as CD Rom by mail) and receive comments/remarks
2.At least 3 printed copies of each poster (100 cm x 140 cm) have to be taken as paper version at the Conference (Milan, 27-28 June 2005). One copy will be displayed during the meeting and will be kept by each PP. The other 2 copies have to be left to the LP who will send one of them to the JTS (I&P Report)
3.The final electronic version of the posters has to be personally delivered to the LP (in a CD Rom at the occasion of the Meeting in Milan) or sent (by e-mail or mail as CD Rom) at the latest by the end of July 2005 in order to be included (as Conference’s material) in the publication of the Conference’s proceedings as well as in the AlpCity web site (Meetings’ session).