Graduate Council Minutes
PRESENT: Durham (Chair), Bonnell, Goebel, Hoebeke, Niemeier, Rhim, Rodgers, Rowser, Williams, and Zehr.
The meeting was called to order at 8:40 AM.
A. Approval of Minutes
Dr. McGuire moved via email that the minutes be approved as distributed. Dr. Goebel seconded. Motion passed.
B. Graduate Faculty Applications
a. Dr. Durham moved and Dr. Hoebeke seconded that Patricia Pricher be approved as affiliate member of the graduate faculty with the expiration term being summer 2013. Motion passed.
b. Dr. Rodgers moved and Dr. Rowser seconded that Patricia Loehr be approved as affiliate member of the graduate faculty with the expiration term being summer 2013. Motion passed.
c. Dr. Rodgers moved and Dr. Rowser seconded that David Cousert be approved as regular-6 member of the graduate faculty with the expiration term being summer 2018. Motion passed.
d. Dr. Rodgers moved and Dr. Rowser seconded that Julie Evey-Johnson be approved as regular-6 member of the graduate faculty with the expiration term being summer 2018. Motion passed.
e. Dr. Rodgers moved and Dr. Rowser seconded that Kimberly A. Johnson be approved as affiliate member of the graduate faculty with the expiration term being summer 2013. Motion passed.
f. Dr. Rodgers moved and Dr. Rowser seconded that Matthew Joel Schwartz be approved as affiliate member of the graduate faculty with the expiration term being fall 2013. Motion passed.
g. Dr. Rodgers moved and Dr. Rowser seconded that Nicole Louise Reid be approved as regular-6 member of the graduate faculty with the expiration term being summer 2018. Motion passed.
h. Dr. Rodgers moved and Dr. Rowser seconded that Patricia Loehr be approved as affiliate member of the graduate faculty with the expiration term being summer 2013. Motion passed.
i. Dr. Rodgers moved and Dr. Rowser seconded that Paul Frazer be approved as regular-6 member of the graduate faculty with the expiration term being fall 2018. Motion passed.
j. Dr. Rodgers moved and Dr. Rowser seconded that Patricia Pricher be approved as affiliate member of the graduate faculty with the expiration term being summer 2013. Motion passed.
k. Dr. Rodgers moved and Dr. Rowser seconded that Stephen Spencer be approved as regular-6 member of the graduate faculty with the expiration term being summer 2018. Motion passed.
l. Dr. Rodgers moved and Dr. Rowser seconded that Tamara L. Hunt be approved as Regular-6 member of the graduate faculty with the expiration term being summer 2018. Motion passed.
m. Dr. Rodgers moved and Dr. Rowser seconded that Thomas E. Rodgers be approved as affiliate member of the graduate faculty with the expiration term being summer 2013. Motion passed
n. Dr. Rodgers moved and Dr. Rowser seconded that Tracy S. Uebelhor be approved as affiliate member of the graduate faculty with the expiration term being summer 2013. Motion passed
The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 AM.