Minutes of the Meeting of the 12th August 07


As per Register Wendy Ellis

26 people in attendance

Meeting opened by Chairman Norman Hewer at 7.34pm

Minutes for July 07


Steve Betson


Glenn Tatam

Treasurers Report

No transactions this month.


Norm asked if it would be possible to incorporate business adds in the future to increase funds into the Society. Iain is looking into it.


The Tavern was passed through Council and now has to go through the licensing process.

Telephone Tower

Glenn Tatam requested a motion to The City of Wanneroo That they instigate a public consultation briefing to the Residents Association so the Members and Residents can express concerns. This motion was backed by all in attendance.

Recycling Plant

Tender fell through. Still having problems and expected long delays and further costs. Member for Wanneroo Diane Guise to make some enquiries to Mindarie Regional Council. She will keep us informed.


They are to commence work September /October this year.

Entrance Statement on Joondalup Drive and Golf Links Drive.

In general members feel that the verges and gardens could be greatly improved and looked much neglected. Norm will follow this up.

Wanneroo Road

Very poorly lit up of a night and post holes in the road.

Dianne will follow this up.

School Oval

Can this be used for sporting groups?

When the oval is matured then groups may be able to request to the City of Wanneroo permission to use the oval.

Gas Power Station is proposed in the area of Neerabup, not known yet which site.

Next meeting is the AGM on the 10th September. Norm informed everyone that the Chairman’s and the Secretary position would be available for election.

Meeting closed 20.22

Carramar and Tapping Resident AssociationSandra Hill-Williamson

C/o 67 Edgeworth CircuitSecretary

TAPPING WA 6065040 882 6622