Chairs’ and Governors’ Forum

12th May 2010

St Peter’s CE Primary School, Chippenham Mews

Chairs and Governors: Tony Howells – Robinsfield Infants (Chair), Cliff Burgess – George Eliot Infants, Dave Ward – Essendine, Audrey Millar – Portman Early Childhood Centre, Anton Young – St Saviour’s, Gordon Slater – Queen Elizabeth II, John Kitchen – St Peter’s Chippenham Mews, Marie-Therese Fardon – Westminster Cathedral, Anne Wolfe – Grey Coat Hospital, Joe Hegarty – St Vincent’s RC, Auriol Blandy – St James’ and St Michael’s, Glyn Williams – St Augustine’s High, Cathy Slater – St Mary’s Bryanston Square, Clare Lees – Wilberforce, Jacky Schroer – St Peter’s Chippenham Mews, Nia Imara – Quintin Kynaston, Steve Maingot – Our Lady of Dolours, Priscilla Sharp – St Joseph’s, Anne Heath – Hampden Gurney, Ken Brathwaite – Wilberforce, Judith McKee – Churchill Gardens, Angel Samuel – Quintin Kynaston, Sam Adcock – St Peter’s Chipp Mews

WCC: Ann Foster (AF) – Governor Development Co-ordinator, Angela Drizi (AD) – Director of Schools and Learning, Daria Wignall – Head of Schools and Learning, Amanda Price – Programme Support Officer (Governors)

Apologies: John Fitzpatrick – St George’s CE, Martin Morton – St George’s RC, Jean Burton – St James’ and St Michael’s, Margaret Mountford - St Marylebone, Kate Batchelor – St Clement Danes, Cllr Barbara Grahame – Quintin Kynaston, Len Clark – St Mary’s Bryanston Square, Elizabeth Mitchell – Soho Parish,

Phillida Inman – Gateway, Paul Hutchinson - Paddington Green, Mary Gifford - Halfield

1.  Welcome, introductions, apologies and notes from last meeting.

1.1 The Chair, Auriol Blandy, had been delayed, so Tony Howells kindly assumed the role. He welcomed all in attendance and thanked St Peter’s CE Primary School for the use of their premises and their hospitality. He introduced Sam Adcock, the Head Teacher of St. Peter’s, who thanked governors for all the work they do.

1.2 Apologies had been received as listed and were accepted.

1.3 The minutes of the meeting held on 4th February 2010 were agreed.

2.  Director’s Report - Angela Drizi, Director of Schools and Learning

2.1 LA Restructuring and Financial Update – The restructuring is currently in Phase 3. The new structure has looked at those who deliver services and those who commission. Commissioners, including AD, Daria Wignall, Ann Foster and School Improvement Partners, are those who, for the majority their role, are responsible for developing, advising on and reviewing services. Deliverers are the staff who actually go into schools and provide a front line service. The commissioning unit is already small but the delivery team is also reducing as more delivery is devolved to schools. The units are integrated with other areas, including health, early years and social services. Currently, there are 50 staff commissioning and around 400/450 deliverers. The delivery unit will be lead by Geoff Skinner, current Operational Director of Children, Young People & Families. At the moment AD is leading on commissioning. A consultation process is currently taking place with the aim of having key managers in place for 1st July 2010.

AD assured governors that they should not see a difference in the service they receive.

The original restructuring was not financially driven, however, with the current financial situation, the authority may move to a fourth phase and this will have an impact on schools. As a front line service, Westminster is committed to protecting funding for schools but this is not so for LA posts. Cuts are having to be made and with the withdrawal of other funding, such as The National Strategies, posts will be reduced. Schools may have to buy in services or absorb the work themselves. External services tend to be more expensive than those that have been offered by the authority. Following last year’s cuts of £2m, Westminster has had to find additional savings of £2.5m over 2-3 years and education is having to find a further £1m on top of this.

Cliff Burgess pointed out that this is Westminster’s sixteenth reconstruction that he can recall. AD responded that she had seen similar levels in other authorities and she was concerned at the time occupied by restructuring which diverted from work with schools, and which may continue with the new government in place. Steve Mariott asked why those who orchestrated the restructuring were not made aware of this. AD explained how the powers of directors of children’s services had been diminished over time. Gordon Slater asked that Chairs be kept up-to-date on a regular basis with developments, particularly as things may change quickly in the current climate. AF to action.

2.2 Education Commission Report – One recommendation from the report was that elected members should become more involved in schools, whether by becoming governors or by visiting the school. The authority is currently carrying out inductions for new members and are encouraging them to visit the schools in their wards. AD recommended that governors invite their local members into the school as the more they know about Westminster’s schools, the better.

Following the high aspirational targets in English and maths set for secondary schools by members, the LA is ensuring financial support to help secondary schools raise standards.

Another recommendation in the report was for Westminster to work with other LAs. Westminster already has a collaboration across five boroughs looking at improving schools, sharing good practice and focusing on vulnerable children. Westminster has been in discussions with Hammersmith & Fulham and will be meeting again in June. There is a possibility of including Kensington and Chelsea. Westminster is also looking at working in partnership with the voluntary sector. Dave Ward said that any work with other authorities should be aimed at improving the quality of service and not for financial reasons and that the current services offered by Westminster should not be stretched too thin as a result of any collaboration. AD confirmed that this was the basis of the LA’s efforts but that the members are also looking at efficiencies.

AD then circulated a document (Appendix 1) relating to the School Report Card, which was recommended in the White Paper and supported by the Education Commission. This card would only contain published information on the school. It is currently being trialled and each school will receive a “mock” card with their details on.

AD asked AF to outline a working group being set up by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to look at and share good practice in schools, raising the profile of schools with members. The group is looking for a school governor to represent all Westminster governors. It was agreed that details of the role be circulated with the minutes of this meeting (Appendix 2) and that anyone interested should then contact AF. There are currently two governors on the Overview and Scrutiny Committee but they are parent governor representatives.

TH thanked AD for her report.

3.  Local Authority Monitoring, Support and Challenge Policy – Daria Wignall, Head of Schools and Learning

DW advised that the above document, which explains how the LA interacts with schools, has now been updated to include the new Ofsted framework. A draft copy can be viewed via the governor website The consultation period has been extended to 21st May 2010. Any comments on the content should be passed to DW via Ann Foster. This includes advising on any areas which are not clear.

TH thanked DW for her report.

4.  Governance Issues – Ann Foster

4.1 AF reported the sad news that Phyl Crawford had died recently. Phyl had been Director of Education in Westminster and had worked with many governors. AF will write on behalf of the Forum to Phyl’s family. Nan Nikoloff had also passed away recently and AF paid tribute to the contribution she had made as a long standing governor at Robinsfield and Barrow Hill.

4.2 AF presented the attached briefing paper (Appendix 3) including comments on the Ministerial Review, which has eventually been published after two years. The final document has not been as far reaching as was inferred it would be when the review started.

4.3 Clerking – the ministerial review raises the profile of clerks, recognising the important role they play. AF is currently working with five schools to recruit clerks and hopes that as a result, we will have a pool of possible clerks to recommend to schools in the future. Work is currently taking place on establishing an accredited course for clerks. Westminster offers training to all clerks, including update sessions and the National Training Programme for Clerks. There is a BTEC course and AF is working with other London governor service co-ordinators to see if this can be offered to Westminster clerks. If governors know of anybody interested in taking on this role, please ask them to contact AF

4.4 Governor Website – Amanda Price demonstrated the new Westminster website for governors which was welcomed as improving clarity and presentation. This can be accessed via or at the new address Any comments on the new structure and content should be passed to .

4.5 Online Governor Training – AF demonstrated the Modern Governor online training package. An uptake of 20% of schools is required for this to be viable. The cost per school if booked through the LA is £89 for primaries and £99 for secondaries for the year. If a school signs up, then all their governors can use the modules. AF has arranged an introductory price of £70 per primary school and £80 per secondary school for two terms from September 2010. Chairs will be contacted in the near future to ascertain interest. Modern Governor will be available to view at the Good and Outstanding seminar on 6th July 2010.

4.6 Governor Advisory Group - AF thanked those members of the group, which was set up last year, for their invaluable support. The group provides input into the service offered by Westminster to governors. It meets three times and year, usually at 5pm and AF asked governors, both current members of the group and any others interested in joining, to contact her.

5.  Date / venue and agenda items for next meeting

To be advised.

The meeting closed at 8.40pm.