Dr. Woodward’s AP Environmental Science Study Guide for the Water Unit Exam

·  There are 40 multiple choice questions worth 2 points each (80 points total) and one essay question worth 20 points. Total exam value = 100 points.

·  If you understand all of the concepts on this study guide, you should have no problem on your first exam. Good luck!!!

In-Class Assignment or Homework

Please answer the following questions using complete sentences in your composition book. No typed assignments will be accepted.

1.  What do the following terms mean in relation to the water (hydrologic cycle)?

Evaporation, Transpiration, Condensation, Precipitation, Infiltration, Percolation, and Runoff.

2.  What are the different percentages of water and their relationship to saltwater, fresh water, and available freshwater?


2.5%______two-thirds of it is bound in ______

.77% of all ______is found in______

99% of all liquid fresh water is found in underground ______

3.  The Power of water: What is the significance of 1 billion, 2 ½ billion and 3 million.

4.  What do the following water quality terms mean? Hard water, soft water, turbid, coliform, pH, salinity, brackish, dissolved oxygen, storm water and runoff?

5.  What is the difference between green and blue water?

6.  What do the following terms and their relationship to fresh water mean groundwater, water table, watershed, infiltration, and aquifer?

7.  What are some of the problems with the dependence on groundwater?

8.  What is desalination?

9.  What are some common characteristics of lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, marshes, bogs, lagoons, swamps and estuaries.

10.  What are the specific zones of lake stratification, trophic states and their characteristics? (littoral zone, epilimnion, hypolimnion, oligotrophic, eutrophic)

11.  What is the role of phosphate and nitrates in fresh water?

12.  What is the relationship between phytoplankton and photosynthesis?

13.  What is the difference between biodegradable waste and non-biodegradable waste? (give examples of each)

14.  What are some of the categories of pollution that effect water and land?

15.  What is a “Dead Zone?”

16.  What is the difference between a point source and non-point source of pollution?

(give examples of each)

17.  Describe the following pollutants, what they are used for and their effects on fish, animals and the food web. (Mercury, Lead, burning coal and oil, Acids, PCB’s, DDT, and lead) Essay exam will focus on water pollution and lake acidification.

18.  What are some waterborne diseases and pathogens carried by sewage?

19.  What is cholera?

20.  Describe the three main stages of municipal sewage treatment and what happens during each stage (know in detail).

21.  Make sure you know all of the, “What do you think questions?” presented in class lectures and the rationale for the answers given.

22.  Describe oil and its impact on the environment during the BP Oil Spill.

23.  Make sure that you completely understand the Louisiana Case Study.