Statement of Work for Support Services
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Gaming Control Board
303 Walnut Street
Harrisburg, PA 17101
IBM HS23 Operational Readiness Services
1. As required, conduct planning sessions with the Customer’s designated representative(s) to review any
configuration and change requirements for the Customer’s existing BladeCenter and related devices;
2. Apply any required firmware updates to the BladeCenter I/O modules, Management Module(s), and/or
existing Blades;
3. Assist the Customer with any required firmware updates or configuration changes to the new HS23 Blades.
4. Provide skills transfer to the Customer, as it relates to the Customer’s environment;
5. When applicable, create and deliver an Installation Record or other documentation that identifies the
product(s) installed, the installation, and the configuration or planning activities performed as part of these
IBM V3700 Operational Readiness Services
1. Conduct any required planning sessions with the Customer’s designated personnel to validate the
Customer’s readiness in the following areas: a) requirements for the V3700 installation, and b) a review of
hardware and software configuration prerequisites for the V3700 storage controller;
2. Ensure that all equipment is rack-mounted, powered, and that proper physical connectivity has been
established. This task includes:
Attaching to the Customer’s management network and assigning an IP address
Attaching to the Customer’s SAN infrastructure
Installing management software on a designated workstation
Completing firmware updates to the new controller, as required
Completing the initial setup of the V3700 controller
3. Perform zoning of the V3700 to the Customer’s SAN switches;
4. Connect and configure storage for the new HS23 Blades on the V3700, including creating arrays and LUNs;
5. Validate that the environment will provide for the highest levels of availability for the V3700 controller.
6. Provide skills transfer to the Customer, as it relates to the Customer’s environment;
7. When applicable, create and deliver an Installation Record or other documentation that identifies the
product(s) installed, the installation, and the configuration or planning activities performed as part of these
IBM 3110G Network Integration Services
1. Conduct an initial planning session to gather specific customer requirements for the setup and
configuration of the Customer’s LAN infrastructure;
2. Perform initial system integration and validation of the new switches, including physical hardware
installation into the Customer’s BladeCenter chassis and cabling to the Customer’s core LAN switch
3. Validate that the new switches can be managed through the web interface;
4. If required, update the switch firmware to a current and supported level as recommended by IBM;
5. Configure switch stacking for the 3110G switches;
6. Coordinate with the Customer’s network vendor to properly uplink to the Customer’s core network
7. Provide skills transfer to the Customer, as it relates to the Customer’s environment;
8. When applicable, create and deliver an Installation Record or other documentation that identifies the
product(s) installed, the installation, and the configuration or planning activities performed as part of these
VMware vSphere Operational Readiness Services
1. Conducting any required planning sessions with the Customer’s designated personnel to validate
Customer’s readiness in the following areas: a) requirements for vSphere, b) the vSphere server version
required, and c) hardware and software configurations for the servers;
2. Architecture planning and installation of vSphere on the Customer’s server, configuring the vSphere
features and functions in accordance with the planning session;
3. Validation of firmware for all adapters and devices installed in the server;
4. Physical attachment to the Customer’s LAN and SAN infrastructure;
5. Planning and installation of the Virtual Center management console;
6. Installation and configuration of the vSphere environment, including:
Creating/configuring logical volumes and virtual disk configurations
Configuring the SAN, as required along with associated file systems
Configuring network connectivity
Creating an initial image of the operating system as required by the Customer
Applying the latest operating system updates
Installing VMware Tools
7. Implementation and testing of VMotion
8. Provide skills transfer to the Customer, as it relates to the Customer’s environment;
9. When applicable, create and deliver an Installation Record or other documentation that identifies the
product(s) installed, the installation, and the configuration or planning activities performed as part of these
TSM Operational Readiness Services
1. Conduct a planning session with the Customer’s designated representative(s) to review configuration
requirements for the TSM installation;
2. Review and confirm that all prerequisites identified in the planning session have been properly addressed;
3. Install the TSM Server code and required patches on the Customer’s server as determined in the planning session;
4. Customize the TSM instance in accordance with the planning session. This includes:
Domain configuration, storage pool provisioning, and retention policies
Administrative scripts required for proper operation of the TSM server
Client schedules and collocations groups (if applicable)
Tuning the TSM instance for optimal performance
5. Configure any required device drivers to attach to the Customer’s existing tape library;
6. Perform a configuration of the TSM Disaster Recovery Module (DRM) for offsite data recovery;
7. Configure the TSM server for all primary data to be stored locally on disk and offsite data to be copied to the Customer’s existing tape library;
8. Configuration of TSM for Virtual Environments (TSM for VE) to back up the virtualized infrastructure;
9. Configure the instance for the Tivoli Information Portal (TIP), which will be used to manage the TSM
instance on a machine that has been pre-configured by the customer with an operating system, any
required OS patches, connectivity to the Customer’s network, and adequate disk space as determined in the planning session;
10. Provide skills transfer to the Customer, as it relates to the Customer’s environment;
11. When applicable, create and deliver an Installation Record or other documentation that identifies the
product(s) installed, the installation, and the configuration or planning activities performed as part of these
DataMigration Support Services
1. Conduct any required planning session(s) to gather specific Customer requirements for the migration of the Customer’s data from their existing servers to the newly virtualized environment;
2. Perform any research or preparation specific to the Customer’s environment for the support of the
infrastructure using both best practice recommendations from IBM as well as tools specific to the
Customer’s environment, as required;
3. Assist in the planning and execution of migration of data from the Customer’s existing environment to the virtualized environment for all identified systems, following procedures and a timeline established during the planning session(s). Tasks include but are not limited to:
Identification of the specific systems that will be migrated or affected by these services
Based on operating system version and application type, establishing a data migration model to ensure that data is moved from the old server to the new virtualized server
Allocation of new storage, as required
Performing the migration and/or virtualization of the Customer’s existing servers to the newly virtualized environment
Configuring the new VM to be backed up by TSM
Working with the Customer to safely decommission the old servers
Performing a final validation of the environment to ensure that all data was moved successfully
4. Provide skills transfer to the Customer, as it relates to the Customer’s environment;
5. When applicable, create and deliver an Installation Record or other documentation that identifies the
product(s) installed, the installation, and the configuration or planning activities performed as part of these