Scholarship Application



LastFirst Initial


City______State______Zip Code______

Phone Number______

School Presently Attending______

Present Grade______

CatholicHigh School Selected______

College/University Selected______


City______State______Zip Code______

Parent’s Name:



(If different from above)



(If different from above)

Sacrament History:

Have you been baptized?YN

Have you received first Penance?YN

Have you received First Communion?YN

Have you been confirmed?YN

If not currently attending CatholicSchool, have you taken Religious Education classes? Y N

If you are currently taking Religious Education classes, are you attending classes on a regular basis? Y N

What is your Grade (progress) in class?______

Please have your Religious Education teacher sign here.

Scholarship Criteria

A scholarship will be awarded to an Eighth grade student and a Twelfth grade student, graduating in May/June 2017 from a Catholic, public, or private school, and who will be attending a Catholic High School or any College/University in September 2017. The amount and number of scholarships awarded will be determined by the Education Committee based on the number of eligible applications received by the due date. This is a competitive process.

The student applying for this scholarship must be a parishioner of the Church of the Blessed Sacrament-Our Lady of the Divine Shepherd inTrenton,NJ.

The following must be submitted on or before the due date:

  • A completed application form
  • A copy of your most recent report card
  • A completed questionnaire form
  • An essay based on the topic/question(s) given
  • Letters of recommendation from one of your current teachers sealed in an enclosed envelope.

Submit your application, report card, questionnaire form, essay and recommendation letter on or before Friday, June 2, 2017,to the Parish Office, Attn: Education Committee. No application will be accepted after this date. Applications submitted to Parish Office must be submitted by 4:30p.m. June 2, 2017.


Questionnaire Form

  1. Please list the activities in which you are involved in at our parish?


  1. How are your parent (s) involved in our parish?


  1. Please list the activities in which you are involved in the community.


  1. Please list the activities in which you are involved at your school.


  1. What is your current Grade Point Average (G.P.A)?_____
  1. What does the church mean to you?


  1. How can our parish improve the relationship between the church and the Youth?


  1. ESSAY (Please type or neatly write your essay on a separate sheet of paper. Be sure to have your essay proofread before submission).

In essay form, please answer the following questionnaire in your own words. This essay should be no longer than two (2) pages and no less than one (1) page (8 ½” x 11”).

  • What are you currently doing or what do you plan to do to service your family, church, community, and school?

Submit your application, report card, questionnaire form, essay and recommendation letter on or before Friday, June 2, 2017, to the Parish Office by 4:30p.m., Attn: Education Committee. No application will be accepted after this date.