
We arepleased to invite yourchild to playon their division AYSO Club Team forthe2017-18tournamentseason. Asyoumayalreadyknow,AYSO Club Teamselection is an honorand a privilege, notanentitlement.Along with thehonorand privilegeofAYSOClubselectioncome responsibilitiesandcommitments.In order to enableyou to makeafullyinformeddecision whetherto accept our invitation, thislettersets forth somebasic information about thetournament season,anddescribes the natureof thecommitmentsthatare expected fromAYSO Club playersand theirparents. Please provide us withyouraffirmativeresponsebyreturning afullysigned copyof this letter to theAYSO Club Teamcoachatyourteam’s first practice.


Thetournament season commences in mid-November2017andcontinuesthroughAugust2018. Thesetournamentsareput on byAYSOregions,as well aslocal clubs. Some local and afew inwhich mayrequireovernightstay. Thetournaments areplayed on Saturday’sandSunday’salthough thereis onetournamentplayedover three days.

It is up to the coachand the parents to decide howmanytournaments to enter.Inanygiventournamentseason,anAYSO Club teamcanplayin 5-8 tournaments. Eachtournament (other than the actualAYSO Clubtournament),requiresadvance paymentbythe parents of a registrationfeeand a referee deposit. The costaverage is between $50-$60 perplayer/per tournament. A Uniform purchaseinthe $50-$70 rangeis anotherAYSO Club team expense, alongwith the optionalpurchase of AYSO Club backpacks,sweatshirts and/or othersimilar items.

Also parents are requiredto paya commitmentfeeof $100.00If theparenthas multiple kids playingtheyreceive a$25.00 discountperadditionalchild. This moneyis nonrefundable.If aplayerleaves themoneywillstaywith theteam.If the teamdissolves the moneywill stayswith the region.

In exchange for the honor and privilegeofplaying on theAYSO Club Team,each playerand theirparentsare expectedtomakethe followingcommitments:

1.To make AYSO socceryourfirst priorityoverdifferent sports orotherafter-school/weekend activities fromthe beginningof thetournament seasonthroughthe end ofthetournamentseason. As setforthabove, the teamwill oftencontinue to playin tournamentsthroughJune;

2.To timelyattendat least 75% of allteampractices (typicallyone-two practices per week dependingoncoach/playeravailability,and the team’s tournament schedule),and 90%ofalltournamentgames.Inthe eventof injury, illness, emergency,or anyother reason,you must inform thecoach sufficientlyinadvanceofanypracticesor games thatyoucannot attend.

3.To timelymakealladvance payments necessaryforthe tournaments thatyourteam has decidedto enter;

4.To volunteer aminimum of 4hours perAYSO Club family; Refereeintournaments in the eventthatyou(parents)arecertifiedreferees. (Every team must have 2 active adult referees)

5.To otherwise volunteer asneededbythecoach ifyou (parents) arenot certifiedreferees, andtobegenerallysupportive ofthe AYSOClubplayers,coach,andRegion 605;

To behaveyourselvesat all times while attournaments, with theknowledge thatyou arerepresentingRegion 605at all tournaments at whichyouappear.Thisincludes, but is not limited to, beingcourteous to therefereesat all timesregardless of whetheryouagree with theircalls; being courteous to the opposingteam’splayersandcoaches atalltimes regardless if theyarecourteous toyou; andcomplyingwith all tournamentrules.

(At all times All Star Teams operate under the same rules as the AYSO Core program. AYSO philosophies are always in effect)

6.To complywith allgamerelatedrequests ofyourteam’scoachincluding, but not limited to, whatposition(s)to play;whatquarters to play; and whatstrategies and tactics touse.

7.To complywith all rulings andotherdecisionsmadebythe Commissioner.

Consequences ofNon-Compliance

Failure to honor anyof these commitmentsmay,afterconsultation with the teamcoachandapproval of theCommissioner,result inanyorall of thefollowingconsequences: (a) reduction of playingtime in tournamentgames; (b)beingleft offthe roster for tournamentgames;(c) suspension from the team;(d) loss of eligibility forfutureAYSO Club or tournamentteams; (e) such otherappropriateconsequences as maybeapprovedbythe AYSO Regional Board.

On behalf ofRegion 605, welook forward toyourchild’sparticipation anda greatAYSO Clubseason.

Matt Crawley / Aldo Figallo
Matt Crawley
All Star Administrator / Aldo Figallo
Assistant All Star Administrator
Player / Date
Parent / Date
Parent / Date