Your dreams become your reality when you realize you already have all of the inner resources needed to accomplish the task, any task… The resources are found just beyond your comfort zone and they wait only for you to take a simple step today to begin your incredible journey… K.Brixey

Purpose: To help you to focus on what your goals are and how you can accomplish them.

First you have a dream or idea. Then you make a plan and the “Dream Board” is a creative and fun part of your plan. A very powerful way to use visualization (visual picture of your dreams and goals) is by creating a “Dream Board”. A Dream Board is a collage of pictures and words of the goals and dreams you want to focus on in your life. It is very important to really use the exact image and words of what you want, as whatever you show on your Dream Board will become part of your reality! So if you want a specific kind of car, make sure it is exactly the type, model and color you desire.

By looking at your Dream Board on a consistent (daily) basis, you will keep your goals and dreams at the forefront of your daily life and consistently move closer to the life you truly desire and deserve!


·  A large piece of "poster board" in whatever color you like! At least 18 x 18.

·  Scissors, glue, scotch tape, markers, crayons.

·  Magazines, pictures.


·  In the center of your board put a picture of yourself that you like.

·  Whatever your dreams and goals, start cutting out pictures that symbolize them and paste them on your board.

·  Draw the pictures. Can't draw perfectly? Go for it!

·  What are some of your dreams? Remember to include all areas of your life on your board... Education, Career, Relationships (self-others), Money, Recreation/Play, Health/Well Being. Get specific.... real specific and descriptive! Include 4 areas of your life you want to focus on. Think about what you want to be, what you want to have and what you want to do.

·  Enjoy it!! Step outside your comfort zone!! Have fun with it!!

·  Tack it on the wall.

·  As your dreams continue to grow (or change), keep adding to it.

·  Make it the last thing you look at before you go to sleep.

·  Spend a few moments in front of it before you start your day!