Arizona Amateur Hockey Association

Monthly Meeting at the Ice Den Warming Room

Monday, January 11, 2016at 6:30

Conference Call in Number 712-832-8310

Dial in Access Code is 608-0156

Call to order

Dial in to Conference call if needed

Establish a quorum and identify any directors with proxies

Chris Ruhly – Justin Rogers

Jim Curley – Justin Rogers

Scott Shafer – Brian Gallagher


Approval of the agenda

Approval of last month’s minutes(Revised version with a couple of updates sent on 1/4/2016)


Treasurers Report

Coaching Report

Officiating Report

Registrars Report

Disciplinary Report

Background Screening / Safe Sport Report

Social Media Report

AAHA Admin Report

VP / Presidents Report

AZYHL Report

Coyotes Report

Old Business

Recruitment Policy

Mite Committee

Any questions/concerns regarding

New Business

Discussion to allow 3 Mission Red players to participate in the 18 NON-Tier State Championship

2016 Arizona Adult Hockey Championships will be June 10-12, 2016

  • Please make sure your ice schedulers are aware
  • Looking for a new Tournament Director if anybody would like to discuss that opportunity with Adam

Appeal: James Condon - Match Penalty Decision

Coaching Clinic

Coyotes Coaching Clinic – January 17th

Future State AAHA Board Meetings at the Ice Den in the Warming Room

  • Monday, February 8, 2016
  • Monday, March 14, 2016

Arizona Tentative Championship Dates and Player Development Camp Dates

Arizona Player Boys Younger Players Development Camp – Date TBD

Arizona Player Development Camp for Younger Players TBD

AZYHL Timeline

Jan 15– $500.00 deposit for Championship Tournament due

Feb 11– All league games to be completed without exception – League Champion awarded

Feb 22-29– All divisions Squirt - Midget U 18 NON-Tier State Championships

Tier Championships

Tier 1 - January 25 – 31

Tier 2 - Feb 29 – March6