3490 Belle Chase Way, Suite 110
Lansing, MI 48911
517.887.9370 or 877.335.9370
Business Meeting Minutes
Tuesday July 19, 2016
MCRS Office, Lansing
Members Present: Ed Benning, Carol Bergquist, Sharon Bryant, Trina Edmondson, Sara Grivetti, Deanna Middlebrooks, Caryn Pack Ivey, Steve Perdue, Anne Riddering, Ed Rodgers (Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs – Bureau of Services for Blind Persons LARA-BSBP), Brian Sabourin, Mitch Tomlinson, Elaine Wood.
Members Excused: Suzanne Howell (Michigan Department of Health and Human Services – Michigan Rehabilitation Services MDHHS-MRS), Michael Poyma, Zach Tomlinson, Jennipher Wiebold.
Members Absent: Sheryl Diamond.
Guests Present: Bill Addison (MDHHS), Karsten Bekemeier (MDHHS-MRS), Eleanor Canter, Erica Cook, Casey Dutmer (Michigan Council for the Blind and Visually Impaired MCBVI), Joe Harcz, Leamon Jones (LARA-BSBP), Lisa Kisiel (LARA-BSBP), Lindsey LaVere (MCBVI), Phyllis Magbanua (MCBVI), Mike Pemble (LARA-BSBP).
Staff Present: Marlene Malloy, Shori Teeple.
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Council Chairperson B. Sabourin. Roll call determined that a quorum was present.
Welcome & Introductions
New MCRS Member S. Perdue, representing Business, Industry or Labor, was welcomed to the Council. B. Sabourin welcomed Council members and guests. Introductions were made.
The draft agenda (July 19, 2016) was reviewed by the membership. Edits were proposed for moving working lunch topics to the end of the day, with the Strategic Plan discussion to take place during the working lunch.
A motion, made by C. Bergquist and seconded by D. Middlebrooks, was passed to amend the agenda as proposed.
A motion, made by M. Tomlinson and seconded by S. Bryant, was passed to approve the draft agenda as amended.
The draft business meeting minutes (May 17, 2016) were reviewed by the membership.
A motion, made by C. Bergquist and seconded by D. Middlebrooks, was passed to approve the draft minutes as presented.
Advisory Executive Team (ET) Report
The proposed final ET minutes for April 26, 2016 were reviewed.
A motion, made by C. Bergquist and seconded by E. Benning, was passed to accept and place on file the final ET minutes as presented.
Financial Operations
Members reviewed financial statements for May and June 2016. Following a question asked about review of the financial statements, an explanation was provided for the process that is followed for each monthly statement. Each month, the Executive Director reviews line items in monthly financial statements after they are completed by Karen Stevens at MARO. The Advisory ET then reviews, asks questions, and approves the monthly financial statements during their bimonthly meetings. Following a thorough review at the end of June, it was determined that while there are a couple of line items that are overspent, once those amounts are factored into the DHHS budget lines, it will prevent the need for a redress.
A motion, made by E. Benning and seconded by D. Middlebrooks, was passed to accept and place on file the financial statements for May and June 2016 as presented.
FY 2017 Business Meeting Schedule
Members reviewed the proposed Draft FY 2017 Business Meeting Schedule.
A motion, made by C. Bergquist and seconded by S. Bryant, was passed to approve the draft meeting schedule as presented.
Update - Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs – Bureau of Services for Blind Persons (LARA-BSBP): Ed Rodgers, Bureau Director and Lisa Kisiel, Vocational Services Director
Lean Processing and Improvement Project
BSBP is currently involved in a lean project, which has been used throughout state government to improve processing and how business is done in each of the agencies of state departments. Areas of review include how they do their business, forms that are used, computer applications, and other measures for how they achieve successful outcomes for serving the public. Eight employees, along with Bureau and Deputy Directors, have been involved in various teams and committees, with managers to become involved as well. This process is taking place in part to prepare BSBP for using a new data system, moving from the Libra System 7 database management system to a new vendor. While Libra will eventually be discontinued for 80-85% of technology services, the new vendor has an agreement with Libra that Libra will continue to assist BSBP with management of the following two components: Social Security (SS) reimbursements and the system for tracking retirements for Blind Enterprise Program operators. M. Pemble was acknowledged for all of his efforts over the last few years in putting systems into place for securing SS reimbursements.
New BSBP Transition Manager
A new position is being created for managing youth transition, beginning with youth at age 14 through 26. With the new Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) requirement of spending 15% on transition youth services, this position will help coordinate this new requirement while working with the intermediate school districts and BSBP to serve these and future clients. The new position will be located in Kalamazoo at the BSBP Training Center, since the Center provides many programs for transition youth and college prep courses.
New Hires
BSBP now has 1 full-time counselor and 1 full-time teacher in the Upper Peninsula.
The first round of preliminary meetings with LARA have been completed regarding BSBP’s budget and spending plan.
Thanks to the MCRS
Appreciation was expressed for the Council welcoming BSBP staff to participate in the business meetings. The relationship that has developed between the MCRS and BSBP has grown over the past almost 4 years, resulting in benefits to Michigan’s blind community and many in the disability networks and service areas. It was stated that without the MCRS, it is doubtful that BSBP could have been as successful as it has been during the past few years. With E. Rodgers pending retirement on October 1st, he acknowledged the Council for its work and thanked S. Teeple and M. Malloy for their helpfulness and doing a wonderful job in helping Michigan’s blind community. B. Sabourin and C. Bergquist were also thanked for their mentoring. In response, C. Bergquist and B. Sabourin returned the thanks and acknowledgements and wished Director Rodgers well for his retirement.
WIOA Regulations
With the final regulations released on June 30th, BSBP is preparing to train staff on the data element changes that will affect data entry forms and recording processes. It was reiterated that from a global view, success is based on state performance. Performance is based on performance for both BSBP and MRS. Both designated state units (DSUs) need to be working together to make sure they are achieving statewide goals. Because of the new legislation, all state workforce entities are interlinked and reliant on each other to be successful statewide.
BSBP is presently looking into the Ability One contracts, since many do not meet the definition of competitive integrated employment.
WIOA and Homemakers
As another result of WIOA, BSBP is also making changes to adjust for no longer being able to provide services for Homemakers as a vocational goal. They must be finished working with Homemakers by June 30, 2017. Since June 30, 2016, no new Homemaker cases have been opened.
Follow-up to MCRS Work Teams
Staff is working on following up on questions from work teams, including inquiries about supported employment.
IL-A-Palooza at BSBP Training Center - Fall 2016
Plans were announced for holding this event (September 18-24). Groups to be served include Independent Living (IL) Older Blind, Homemakers, VR consumers, and others.
Additional Comments - M. Malloy
A comment was added that the new regulations now require a need for the next Comprehensive Statewide Needs Assessment and State Plan update to be completed simultaneously. Another topic raised includes the need for DSUs to gather needs information about youth and services to youth. It was proposed that potentially at the September meeting, the Council could have dialogue with BSBP about ways to partner to accomplish this goal.
Report of the Executive Director (ED): M. Malloy
A written staff report was included in meeting packets. An extensive overview of the Council and its mandated responsibilities was shared.
MCRS Lease
Additionally, the lease for the MCRS office space will not be renewed after August 31st, so staff have begun to seek out new office space in the Lansing area. Furniture and equipment will be downsized, a new location will be secured, and the office will be moved before September 1st.
MARO Grant Audit
Recently the MARO grant has been undergoing an audit process. C. Bergquist and M. Malloy met with MARO staff member K. Stevens and B. Addison from MDHHS for an entrance interview for the audit last week. Suzanne Howell, MRS Director, has asked that an invitation be extended to the full membership for a meeting to be hosted by MRS on August 10th at 1:30 p.m. during which a report of the audit findings will be discussed.
Employment First
At a recent MRS Resource Team monthly meeting with MRS, M. Malloy was informed that Title I money cannot be used to do the work of Employment First. A memo has since been received from Tina Fullerton (MRS) regarding MRS’ willingness to discuss other funding options for the Council. Following Executive Team (ET) discussion, the ET has asked that a request be made for this topic to be added to the August 10th meeting agenda. K. Bekemeier reported that MRS is currently awaiting guidance in writing from Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) for clarification about funds that will be permissible to be used for Employment First. MCRS staff has provided MRS with the number of hours that have been dedicated to working on Employment First since the Executive Order was published in November 2015.
FY 2017 Budget
The budget negotiation with MRS will take place following the August 10th meeting, with the budget negotiation with BSBP to take place in the near future. In response to a question about the need for a contingency plan for the office move, with regard to meeting space, it was shared that the Okemos Conference Center has been identified as a meeting location for the September business meeting. Other partner meeting spaces have also been suggested.
Strategic Plan Review
The Council’s Strategic Plan needs to be redesigned in the next fiscal year. It was suggested that one of the FY 2017 business meeting dates, either in November or January, be dedicated to doing a training session on strategic planning.
Update - Department of Health and Human Services – Michigan Rehabilitation Services (DHHS-MRS): Karsten Bekemeier, Grants Manager
Current Numbers
MRS has spent 78.85% of the budget as of the end of the 3rd quarter of FY 2016. Applications are at 77%, Eligibilities at 81%, Service (people who have Individual Plans for Employment in place) is at 80%, and Closed Rehabilitations are at 76%, with most numbers on target for this time of the year. MRS currently has 2,182 people currently employed out of total open caseloads of 20,540. Total cases served for the year so far are 34,079, of which 60% are individuals who are most significantly disabled, 21% significantly disabled, and 4% supported employment. The adjusted rehab rate is at 59%.
In response to a question about MRS’ match status, it was indicated that the question will be asked and a response provided to the membership.
In response to another question about MRS’ plans in the coming year for new requirements in WIOA for transition, MRS’ focus mirrors that reported earlier by BSBP, with focuses on Supported Employment and transition. MRS staff is also working on their memorandums of understanding with the Department of Education, the Workforce Development Board, Community Mental Health, Medicaid, and others. Internally, policies and the AWARE case management system are being reviewed and updated for new WIOA requirements. Business Resource Consultants and counselors who will be focused on pre-employment transition services have also been hired. New strategies are being designed for data collection/tracking and providing services to potentially eligible transition customers, which is another WIOA requirement.
Advisory Work Team Reports
Customer Experience (CE) – C. Bergquist (CE Member)
The proposed final CE minutes for February 16, 2016 and April 19, 2016 were reviewed. An overview was provided about a recent focus group that was conducted with 21 transition youth consumers at the BSBP Training Center in Kalamazoo. Youth ranged in age from 16-25, were represented from all over the state, and freely shared about their experiences at the Training Center. Participants also discussed their successes and challenges as youth with low vision and blindness learning how to navigate in the world. Another focus group will take place later this summer, with results to be reviewed by the CE Team and recommendations to be presented to BSBP.
A motion, made by B. Sabourin and seconded by D. Middlebrooks, was passed to accept and place on file the final CE minutes as presented.
Regulatory Guidance (RG) - D. Middlebrooks (RG Member)
The proposed final RG minutes for February 16, 2016 and May 17, 2016, final RG notes for April 19, 2016, and Draft Tracking Form for MCRS Recommendations to both DSUs for the FY 2017-2020 Unified State Plan were reviewed. As established by the RG Team, a timeline was reviewed for anticipated completion of the FY 2016 Annual Report, with expected submission of the final report to the Governor and RSA by December 21, 2016. Distribution of the report will take place in December and January.
A motion, made by M. Tomlinson and seconded by C. Bergquist, was passed to accept and place on file the final RG minutes, notes and tracking form as presented.
Customer Service System Issues
Written reports from the Client Assistance Program and DHHS-MRS Administrative Hearings Manager were included in meeting packets. In response to a question about themes that appear to be present at this time, some current issues were described related to development of IPEs and communication delays.
Partner Reports
A written report from the Statewide Independent Living Council was included in meeting packets.
MCRS Reports on Designated State Unit Work Team Involvement
MRS Idea Stream - S. Teeple
The team continues to move forward with reviewing new ideas that have been submitted from staff through the SharePoint site. With the new WIOA requirements that the AWARE Unit is working to incorporate into the AWARE system, staff have been notified that while they are always welcome to submit new ideas about AWARE, all AWARE ideas will be on hold until October 1st. In response to a question about the AWARE system, a brief explanation was provided for how some ideas can result in immediate changes to the AWARE system by MRS staff, while others need to be forwarded to Alliance for further consideration for implementation.