Miss Marchand’s Dynamite
Homework Tips for Success

·  Write the Homework Hotline number down in your social studies Passport (composition notebook), agenda, and place a copy of it on the refrigerator.

o  Call the number if you had a mind-freeze and forgot your agenda at school.

o  Have your parent or caregiver listen to the recording with you on another phone so they can help you write down the assignment.

o  Grades 5&6 Homework Hotline number = 691-5435

o  Grades 7&8 Homework Hotline number = 691-5436

·  Ask two responsible classmates to be your Homework Buddies.

o  Write their name, phone numbers, email addresses, and the latest time you may call their houses at in your Passport and agenda.

·  Be sure to pay attention when homework assignments are reviewed and discussed in class.

o  Ask questions if you do not understand the directions.

o  Ask questions if you do not understand the expectations of the assignment.

o  If you are afraid to raise your hand, write your question on a piece of paper and hand it to Miss Marchand or another adult in the classroom.

·  Neatly write down the assignment and due date in your agenda.

o  If you are the “Helping Hand,” check to see if everyone at your table wrote the assignment down in their agenda.

·  Write your first and last name, date, and class period on any worksheets as soon as you get them.

·  Keep your Passport neat and organized.

o  The first five pages should be labeled and set aside for the Table of Contents.

o  Number the rest of the pages – page numbers should be located in the upper-corner of each page.

o  Carefully tape papers into your Passport. Remember to put a small piece of tape on each corner.

o  When entering assignments into your Passport, be sure to the assignment title, page number, and date in the Table of Contents.

o  Be sure to write the title and date down when entering any information into your Passport.

·  When packing your bag at the end of the day, only take items you NEED! Do not take additional items, it causes confusion and hurts your back!

·  Tape this sheet into your Passport! Be sure to note it in your Table of ContentsJ

I reviewed the information above with my student:

Parent/Caregiver Signature: Date: