Using the below checklist, go through your peer’s paper. Answer these questions by writing/commenting directly on the essay. You will not need to write/comment on this form as ALL of your comments will be on the essay itself. Use ALL of the below questions to make your comments/marking as thorough detailed as possible. Make it very clear to the essay writer what you are saying. Also, please to write clearly. You will be getting points on this assignment when I collect final essay packets on May 1. I will evaluate the thoroughness of your review, so work hard. Accordingly, write your name as “Reviewed 4/19/07 by: (your name).”

1 / Thesis Statement
-can you find one? underline it.
-is it clear/effective?
-is its location ideal?
-does it address the essay question?
2 / Title
-is there a title? (if not title, comment that there should be one)
-does it make sense? make suggestions if necessary.
3 / Introduction
-does it set the context (i.e., can you tell what he/she is talking about)?
-is it clear?
-too brief or too wordy?
4 / Support
-is the thesis supported by the reasons/examples in the essay?
-is there enough support/examples from sources?
-is Freakonomics addressed in the essay?
-do the sources cited lend support to the essay-that is, do you think they “work”?
-are any quotes/paraphrases introduced & analyzed or are they just “stuck in there”?
5 / Counter Argument
-is the counter argument presented in this essay?
-if so, does the writer effectively refute them or dismiss them?
-if not, suggest areas where someone might disagree (as an area for them to think about placing the counterargument)
6 / Organization
-is there a clear order to the essay or does it skip around?
-was anything confusing to you in the layout?
-do the paragraphs make sense (that is, it is clear to you why they broke where they did)?
-are each of the sections of about the same size or are some too short/too lengthy?
-can you see this draft filling out to a full 4-6 pages? if not, why (ex. is the claim too weak, not enough analysis/examples, etc.)?
7 / Conclusion
-is there a dedicated conclusion (i.e., at least 1 full para.) or does the paper just end?
-is the thesis restated and re-supported in the conclusion?
-are you left confused at all by the conclusion?
-if there is no conclusion, suggest what you think it will/should say.
8 / MLA Style
-are any sources used properly cited?
-is there a Works Cited page?is it properly formatted (double spaced, alphabetized by author or movie title)?
9 / Technical Issues
-are there many spelling errors, typos, wrong word choices, awkward wordings, etc.? MARK THEM
10 / Overall impression/suggestions(handwrite this in a brief paragraph at the end of the essay)
-give your over-all impression of the paper as well as suggestion(s) for the next draft. Think of it this way – if this were your own paper, what are the major areas you should: 1) be concerned with, and 2) add/expand on to make a complete essay for the 2nd draft.