Mrs. Miriam Ocaranza

John A. Rowland High School

World Languages Department

Spanish AB

Dear Parents:

I am pleased to introduce myself as ______’s Spanish Teacher during the 2017-2018 school year. In order to open the lines of communication I would like to advise you and your son/ daughter of the policies and rules in our class as well as the World Languages Department’s standards and syllabus. Please read this letter and syllabus with your son/ daughter and sign in the space indicated at the bottom. The signed letter and syllabus will be placed in your child’s Spanish folder to insure that he/ she has read and fully understands our mutual commitment to learning Spanish this year. Hopefully, this will enable all of us to have a productive and successful year.


The grade in this class will be based on a point system.

Test 20%

Final Exam 22%

Quizzes 16%

Classwork 16%

Homework 16%

Participation 10%


100% - 95% A 76%-75% C

90%- 94% A- 70%-74% C-

89%-87% B+ 69%-67% D+

86%-85% B 66%-65% D

80%-84% B- 60%-64% D-

79%-77% C+ 59%-0% F


Test and quizzes will be announced ahead of time. Speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills will be evaluated at the end of the chapter. Make-up test for excused absences will be given during lunch or by appointment. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure all work is made up within two (2) school days of an excused absence. Students with unexcused absences will not be allowed to make up test. Occasionally, “pop” quizzes will be given without prior notification. No make-ups will be allowed for oral or “pop” quizzes, nor for daily participation. Cheating will not be tolerated!!


Homework will be assigned on a daily basis and will only be accepted if it is completed, corrected, and on time. Assignments are checked and corrected in class by the student the day after they have been assigned. It is the students’ responsibility to correct all errors when we review the assignment in class so they will do better on quizzes and exams. Students will write the homework assignments on a “Homework Calendar” every month of the school year. Every homework assignment needs to have the student name written on it. Failure to write the name on the assignment will result in a “0”.


At random, I will check notebooks in class. The binder must have 5 dividers labeled:

1.  Focus Activities (Actividades de Enfoque)

2.  Gramática (Apuntes de gramática y vocabulario)

3.  Trabajo de Clase

4.  Tarea

5.  En Busca de la verdad


Participation points will be given, therefore, it is very important to attend class every day. There will be 100 points possible for participation at every grading period. It would be ideal to participate at least 3 - 4 times a week. That will then guarantee 100 points. If during an oral exercise or activity, the student is not on task, he/ she will lose points and will be asked to do that exercise or activity in written form and get parent signature.


Every student is responsible for bringing the following materials to class: Covered textbook, notebook with dividers, black/blue and red pen, Spanish-English dictionary, pencil, color pencils, highlighter, and paper. Failure to bring materials to class will result in point deduction!!!


All students must be in their seats when the tardy bell rings. Unexcused tardies will affect academic and citizenship grades.


1. School rules and the code of conduct apply in this class.

2. Courtesy and respect for the rights and property of others is expected.

A. Profanity, rudeness, insults, and fighting will not be allowed.

B. Respect for school property is expected. The room will be maintained cleaned

Orderly. There will be no writing on the desk.

3. Be on time to class; and come prepared.

A. Always bring textbook, notebook, paper, pens, pencil, and dictionary.

4. No eating or drinking, or chewing gum in class.

5. No doing homework from other classes or writing notes in class.


1. First time: Student is warned

2. Second time: Student will write sentences that will have to be signed by parent.

3. Third time: Letter home or phone call to parent / guardian.

4. Fourth time: Referral and sent to counselor / vice-principal


Success in a foreign language requires daily practice. In the evening, students should review vocabulary, do homework and ask their teacher when they do not understand. Participation is very important. Taking risks to talk in Spanish is a must. We learn from our mistakes. Cooperation in our classroom and with the teacher is encouraged. Students should know that they are responsible for their own learning process.

Participate and take advantage of all the different instructional techniques and activities used in Spanish class since they will provide you with opportunities to learn and practice Spanish. Be willing to engage in speaking practice, partner work, listening activities, games, video activities, role-playing, cultural activities, formal and spontaneous presentations, readings, individual assignments and quizzes.

*I can be reached at (626) 965-3448, or e-mail at .

Raiders Goals






My student and I have read and understand the syllabus and rules for Mrs. Ocaranza’s Spanish AB class.


Parent Full Name (print) Parent Signature Date


Student Full Name (print) Student Signature Date


Period Class

Day Phone Number of Parent______

Evening Phone Number of Parent______

E-mail address______