Author: Wendy Williams

NHS Trafford Medicines Management

12th January 2011

Prescribing policy: Gluten free foods

Frequently Asked Questions

What products can I prescribe?

Product / Recommended by NHS Trafford?
Bread (all types) / √
Bread rolls and baguettes (all types) / √
Pasta (all varieties including lasagne and spaghetti) / √
Flour mix (all types) / √
Crackers and crisp breads / √
Juvela White Mix and Harvest Mix / √
Biscuits and cookies / X
Cake mix / X
Cakes / X
Pizza bases and pizza crust / X
White bread and pizza mix / X
Pastry mix / X

Where can patients buy gluten-free products?

Many gluten-free products, including all of those that are not supported as suitable for prescribing by NHS Trafford can be ordered at local pharmacies.

Additionally, large branches of supermarkets are increasingly stocking traditional gluten-free products.

How are prescribing amounts for individual patients worked out?

Coeliac UK has produced comprehensive guidance which has been circulated to all GPs. It can also be downloaded at:

Each gluten-free food has been given a unit value. Recommendations are given on the number of units required for patients, depending on their age and sex.

The number of units recommended is based on providing 15% of the patient’s total energy requirements as gluten-free foods. Coeliac UK recognises that carbohydrate should provide 50% of total energy, which should include naturally gluten-free foods such as rice and potatoes.

What about low-protein foods?

Low-protein foods can be prescribed by the NHS for patients with inherited disorders of metabolism such as PKU, or patients with renal or liver problems, which require a low-protein diet.

Some of these low-protein foods may be gluten-free (although may contain traces of gluten via the manufacturing process) but should not be prescribed for patients with coeliac disease.

Who do I contact if I have any other questions?

Please contact the Medicines Management Team on 0161 873 9568, or:

·  Wendy Williams - 0161 8739507

·  Karen Johnson - 0161 8739585