The Paleolithic Age

I. Overview

A. Scientists believe that 900,000 years ago people lived only on the grasslands of eastern and southern Africa.

B. The Earth’s climate changed and became colder. The ocean water froze and huge glaciers formed.

C. People were able to migrate across the land bridges that were created by the glaciers. They moved to Europe, Asia, and eventually the Americas.

II. Obtaining Food

A. People lived in small bands of about 30 members.

B. Each band searched for food within their home territory.

C. Women and children gathered berries, nuts, fruit, eggs, honey, and roots for food.

D. Men had the job of finding meat by either hunting or fishing.

III. Making Fire

A. The first fires were made by nature. They were started by lightning.

B. Fire was used to keep people warm and dry. They also used it to cook food, or as a weapon.

IV. Making Tools

A.  The earliest tools were made from sticks and stones.

B.  Later tools were made by knocking long, sharp-edged chips called flakes from stones. This allowed them to cut more effectively.

V. Shelter, Clothing and Language

A. Early shelters were made by digging pits or crouching in dry river beds. They also took shelter under rocks and brush.

B. Early clothing was made from animal skins, which gave them warmth and protection.

C. Developing language made it possible for people to work together, share ideas, and pass on their beliefs and stories.

VI. The Neanderthals

A.  3 stages:
1. Homo habilis- “Skillful man”

2. Homo erectus- “Man who walks upright”

3. Homo sapiens- “Man who thinks”

B.  Three accomplishments

1.  Good hunters

2.  Builders

3.  First people to bury their dead

VII. The Cro-Magnons:

A.  Cro-Magnons were highly skilled toolmakers and artists.

B.  Spears let hunters stay a greater distance away from the animals they hunted. This made hunting less dangerous.

C.  The major art form of the Cro-Magnons was cave painting. These paintings may have had religious significance.

D.  Bands cooperated and participated in social gatherings.