Montvale Elementary School

Family Handbook




MvES Little Patriots

One Little Patriot Drive, Montvale, Virginia, 24122

Office Phone: 540-947-2241 Cafeteria Phone: 540-947-2516

Fax: 540-947-5300

Website: http://bedfordmves.sharpschool.net/

Office Hours: 7:20 a.m.-4:00 p.m.

School Hours: 7:55 a.m.-2:35 p.m.



Table of Contents 1

Faculty and Staff 2

History of MVES 3

Vision/Mission Statements 4

Admission Requirements 4

Attendance 4

Band 5

Buses 5

Cafeteria 6

Cancellation of School 6

Car Rider Policy 7

Celebrations 8

Checks 8

Conferences 8

Confidentiality 9

Crisis Management 9

Custody 9

Directory Information 9

Discipline 10

Dress 11

Early Dismissals 11

Emergency Information 11

Family Life 12

Field Trips 12

Fire Drills 12

Fundraising 12

Gifted Education 13

Grades/Progress 13

Guidance 13

Homework 13

Honor Roll 14

Hours of Operation 14

Illness and Medication 14

Immunization 15

Library 15

Lockers 15

Moment of Silence 16

Music/PE/Art/Computer 16

Newsletters 16

Pictures/Yearbooks 16

PTA 17

Property 17

Recreation Association 17

Residency Requirements 17

Responsibilities of Students 18

Rights of Students 18

SCA 18

School Property 18

Sex Offender Registry 18

State Testing 18

Student Planner 19

Student Records 19

Teacher Requests 20

Telephone/Fax 21

Textbooks 21

Visitors 21

Volunteers 21

Weekly Folder 21

BCPS Information 22

Handbook Verification Form 23

Medication Form 24




Support Staff
/ Reading Specialist
Katy Shea / Cheyenne Aliff / Andrea Crawford
Wanda Crews /
/ Karen Dillon /
Kindergarten / Christie Dooley /
Judy Hylton
Maggie Minnick / Amanda Earsing
Denise Duncan / Brenda Ringley /
/ Cathy Robers / Meredith Dooley
Deborah Tuck
First Grade / Leatha Williams /
Sarah Hankinson
/ Paige Craft
Victoria Shephard
/ Custodians
Jennifer Yeatts / Dawn Sines /
Physical Education
Steve Gish / Leanne Rice
Second Grade
Brittany Klein /
Susan Brooks
Sarah Hankinson / Jenny Ingram, Manager /
/ Patricia Carter /
School Psychologist
/ Jan Rakes / Reggie Tyree
Third Grade / Shirley Witt /
Paula Thiel
/ Shelby Fullen /
School Social Worker
Sandy Overstreet
/ Cindy LaPradd / TBD
Fourth Grade

Bus Drivers



Debbie Martin

/ 55 Charlie Obenchain / Susan Blanding
Kelly Beasley / 59 Eddie Scott
125 Diane Carter /


Fifth Grade

/ 130 Beth Lawrence / Susan Evans
Julie Arthur / 135 TBD

Cindy Meyer

/ 155 Vicki Elmore /


Kevin Spaulding /

175 Colin McRoberts


Judy Brunk

179 Kenny Radford

Special Education

/ 217 Amy McRoberts /


Mike Roebuck / 220 Rita Richardson / Marlene Wertz
Leah Wilson /



/ Krista Moore




Since the late 1880’s, there has been an educational facility in or near Montvale, Virginia. By 1922-23, this school became an accredited four-year high school. As time went on, enrollment increased and a new facility was opened in the fall of 1930 to accommodate students from several areas. Under the thirty-five year principalship of Hugh D. McKee, Montvale High School broadened its curriculum, expanded its physical plant, and increased its usefulness to the district’s citizens.

In 1964 the building was converted to an elementary school with Mr. McKee remaining as principal until his retirement in 1968. Montvale students in grades 8-12 attended the new consolidated Liberty High School. Montvale Elementary School contained grades 1-7 until 1970 when Kindergarten was added. In 1989, students in grade 7 were moved to the remodeled Bedford Middle School and Montvale Elementary School housed grades K-6.

In 1996, Montvale Elementary School moved to a modern, state-of-the-art facility that housed grades K-6. The same school now serves PreK through 5th grade and continues to represent the excellent educational values and traditions of the community.

This Family Handbook and the Bedford County Schools’ Code of Student Conduct should be used together. The Code gives detailed information that is not included here.


Montvale Elementary School, along with the community, will provide a safe learning environment that will nurture each student’s emotional, social, physical, and academic potential.


Montvale Elementary students will be prepared for success in the twenty-first century by integrating technology, hands-on learning, and active involvement in the learning process. Highly qualified staff will design and implement the educational process addressing individual differences and focusing on the belief that all students are capable learners. Parent and community participation will have an important role in this process. All students will be educated in a safe and secure environment that promotes responsibility, manners, self-esteem, and communication.



Age - A child may enter kindergarten if he/she has reached age five on or before September 30, 2016. Children who are six years old by September 30, 2016 must be enrolled in school.

Immunizations - A parent or guardian must present evidence of each child’s immunization against communicable diseases for which vaccinations are required by state law. Children must also be vaccinated against varicella or Chicken Pox. Students who are not fully vaccinated will not be allowed to enter school.

Physical Examination - Children entering school for the first time must have a comprehensive physical examination performed within the twelve months prior to enrollment. The parent or guardian shall furnish the school with the physician’s report.


Please call the school (540-947-2241) by 9:30 a.m. if your child will be absent that day. When the student returns to school after an absence, he/she must bring a doctor’s excuse or a written note signed by the parent/guardian explaining when and why the student was absent. If a written note is not received, the absence will remain unexcused. If a student is absent for three days or more, contact the school so that work may be sent home. Students who miss 1-2 days will have 3 school days to make up the work; those missing 3-5 days will have 6 school days; and those missing over 6 days should talk with the teacher to establish a date for the work to be completed. If you know your child will be absent for several days and would like to pick up assignments, please give the school prior notice. If you would like work sent home in the afternoon for a child that is absent that day, please make your request by 8:00 a.m.

Parents will be notified by letter when their child’s absences exceed five days. Attendance letters address days absent, days tardy, and times that the student has left early.

To avoid being tardy, students must be in their classroom by 7:55 a.m. Students who arrive after 7:55 a.m. must report to the office with a parent/guardian before going to class. All students must be signed in on the computer in the main office by the adult accompanying them. Regular attendance is extremely important to a child’s academic progress. Please make sure that your child arrives on time and attends daily unless he/she is ill. Please refer to the Code of Student Conduct for additional information concerning attendance policies for Bedford County Schools.


Children in preschool through third grades must be accompanied to and from bus stops where the bus driver cannot see the parent from the drop off location. Students will be returned to school if an approved person is not visible to the driver.

A student riding a bus other than their regular bus must have written parental permission approved in the office. (If it is necessary to call the school to request changes due to an emergency situation, these calls should be made before 12:00 p.m. to allow time for the message to reach the student.) If a student wishes to ride a bus home with another student, both students must have written parental permission approved in the office. If not, both students will go home by their normal methods of transportation. When a student rides a bus to an unscheduled stop (i.e., not with another student), the note must include the address of the stop. Always send a note when there is a change in your child’s normal transportation plans.

Bus safety will be reviewed at every grade level. Students are expected to maintain appropriate and safe behavior at all times on the bus and at the bus stop. Specific guidelines and procedures can be found in the Code of Student Conduct.

CAFETERIA (Direct Telephone #540-947-2516)

The MVES cafeteria provides well-balanced and nutritious breakfast and lunch meals daily. In the event that school opening is delayed, breakfast will be offered to the children as they arrive.

Student Lunch $2.30 Reduced $ .40 Adult Lunch $3.30

Student Breakfast $1.25 Reduced $ .00 Adult Breakfast $1.60

Snacks/Ice cream $ .75 each Milk/juice $ .60 each

**Prices are subject to change without notice.

Students may buy extra items when they go through the line.

Students who pack lunches should not bring anything in glass containers, nor should they bring sodas. Nutritious foods and beverages are encouraged. Students may purchase à la carte items without purchasing a full lunch.

Each child will receive a Free and Reduced Price Meal application. The application may be submitted throughout the school year in the event of employment changes.

CHARGE POLICY: The School Nutrition Program is self-supporting and relies on the funds generated each day in the school cafeteria. In an effort to assist with uncollected breakfast and lunch charges, the school nutrition program does have a meal charge policy. Elementary school students are allowed to charge up to $6.90, which is the equivalent of three lunches. Students are not allowed to charge extra items such as bottled water or ice cream, only breakfast and lunch meals.

Once a student reaches their charge limit, cafeteria staff will offer the student milk and a sandwich (either peanut butter & jelly or cheese) for lunch. This will ensure that the student receives something to eat and does not go hungry. When parents send in money for their child’s account, any charges will be satisfied first and the remainder of the money will be added to the child’s account. It is imperative that parents keep track of their children’s account balance and keep it in good standing.

The cafeteria staff does not enjoy having to offer a student an alternative meal, but allowing unlimited charging in the school cafeteria hurts the financial status of the program. If you have any questions regarding the meal charge policy, you may speak with the School Nutrition Supervisor, Karen Arthur at 540-586-1045 extension 224 or our MvES Cafeteria Manager, Jenny Ingram at 540-947-2516.


Cancellation of school takes place only during special circumstances such as extreme weather, equipment failure, or crisis situations. The best way to receivealertsabout weather-related closings & delaysis by downloading thefreeBedford County Public Schools App for iPhone/Android from the App Store. This will also push notifications to your phone as they are released!

The next place the County will post alerts, closings, or delays is on Facebook. OnFacebook, “Like” the BCPS page to stay informed:


Other, less timely, methods about BCPS alerts arelocal televisionorradio.

Schools are not contacted directly in the morning about closings/delays. Our staff must monitor the above listed sources of information to learn about school closings and take action for each situation. Calling the school isnotthe quickest way to receive the latest information.


In order to ensure the safety of all children and MvES staff, we ask that all parents/caregivers who drop off/pick up children before/after school adhere to the following policies:


·  Students may be dropped off in the car rider circle from 7:20-7:55 a.m.

·  At 7:55 a.m., the tardy bell rings…students should be in their classrooms at this time. Students who aren’t in their classrooms when the tardy bell rings are considered tardy and MUST BE SIGNED IN AT THE FRONT OFFICE BY A PARENT/GUARDIAN. If students are eating breakfast at school, they should be dropped off as close to 7:20 as possible in order to get to the cafeteria, go through the line, and finish breakfast in time to get to class before the tardy bell rings.


·  If a child will be an afternoon car rider on a regular basis, parents/guardians must sign up the student at the front office as a car rider and receive a car rider number. The student will get a card with the number on it; parents/guardians will get a sign with the same number on it to display in the car windshield at pick-up time.

·  If your child has an early dismissal due to a medical appointment, etc., you must sign them out in the front office before 2:15 p.m. After 2:15 p.m., please use the car rider line.


·  The car rider line is intended to move quickly. Please adhere to the following guidelines:

o  Park in the car rider circle (two lines of vehicles in the afternoon), pulling forward as far as you can.

o  Make sure your car rider number is clearly visible through your windshield. (The numbers are easier to read if they are flush against the glass or are hung from the rearview mirror; they are difficult to read when they are laid flat on the dashboard.)

o  In the circle, drivers/parents should remain in their vehicles. Do not leave your car parked in the line to enter the school; do not walk around your car to try to help your child get into the vehicle. MvES staff members will be there to offer assistance to students.

o  Students should enter the vehicle on the passenger side. Please have any necessary child safety seats accessible from the passenger side.

o  As soon as vehicles in the line have been loaded, school staff will signal the lead cars to exit the circle.

o  If your child requires your assistance to buckle up (seat belts, booster seats, etc.), please do so quickly; do NOT block the car rider line. You may also move your vehicle to the nearest open parking space to assist your child.

·  Students will not be delivered to parents who are parked in the parking lot. Students will only be loaded into vehicles in the car rider line.