St Agnes CE Primary School

Year One Newsletter

Autumn 22017

Year 1T:
Full time class teacher - Mrs Cadwallader
Part time class teacher - Mrs Milner
Teaching Assistant – Miss Ahmed
Year 1C:
Part time class teacher (Mon, Tues) – Miss Lyons
Part time class teacher (Weds, Thurs, Fri) – Mrs Smith
Teaching Assistant – Miss Ahmed
Both classes:
PPG – Mrs Barik
INA – Mrs Heap
SEN – Miss Lyons /
Love to learn
Learn to do well
Live well together.
This Term
Our topic is ‘Bright Lights, Big City.’
English– Capital letters, Full stops, finger spaces, basic sentence structure, question marks, using ‘and’ and ‘because’, adjectives
Phonics-Phase 2, 3 and 5 (according to ability) Blending, segmenting, reading and spelling.
Maths–Height, length, weight, number recognition, number order, place value, addition and subtraction
Science–Everyday Materials
PHSE–Physical Changes
Geography –Capital cities within Great Britain, map work
Music–Learning songs for Christmas
Computing-Logging in
Art–Collage and Junk Modelling
History-Great Fire of London, Kings and Queens of Britain
Don’t Forget…
We are aware that we haven’t sent homework this term. We decided upon reflection that the children were not ready for it.
Homework-Spellings go home on Mondays, test on Friday.
PE – Mondays-PE kits with names on and in a drawstring PE bag to be taken home every half term.
Reading books - will be changed once a week. Please send them in everyday, in a green book bag. Please listen to your child read every day and write a comment in the reading record book.
Look at the website for regular class updates
– / Important Dates
Tuesday 31st October – ‘Fussy Eaters’ workshop
Tuesday 7th, Wednesday 8th, Thursday 9th December – Book Fair
Tuesday 7th November – Internet Safety – pay £1 and wear green
Thursday 9th November – cinema trip
Friday 17th November – Y1 parents open morning
Friday 17th November – after school Maths event
Wednesday 22nd November – parent coffee morning – Road Safety
Wednesday 29th November – parent coffee – Healthy Eating
Wednesday 13th December – parent coffee morning
Wednesday 20th December – break up for Christmas
Special Events/Activities/News
As part of our ‘Bright Lights, Big City’ topic the children will be learning about London and we will be holding a teaparty for the Queen!
The children will be taking part in an RRSA assembly promoting the Outright Campaign.
A theatre company will be coming in to do a performance of ‘Robin Hood.’
There will be a Christmas party and production, dates to be confirmed.
Remember to send your child in with a coat.
Please can clothes be labelled with the child’s name.
As milk is no longer provided to all children, please can you send a water bottle in every day.