Civic ArtGallery "Bruno Molajoli"

Spedale di Santa Maria del Buon Gesù

  • Presentation
  • Opening Hours
  • Tickets
  • Information and booking

Spedale di Santa Maria del Buon Gesù

Fabriano’s CivicArtGallery "Bruno Molajoli" is back in its previous location: Spedale di Santa Mariadel Buon Gesù.
After its seismic stabilization works the Spedale di S.Maria del Buon Gesù returned to public use; in 2006 it held the exhibition of international importance “Gentile da Fabriano and the other Renaissance”, now it hosts the works of the art gallery again, with an exhibition set by Ufficio Tecnico Comunale in agreement with the Soprintendenza P.S.A.E. Marche.


The collections of the Art Gallery offer a qualitative image of the artistic production of Fabriano and central Apennine between '200 and '500, with high and rare aspects of Romanesque painting and the well organized cycles of works by masters Allegretto Nuzi (fourteenth century) and Antonio da Fabriano (fifteenth century), not to mention the collection of tapestries of the sixteenth and seventeenth century.

The sculptures in wood depicting the Adoration of the Magi and the Holy Representation are very impressive, they are dated, respectively, second half and end of the fourteenth century.

  • · View some of the works on display (1642 KB)

Together with the Paper and WatermarksMuseum, the other significant museum of the city, the Civic Art Gallery of Fabriano is the last stop of an ideal cultural itinerary that goes through arts, industrial archaeology and material culture, i.e., the history of Fabriano.


Opening hours (from April to October):
From Tuesday to Sunday (closed on Monday) from 10 amto 1.00 pm and from 4.00pm to 7 pm

Guided tours:

Same timetable as for the opening hours of the CivicArtGallery

Guided tours can be booked by calling 0732-250658or writing an email to

Ticket for Civic ArtGallery


Single entrance ticket / € 4,00
Group ticket for not more than 20 people: each / € 2,50
School ticket for more than 15 people: each / € 2,00
Ticket entrance for over 65 / € 2,50
Ticket for under 18, accompanied by parents / € 2,00
Ticket for handicapped persons and their escorts, or escorts (1 every 15 persons for school groups and 1 every 20 persons for other groups), or journalists with membership card-valid for the current year, or children under the age of 6: / Free

TICKETS INCLUDING PaperMuseum Entrance and Civic ArtGallery Entrance


Single entrance ticket / € 8,20
Group ticket for not more than 20 people: each / € 7,20
School ticket for more than 15 people: each / € 5,10
Ticket entrance for over 65 / € 7,20
Ticket for under 18, accompanied by parents handicapped person / € 5,10
Ticket for handicapped persons and their escorts / Free
Escorts (1 every 15 persons for school groups and 1 every 20 persons for other groups) / Free
Journalists with membership card-valid for the current year / Free

Modifica tariffe ingresso Pinacoteca Civica per incentivare le visite e la conoscenza del patrimonio culturale dal 01.04.08 (167 KB).

Rideterminazione tariffe servizi a domanda individuale settore AA.PP. - anno 2008 - e criteri di applicazione a far data dal 01/04/2008. (128 KB).


For information and booking of guided tours:

Civic Art Gallery "Bruno Molajoli"
Tel.0732-250658 (fromTuesdaytoSundayfrom 10.00 amto 1.00 pm and from 4.00 pmto 7.00 pm)
URP - Public Relation Office
Tel. 0732 709 319 fromMondaytoSaturdayfrom 9:00 amto 00:30 pm and Tuesday and Thursday from 3.30 pm to 6.00 pm


Traduzione di Sara Boscaino - stagista presso l'Ufficio Relazioni con il Pubblico/ Rete Civica
