Meeting Minutes for October 3, 2016

IBC Bank – Nakoma Branch

MEMBERS PRESENT:Dr. Yvonne Katz, Sarah Becher, Stacey Isenberg, Tracey Ritchie, Rebecca Hughes, Sondra Grohman,Dr. Sandra Neubert, Amy Gonzalez, Dr. Patti Birney, Gabrielle Gelo, Cindy Libera, Lacey Fisher, Rosalind Reeder, Angelica Decog, Belinda Gavallos, Diane Polanco, Catherine Stone, Margie Hildreth, Zina Guerra and Nicole Ross

MEMBERS ABSENT:Monica Gillooly,Dr. Cynthia Teniente-Matson, Dr. Susan Blackwood,Cindy Taylor,Dr. Gwen Young,Kristen Villarreal, Lori Johnson Leal


  • Pledge/Mission was recited.

TOPIC DISCUSSION: Report from Secretary

  • Minutes from the SeptBOD’s meeting were distributed by Tracey prior to meeting for review.
  • No corrections
  • Working on board meeting locations for 2017. Rebecca noted that SeaWorld may be able to host for one of the months if it is their off season.

ACTION:Motion was made and seconded to approve the AugustBOD’s meeting minutes. Approved unanimously.

TOPIC DISCUSSION: Report from Treasurer

  • Stacey distributed the quarterly financials
  • We have around $200,000 in cash and our income was a little over $33,000, which is over what we budgeted.
  • Dr. K asked Stacey to get in touch with our new CPA firm, Fernandez & Fernandez and get to know them a little, also made a recommendation for our internal audit.

ACTION: Financials will be filed for audit.

TOPIC DISCUSSION: Committee Reports

Business Development

  • No new update, everything is still in progress from last meeting


  • Rebecca reported that we have a lot of communications going out, including Smart Women’s Series (SWS) reminders and Gala sponsorship information.
  • We have 22 signed up for the SWS so far and 11 for POWERHour, so we need to get more attendees.
  • Angelica noted that the last email invitation said “June” on it, so many may not have opened it. New announcement is going out this week
  • Social media update (Rebecca on behalf of Kristen)
  • Facebook up 12 to 1,350
  • Twitter down 113 to 3,149
  • Instagram down 2 to 94
  • LinkedIn up 1 to 530

Education & Leadership


  • Diane reported that the October SWS was a great session and we had really good feedback. One attendee noted that we have the best speakers from all of the chambers!
  • We are all set for October at A&M. We may be breaking into our budget a bit for lunch because we don’t have a sponsor for the meal. Session is about Zika and the myths and facts surrounding it
  • After that there will be a break until February.
  • For next year we have plans for February; investments for young and old. We may hold it at Franklin’s new Alamo Heights location. Diane is checking to see if it will be ready. Trying to plan a session at Sea World, as well. Maybe for February or May.

Leadership and Bloomberg Business Program

  • Dr. Birney reported that the committee met and have reviewing evals from last year and discussing 2017
  • Overall the evals rated at a 4.6 out of 5
  • We have some great ideas for the programs, one includes a speaker’s resource for presenters that we can reference. We are also looking at leadership topics to include and speakers just for those topics. Trying to plan a more interactive experience with some online open resources.
  • We are hoping to host them at the SA Area Foundation offices, but we have to work out the details because they do not want groups to charge for sessions held there. We are looking at what we can offset.
  • For those who were not here last month, there will be a shift in positions for the leadership program, Dr. Birney & Monica will be Co-Vice Chairs and Gwen Young will be the Director


  • Golf
  • Dr. Katz reported that Cindy T. is working on the golf tournament, which will be held at Fair Oaks for 2017.


  • Sarah reported that they met to finalize the menu and details
  • For your auction items we are looking for information with a description and value and blurb if you have one. WE need live items info no later than next Friday in order to print them out for the event. Star bowl items have a little more time. Sarah will send out an email to board members what we need and by when.
  • Sondra noted that she has 4 passes to Disney World that can be included if interested. Sarah agreed this would be a good addition, let’s look at any date restrictions or deadlines to show buyers.
  • Zina noted that she will get a package from Rico’s again this year (popcorn, etc.)
  • Gabrielle reported that she spoke with Tommy on the video and although there was some bad news about the audio not connecting properly with the video, the good news is that he can correct this. It will take a little longer than expected, but should be complete by October 20th.
  • We have sold 33.125 tables out of 50, so please work on your tables.
  • About ½ of the honorees have gotten tables so far – they are able to get them at the member rate, which is $600 per 8 seats.
  • POWERHour
  • Next PowerHour is October 19th. We encourage everyone to attend!
  • Finalizing speaker for January’s session.


  • Ros reported that our Christmas Mixer is December 1st at 5:30 pm
  • The committee will be meeting in about a week and ½
  • Blue Santa is on board; will let everyone know what to bring (unwrapped toy valued at $10 and up)
  • Committee will provide a “mixers” type basket for the gala.


  • Belinda reported on membership and thanked everyone for helping with the new member mixer
  • There was a small decrease in small business and nonprofit members, but our individual members went up by 6 (and down by 2)

Alumnae Mixer

  • No update.

Committee Involvement

  • Dr. Neubert reported she does not having anything new at this time.
  • For those who have not finished navigating the new board member orientation, please do so.

501 (C)(3) status

  • Dr. Katzreported that everything is submitted and in process- we are just waiting now
  • This should be fully running by the golf tournament time
  • Thank you to Catherine for all her help with the legal parts of this process!

Tri-Centennial Project

  • Angelica reported that she met with Dr. Blackwood and we are working to get a proposal submitted by November 1st. This includes a list of activities for 2018 to highlight the Tri-Centennial project, but the list can be updated as it changes
  • We discussed an idea about an exhibit, but Angelica said that one area we talked about wasn’t open – we have other ideas, though, including a min-exhibit at the museum and a Dome Video show for the month of March at ITC.
  • Next summer there will be a teacher institute in Bexar County for July, each day has a theme and maybe we could do a breakout session one day
  • Angelica will let the committee know that we are applying
  • Working on a storyline together. Some ideas discussed were:
  • Review pictures to see women in golf over the years to hook it into the SAWCC golf tournament
  • Women in specific leadership positions over the past 300 years (Some ideas from Sondra include Time magazine covers, Nobel Peace Prize winners, Pioneer women)
  • Including Women Studies at UTSA
  • The traveling road show could go to each of our SAWCC events and that way we can engage our members for suggestions and ideas
  • An online forum where women can submit their stories
  • The Chairs of all our committees can generate ideas related to their committee
  • Culminating the year-long celebration by highlighting it at our Gala and tying that in.


  • Sarah and Margie have been attending events on our behalf – Margie attended the Governor’s business forum recently. She reported that it was very well attended and well run
  • Sarah sat on the SCTRC (The South Central Texas Regional Certification) annual awards for their blue ribbon committee meeting.
  • We get a lot of requests from organizations to participate – many are last minute and many require additional costs or sponsorships so we are very careful about where we can and will participate
  • Dr. Katz let everyone know that Cindy Taylor will be honored by the South Texas Chamber October 19th!
  • Amy mentioned that her shop is hosting a Women & Wine event October 19th from 6-7:30

Meeting adjourned.

Minutes taken and respectfully submitted by:

Tracey Ritchie