The Scout Association Census 2012 information collection form

To be completed by adult volunteer

Dear All,

As you would expect, The ScoutAssociation aims to provide activities and opportunities for all young people, and to be fully representative of the local community. To help us ensure that we are meeting this aim, we need to improve the collection of accurate data. This form will help us collect anonymous data relating to ethnicity and disability. The data will be transferred to a section/group summary, and theoriginal form will be securely destroyed.

The categories on this form relating to ethnicity match those used by the UK National Census and this will mean that we can get a much more accurate picture of how closely Scoutingtruly reflects the makeup of our local communities. Along with the information on disabilities, this will help us to identify where further support is needed to ensure that we are providing the fun, challenge and adventure of Scouting to more young people.

We would really appreciate it if you could complete the form below and return it to by no later than

Many thanks,






A / English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British
B / Irish
C / Gypsy or Irish Traveller
D / Any other White background (please specify)

Mixed/multiple ethnic groups

E / White and Black Caribbean
F / White and Black African
G / White and Asian
H / Any other mixed/multiple ethnic background (please specify)

Asian/Asian British

I / Indian
J / Pakistani
K / Bangladeshi
L / Chinese
M / Any other Asian background (please specify)

Black/African/Caribbean/Black British

N / African
O / Caribbean
P / Any other Black/African/Caribbean background (please specify)

Other ethnic group

Q / Arab
R / Other (please specify)



If the answer is YES, please specify:

Autistic spectrum
Blind/partially sighted
Deaf/hard of hearing
Wheelchair user/mobility difficulties
Personal Care Support
Mental health difficulties
Unseen disability eg diabetes, epilepsy, etc
A disability not covered above (please state)