Minute of Elgin & District U3a Committee Meeting
Held in Elgin Library Activities Room
On 23rdNovember 2016.
Sederunt: Sheena, Terry, Sheila, Bruce, Eileen, Irene, Rosie,
Apologies: Steve
Before the business of the meeting commenced the Chair requested that a time limit of 15 minutes maximum should be adhered to for each item. This was unanimously agreed.
Approval of minute of meeting held on 11th October 2016 – this was proposed by Terry and seconded by Sheila.
Matters arising
Update on AGM and decision on date of next one – an update on the 2016 AGM has gone to members and the minutes are now available. The next AGM should be held six to eight weeks after the end of the financial year. The date proposed and agreed is Thursday 1st June 2017 which date was already identified for a general meeting.
Chair’s Report
The Blue Book of information regarding U3A policies and procedures is being circulated around committee members in order for them to familiarise themselves with the content. Sheena highlighted the need for confidentiality regarding committee meetings until the minutes are available on the website. Any visitors to a committee meeting should abide by the confidentiality rule. Terry pointed out that financial records should be held for six years. A number of suggestions were discussed and may be taken forward at a later date including the potential to apply for charitable status, welcome packs for new Committee members and group leaders, as well as new members, and a coffee morning to identify new members. It was agreed that Rob Goodall will be invited to attend the next committee meeting as he has volunteered to be co-opted as Treasurer early next year given Bruce’s desire to stand down from the role.
Vice – Chair’s Report
There are currently 105 members. Members who have not re-joined have till the end of December before their membership lapses. It was agreed that those who have not re-joined and do not do so at the general meeting on 1st December will be contacted, given a pack of information and asked why they have chosen not to renew their membership. A decision regarding the frequency of the members’ meetings will be taken at the January committee meeting – this will be an agenda item. Rosie was asked to bring a list of identified speakers to that meeting. Steve has files containing templates for leaflets etc. which can be accessed when Terry is out of the country. The cost of printing leaflets (£11) to hand out at the Calamity Jane film show was agreed. Sheena agreed to contact the Northern Scot and the Spotlight magazine to advertise the Christmas party on 1st December. Terry has updated the members’ bulletin and it was decided that the basic bulletin would be available at the meeting on 1st December but he will approach Carmen at TMC to see if they can produce a more attractive and professional version which would include the names of the speakers at general meetings.
Secretary’s Report.
There was a discussion regarding the desirability of inviting group leaders to attend committee meetings. Questions were raised concerning how many, which meetings, participation in the business of the meeting or requirement to stay silent. It was agreed that this should be discussed further at a future meeting. As required Sheila has sent a list of new Committee members and a copy of the constitution to head office. Sheila reported on the U3a in Scotland Autumn Assembly held in Aberdeen on 1st November. Various ideas from other Secretaries include spotlighting poorly attended groups at members’ meetings and the group leader giving an update to try to encourage new members to the group.
Treasurer’s Report
The current balance is £4467 including £1862 in subscriptions. Bruce is still experiencing some problem in identifying all banks credits by group leaders. They will be reminded to make clear on the deposit form what the money relates to. Bruce will arrange a bank appointment to make the relevant changes to the bank signatories.
Group Co-ordinator’s Report
Sheena has circulated a list of groups with contact details. Equipment – there is currently one whiteboard that was purchased for Steve Skidmore’s group but this is currently being used by the French groups. The Italian group leader, Claire, has requested that she would also like one. It was agreed that a second whiteboard would be purchased on the proviso that all equipment purchased should be shared wherever possible. After a suggestion by the speaker at the AGM it was agreed to consider purchasing a clip-on microphone and a remote control for slideshows etc. Irene will price these items and report back. Sheena now has a U3a laptop which is very useful and can be passed on to the next Group Co-ordinator.
Christmas Members’ Meeting
Sheila has produced a draft programme which will be finalised and put on the website if this can be done while Steve is on holiday as there is currently no-one able to update the website in his absence. It was agreed that teas, coffees, mince pies and biscuits would be provided through EYC and that a further £100 maximum would be spent on various goodies from Tesco. Sheena will contact their community involvement worker with a view to obtaining advice/help/donations. She will visit the store with Rosie and Eileen to select produce suitable for the party. The expenditure was agreed as the Calamity Jane singalong event made a profit of £127. To contribute to the other costs of the event it was agreed to have a box for donations. It was also agreed to hold a raffle with a maximum of 10 prizes hopefully donated by local businesses. Sheena will contact distilleries and Rosie will ask Gordon & McPhail to contribute a prize. Any other opportunities will be explored where appropriate. Judy will have a table at the party for taking subscriptions.
- Calamity Jane Update – This event was very well attended with 211 tickets being sold. Everyone seemed to enjoy the show and many asked when the next one would be. The cinema management were extremely pleased with the attendance and are keen to do another show. The meeting agreed that this would be a good idea but one a year is enough. Terry thanked the film group and Irene in particular for organising the event.
- Feedback on Vintage Tea on 15th November – most of the Committee members attended and spoke to a number of potential U3a members. It was considered a worthwhile exercise and further opportunities to take part will be followed up. The display boards are now looking very good.
- Support pack for new members and Group Leaders – a template has been obtained from Nairn U3a. It was agreed in principle that it would be desirable to produce these but the detail was deferred to the next Committee meeting.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 3pm.
Next meeting – January 24th at 1pm in Elgin Library Activities Room.