Board of Electric Commissioners

275 Landry Avenue @ 6:00 pm

October 4, 2017

(JCM, 9-27-17)

1. Pledge of Allegiance

2. Approval of Agenda

3. Approval of Meeting Minutes & Executive Session Minutes:

September 12, 2017

September 19, 2017

4. Discussion of Customer Service Matters and Proposals

6:00 - 6:15: CS update: Stacey Stevens, Melissa Brastow, Jean Reddy, Mark Potter, Marie McCabe

6:15 - 6:30 CS working group update: CS personnel, Brad Dean, Gene Allen, Paula Tattrie, Chris Mitchell

5. Public Hearing - Terms & Conditions Update @ 6:30 pm

6. NAED Financial and Business Update: Paula Tattrie, Bree St. George, Stacy Toczylowski

7. Review, and request for reauthorization of NAED Policies and NAED fiscal operations (NAED staff)

8. Overview of Operations Projects involving 69kV/Load Reductions/Access Roads (Operations & Engineering)

9. GM Updates & Information/Projects:

SSS Update- Discussion re: funding Clerk of the Works position

Power opportunity - NextEra

LED Street Light Project - Update

10. Discuss forthcoming projected meeting(s)

a. Calendar Contest & Legislative Update, 10-25-17

b. Divisional updates re: FY 2018 - November & December, 2017

c. FY 2018 Fees & Charges (Security Deposits - Disconnect/Reconnect Fees): November, 2017 .

11. Discuss Agenda Page 2

12. Unfinished Business

13. Does Anyone Wish to Address the Board?

14. Commissioners' Comments

15. Request to go into Executive Session: Matters involving Collective Bargaining and Non-Union personnel

and not to return to Open Session

Agenda Page 2

List from Mr. Cabral, 5-4-17

·  69 KV Project Background

·  Commission Policies on new contracts

·  Solar Options at Landfill and Mendon Road land (discussion of next steps)

·  Net Metering Policy

·  Commission liaisons (selectman, Assessors, planning, DPW, conservation)

·  Review of all open contracts and past selection process

·  Committed Power Supply Sources and pricing

·  Business related out-of-state travel - commission policies

·  RFP for Power Purchase Consultant

·  RFP for Attorney Services

·  RFP for Audit to establish cost benchmarking & safeguards for fraud

·  Scheduling of executive session to discuss general manager contract

·  Program to resolve long overdue bills

·  Department Process for warning customers of potential shut-off of service

·  Costs for new development charged by NAED vs industry standards

·  Insurance

·  NAED Standard Authorization form for small contracts (insurance, workers comp, independent contractor status, indemnification, etc..)