Spring Site Based Meeting Minutes-May 11, 2009

Meeting was called to order by Russell Schaub at 7:15 a.m.

Russell Schaub explained the purpose of the meeting was to review the Federal Programs and Student programs needs in the district as well as policies/other information that support these programs. A Comprehensive Needs Assessment for the DIP/CIP was reviewed/updated.

The Committee reviewed the tentative entitlements and the intent and purposes for each Federal Program. A handout (NCLB Entitlement attached) was distributed that included current use of program funds and the Committee then recommended use of funds for the upcoming 2009-2010 year based on the Needs Assessment. The ARRA Stimulus Grant Application intents and purposes as well as Funding requirements for Program Descriptions were reviewed. Activities were discussed and recommended for this program.

Student and State program needs were then reviewed for the Committee. See agenda for list of programs. The Committee recommended changes for the upcoming year.

The Committee was informed that there are no participating private schools or Neglected/Delinquent facilities within the district’s attendance area.

The following policies/documents were reviewed and updated: Homeless, Safe Schools (FDD), and Parent Involvement including School-Parent Compacts. Campus Parent Involvement Policies were reviewed and considered. A motion to approve the Secondary and Elementary Parent Involvement Policies was made by Shane Faught and seconded by Terry Burris. Motion Passed Unanimously.

The Committee considered the 2009-2010 School Calendar. A motion was made by Terry Burris and Seconded by Todd Ellis to approve the 2009-2010 School Calendar. Motion passed Unanimously.

The Committee considered Staff Development plans for the 2009-2010 school year. A motion was made by Kendal Lawlis and seconded by Marilyn Harrelson to approve 2009-2010 Staff Development plans. Motion passed Unanimously.

The Committee completed the Biennial Site Based Evaluations.

NCLB Report Card is on the website and Parent letters were distributed.

Respectfully submitted,

Russell Schaub

Spring Site Based Committee Meeting Sign-In

Federal/State Program Planning

Date ______

Committee Position/Program Signature

Community - ______

Community - ______

Parent - ______

Parent - ______

Business - ______

Business - ______

*Teacher -______

*Teacher -______

*Teacher -______

*Teacher -______

*Teacher -______

*Teacher -______

*Teacher -______

*Teacher -______

Administrator - ______

Administrator - ______


Visitors ______

*Teachers should indicate any programs they represent. (Migrant, ESL, Vocational,

At-Risk, GT, SPED, etc.)