The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited

(A wholly-owned subsidiary of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited)

VI.BConfirmation with regard to issuer’s own website

From 25 June 2008 onwards, every issuer must have its own website where the public must be able to access documents free of charge. (From 25 June 2007 to 24 June 2008, a Main Board issuer without its own website must publish full versions of its announcements in the newspapers as well as on the HKEx website.) For details, please see Listing Rule 2.07C(6).

Please download the form of confirmation from HKEx’s e-Submission System website as to whether your Company currently has its own website and sign and forward it to us for our records prior to the date of your Company’s listing on the Exchange. The e-Submission System website is located at The form can be found under “Template for confirmation letter from new listing applicant regarding own website” under the registration hyperlink.

VI.B Confirmation with regard to issuer’s own website

[To be printed on issuer’s own letterhead]

To :The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited

11th Floor, One International Finance Centre

1 Harbour View Street


Hong Kong

Attn.: Listing Division

Re:Confirmation regarding own website


[We also confirm that our Company has a website on which we will be required under the Listing Rules to publish announcements, notices or other documents submitted by us for publication on the HKEx website/GEM website[2]. The address of the website is as follows[3]:

In the event of any changes to the address of our website, we will on each occasion notify you immediately in writing of such changes by such means as you may from time to time prescribe.

Based on the particulars notified to you from time to time, we consent to the display or inclusion on any website operated from time to time by HKEx (including the HKEx website and GEM website) of any hyperlink or shortcut to our Company’s website and the disclosure of its URL in any material published by HKEx or any of its subsidiaries or other group companies.]


[Our Company does not yet have a website on which to publish announcements, notices or other documents submitted by us for publication on the HKEx website/GEM website[4], but will have such a website by no later than the date on which the relevant requirement under the Listing Rules comes into force.

When our Company has established a website on which we will be required under the Listing Rules to publish announcements, notices or other documents submitted by us for publication on the HKEx website/GEM website[5], we will notify you immediately in writing of the address of the website by such means as you may from time to time prescribe.

Thereafter, in the event of any changes to the address of our website, we will on each occasion notify you immediately in writing of such changes by such means as you may from time to time prescribe.

Based on the particulars notified to you from time to time, we consent to the display or inclusion on any website operated from time to time by HKEx (including the HKEx website and GEM website) of any hyperlink or shortcut to our Company’s website and the disclosure of its URL in any material published by HKEx or any of its subsidiaries or other group companies.]

Yours faithfully,

For and on behalf of[6]





Jun 2007

VI.B - 1

[1]Delete as applicable.

[2]Delete as applicable.

[3]Please insert the relevant URL.

[4]Delete as applicable.

[5]Delete as applicable.

[6]Please insert here the name of your Company.

[7]To be signed by the “authorised person to receive passwords and for subsequent registration matters”as given on the Registration for e-Submission form.