Elk River Lutheran ELCACongregational Meeting January 24th, 2016 DRAFT Minutes

Present: 94 ERLC Members—see sign-in log for list of names

ERLC President Kim Hauger called the meeting to order at 9:49 am and led group in Prayer

Old Business

Brad Tesdahl led review of ERLC Annual Meeting Meeting Minutes from June 21st, 2015. No discussion or questions occurred.

  • Motion by Marv Ziner to accept the ERLC Annual Meeting Minutesfrom June 21st, 2015. Seconded, by Howard Dalzell. All in favor. None Opposed. Motion Approved.


ERLC Treasurer, Diane Harding led review of ERLC Finance report for 2015.

  • Motion by Pam Black to accept and approve 2015 ERLC Finance Report. Seconded by Dale Ziner. All in favor. None Opposed. Motion Approved.

ERLC President Kim Hauger led discussion on ERLC Membership Statistics.

ERLC President Kim Hauger provided Call Committee Update.

ERLC President expressed thank and gratitude to outgoing ERLC Council Members. Jim Klien, Diana Schnasberg and Betty Zehringer.

New Business

ERLC President Kim Hauger and ERLC Treasurer Diane Harding led discussion of ERLC 2016 Proposed Budget.

  • Motion by tom Wingard, to accept and approve proposed ERLC Budget. Seconded by Vance Zehringer. All in favor. None Opposed. Motion Approved.

ERLC President Kim Hauger and Mike Roden led review and discussion for ERLC Mission Statement and proposal to modify ERLC Mission Statement.

  • Motion by Dale Ziner, to accept and approve modified ERLC Mission Statement as proposed by ERLC Council: “Trusting in God’s grace, an accepting, joyful community, serving God and Neighbor.” Seconded by Kari Milo Christainsen All in favor. None Opposed. Motion Approved.

Leader of ERLC Nominating Committee Mike Roden presented ERLC Nomination Committee nominations for ERLC Executive Council. President Brad Tesdahl, Vice President Kim Hauger, Treasure Adam Horner and Secretary Erin Roppe.

  • Motion by Dale Ziner, to cast a wide ballot and accept and approve ERLC Nomination Committee nominations for ERLC Executive Council. Seconded by Lorie Schulstad-Werk. All in favor. None Opposed. Motion Approved.

Leader of ERLC Nominating Committee Mike Roden presented ERLC Nomination Committee nominations for At-Large ERLC Council Members. Shane Austvold, Karen Sjobeck-Mahon and Charee Wagenfeil-Cain.

  • Motion by Ardell Dahlin to cast a wide ballot and accept and approve ERLC Nomination Committee nominations for ERLC Executive Council. Seconded by Don Wiley. All in favor. None Opposed. Motion Approved.

Leader of ERLC Nominating Committee Mike Roden presented ERLC Nomination Committee nominations for ERLC Nominating Committee Members: Jim Klein, Diana Schansberg, Tom Werk, Julie Haugen, Brian Follmer and Carol Vickstrom

  • Motion by Kari Christainsento cast a wide ballot and accept and approve ERLC Nomination Committee nominations for ERLC Executive Council. Seconded by Chuck Cazette. All in favor. None Opposed. Motion Approved.

ERLC President Kim Hauger adjourned meeting at 10:28 am.

Respectfully submitted,Brad Tesdahl, ERLC Secretary