Parish of Our Lady of Fatima
159 Northway, Durban North, 4051 E-Mail Website: Tel 0315635554 Fax 0315634684

Parish Priest:

Deacon: Rev Peter Venter
Pastoral Assistants: Irene Helsdon and Anne Chatteris
4th October 2015
Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
Missal References Page 742 (new), 673 (old)
Eucharistic Prayer
Memorial Acclamation
Next Sunday’s Scripture Page 748 (new), 677 (old)
Next Sunday Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Feasts of the Week
Tuesday St. Bruno
Wednesday Our Lady of the Rosary
Friday St. Denis; St. John Leonardi
Saturday St. Daniel Comboni

Entrance Antiphon

Within your will, O Lord, all things are established and there is none that can resist your will. For you have made all things, the heaven and the earth, and all that is held within the circle of heaven; you are the Lord of all.

Responsorial Psalm Psalm 128
May the Lord bless us all the days of our lives.
Blessed are all who fear the Lord,
and walk in his ways!
By the labour of your hands you shall eat.
You will be blessed and prosper.
Your wife like a fruitful vine
in the heart of your house;
your children like shoots of the olive
around your table.
Indeed thus shall be blessed
the man who fears the Lord.
May the Lord bless you from Sion.
May you see Jerusalem prosper
all the days of your life!
May you see your children’s children.
On Israel, peace!
May the Lord bless us all the days of our lives. /

Gospel Acclamation

Alleluia, alleluia.

If we love one another, God abides in us, and his love is perfected in us. Alleluia

Communion Antiphon

The Lord is good to those who hope in him, to the soul that seeks him.

This Week’s Diary
Monday / Communion Service / 9.00am
Requiem Mass – Eddie Latouf / 11.00am
RCIA / 5.45pm
St Vincent de Paul Meeting / 7.00pm
Pastoral Council Meeting / 7.00pm
Tuesday / Communion Service / 6.30am
Gospel Sharing / 9.15am
Requiem Mass – Branko Kuzelj / 3.00pm
Holy Hour / 5.30pm – 6.30pm
Wednesday / Men’s Fellowship and Prayer / 5.00am – 6.00am
Communion Service / 6.00pm
Faith and Reason / 7.00pm
Thursday / Mass / 6.00pm
Choir Practice / 6.45pm
Friday / Morning Prayer / 6.15am
Communion Service / 6.30am
Saturday / Communion Service / 8.00am
Sunday / Masses / 7.00am; 9.00am & 5.45pm

Please pray for the Sick especially:


Tris Tillard’s sister; Joy Lees’ grandniece; Gladys Cole’s brother; Maryse Bowman’s nieces; Louise Kin’s sister; Renee Armstrong’s sisters; Jo James’ nephew; Josiane & Marie-Claude Maujean’s brother; Hana Toman’s father; Nancy
Chettiar’s mother; Annette Hoyer’s parents; Stuart McGregor; Graham Naude’s mother; Alma Osborn’s grandson; Esme Hallot’s nieces; Anna Kalinowska’s mother; Anne Appelgren’s husband; Tracy Mendonidis & Candice Houseman’s mother; Nicole Blackburn’s sisters, daughter & aunt; Peter Squires; John Bremner’s nephew; Stella Barber; Marjorie Mawbey’s niece; Loretta Liviero; / Elsa Pearton’s son Michael, sister & granddaughter; Brenda Ogle’s granddaughter; Margaret Beechey’s mother; Denise Irvine’s daughter; Candice Behrens’ grandfather; Maryse Wardell’s mother; Irene Helsdon’s niece; Gill Yelland’s daughter-in-law; Josè Martins’ mother; Caron Martins’ father, sister & uncle; Lyn Alborough’s brother & niece; Norlie McDonogh’s sister-in-law & sister; Lynne Tillard’s brother; Tottie Bremner’s nephew; George & Carol Urquhart’s mothers; Theresa Hoogewerf’s uncle; Mary Ann Salvage’s brother; Denise Topp’s daughter & son-in law; Nadine Paul’s mother; Ancilla Donaldson’s parents; Sharon Ellis’ sister; / Michelle Lock’s father; Liz Newberry’s husband; Richard Gorlei’s mother; Fr Des brother & nephew; Warren Walker’s uncle; Gail Rossiter’s daughter; Peggy du Plessis’ brother, sister & daughter-in-law; Gail Hansen’s mother; Kevin Curtis’ nephew; Manuel Lourenco’s nephew; Michael Basson’s daughter; May Dormehl’s brother-in law & daughter; Paddy Pirie & Gail Rossiter’s sisters; Debbie Macpherson’s father; Brian Hoogewerf’s sister; Maureen Hutton’s mother-in law; Brenda Bennison; Giel van der Merwe’s daughter.


Hugh Elliott; Cathy Hogg; Anthea Jack; Sue Bloom; Luc Pous; Clare Whatmore; Sr Catherina; Virgile Bonhomme; Cameron Smith; Felicity Harrison; Irene Gliddon; Jenny Ducray; Hendrika Brock; Joy Lees; Maryse Bowman; Gordon Urquhart; Milly van Gogh; Dorothy Warburton. / Roger Brouard; Pat du Trevou; Gail Rossiter; May Dormehl; Leigh Went; Pierette Lenferna; Daphne Rahmer;; Daniel Lourenco; Teresa Latouf; Clifton Brock; Caron Martins; Tony Akal; Sandra Teodosio; Mary Kidd; Terry Rossiter; Gilda de Freitas; Randy Tryon. / Lynne Govender; Pat Sturgess; Elsa Pearton; Monique Saint-George; Jan Huiskamp; Di Smith; Theresa Hoogewerf; Dcn Peter Venter; Moises de Sousa; Ellen Ball; Gerrit Snyders; John Hull; Gladys Cole; Robin Kerr; Gill Yelland.

Scripture Readings For Next Sunday

Wisdom 7: 7-11 Hebrews 4: 12-13 Mark 10: 17-30

Please continue to pray for Deacon Peter and Fr Donovan, and the intentions of all clergy.


Confession times at our neighbouring parish as follows:

Blessed Sacrament, Virginia Saturdays from 4.00pm – 5.00pm and on request (Tel 031 564 7587)

Please pray for the repose of the souls of Eddie Latouf and Branko Kuzelj. May their souls and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

GOSPEL SHARING Tuesdays at 9.15am in the hall.


Men of our Parish are invited to gather together with Christ over a cup of coffee for prayer, sharing and reflection, every Wednesday morning from 5.00am – 6.00am, in the Church Hall. Visitors (men) are most welcome. For further details please contact Brian Hoogewerf on 0837800004.

MORNING PRAYER on Friday mornings at 6.15am - before the 6.30am Mass (or Communion Service). Please support.

The Right to Live Campaign will be having a “Walk for Life” and a Mass of Reparation on Saturday 10 October, starting at 10.00am with Adoration at Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Musgrave Road, followed by a walk to St. Anthony’s Catholic Church in Greyville; where Mass will be celebrated. All Parishes in the Archdiocese are invited to come and make reparation to God and to ask for His mercy for the great sin of abortion.


Parents of children making their First Communion this year are asked to please diarise their formation date on Tuesday 13th October, from 7.30pm to 8.30pm in the Parish hall. Please pray for the children who are in preparation for First Holy Communion.

Hurley 100th Birthday Concert

To celebrate the centenary of Archbishop Hurley’s birth, there will be a concert at 7pm on Monday 9th November in the Cathedral to raise funds for the Denis Hurley Centre. ‘World Religions in Concert’ will feature music from different faith traditions performed by the KZN Philharmonic Orchestra, famous soloists, Emmanuel Cathedral and Claremont Community choirs, and children from different faith groups. Tickets at R130 are on sale now from Computicket or by emailing . In addition VIP tickets are on sale for R450. Discounts available for groups. This is a unique event you will not want to miss!

Living Faith for the next quarter of October, November and December 2015 is available at both entrances to the Church; there are adults’ and children’s copies at R17.00 each.

Teams (Equipes Notre-Dame)

Is an International Catholic movement with the aim of helping couples to deepen their faith and grow closer together. A Team consists of 4/5 couples and a spiritual counsellor. They meet together once a month in each other's homes to share a simple meal, pray and discuss topics on marriage. For more information please contact Gilda on (082 733 4689 / 031 564 6540) or visit the site


The SVDP Society continues its appeal for food items. What we would like to try, is to request parishioners to bring a specific item for donation into the SVDP Food Basket each week.

Next week we are concentrating on donations of baked beans. Please can you put a note on your fridge at home, as a reminder to donate tins of BAKED BEANS for the SVDP basket on Sunday Masses on 4 October 2015?

Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible!

Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible helps you uncover the story woven through scripture with its clever narrative approach and ingenious color-coded Bible Timeline. It is a great way to get the “big picture” of the Bible and see how our Catholic Faith is rooted in scripture. You’ll see how the Bible reveals God’s loving plan for your life, and you will learn helpful ways to put your faith into practice.

The study includes a series of 8 informative and engaging half-hour videos presented by Jeff Cavins. We will be viewing them over 4 week.For more information – contact Mark 082 873 4661 or

Fatima’s History “Our First Fifty Years”

An order has been placed for the printing of this book, so if you are one of those parishioners who put your name down for a copy kindly now make arrangements to pay the R 250.00 as soon as possible. This can be done by dropping off the money at the parish office, or depositing it into the parish banking account. If you do the latter please use the banking details below:

Account Name: Our Lady of Fatima Church

Bank: First National Bank

Branch Code: 221426

Account Number: 508 445 46512

Reference: “Book”

Please send a copy of your deposit slip as proof of payment.


MARRIED SINGLES LIFESTYLE –The Married Singles Lifestyle describes couples that may have lost a sense of closeness they once had as marriage partners and are living more like roommates. Retrouvaille teaches couples how to survive times like these in their marriages.

This program has helped 10’s of 1000’s of couples experiencing difficulty at all levels of marital distress from disillusionment to deep misery. For confidential information about or to register for the next 3 month program beginning with a weekend on 24 October – call 0828500500 or email or visit the web site at – there is HOPE – make the call

Nazareth House offers 24 hour specialised nursing for Frail Care and Assisted Living. For more information please call on 031 261 2207.

Nazareth House also has a Charity Shop that is open from Mondays to Fridays, so if you have some time, please come and visit us.

CWL Appeal for New or Used Bags and Handbags

The CWL Diocesan Council is having their annual fete on Saturday 7th November at St Joseph’s Parish. CWL Durban North is running a BAG stand and will be selling all types of bags at the fete. Any bags in good condition that can be sold are being sought, from good clean toiletry bags to travel bags. Donations will be most welcome and can be dropped off at the Parish Office (Between 8.30am – 4.00pm).


The SVDP would like to thank all parishioners who donated books for the Book Sale. For a newly introduced project, the Book Sale at the end of last month was very successful, and the SVDP would like to make this a regular feature. So, please continue to bring out all those unwanted books, contact your friends and family to donate their unwanted books as well, and help us raise funds for our on-going charitable work.

Books can be dropped at the Parish Office, or leave a message for Matthew Hansen of the SVDP.

Tel: (031) 563 5554 to arrange for collection.

Anton & Clare van Kan would like to invite the parish to share in their joy of the baptism of their daughter Zoe, on Saturday the 10 October 2015 at 10.00am at Our Lady of Fatima Church.


Parishioners are encouraged to pray a decade of the Rosary daily during the month of October. Please offer your Rosary for the return of inactive Catholics to the practice of their faith.

The Holy Hour on Tuesday from 5.30 – 6.30pm will be restored in response to a request from the Cursillo movement. The time was changed from 5.00pm to 5.30pm also to accommodate workers, so, please support this very special time of prayer and worship.

Mass Intentions

4 October 2015 – 11 October 2015

Sunday / 7.00am / Stan Kalinowski; Mr & Mrs Witkowski; Jenny Foster; Nicola Tomlin All RIP (Anna Kalinowska) and
Doug Slade RIP (Esme Hallot & Maryse Bowman)
9.00am / In Thanksgiving – Jan Huiskamp (Huiskamp’s & Letord’s) and
Maria & Manuel Gouveia, Eulalia Gouveia All RIP (Nita Dall)
5.45pm / Pro Populo
Monday / 9.00am / Communion Service
Tuesday / 6.30am / Communion Service
Wednesday / 6.00pm / Communion Service
Thursday / 6.00pm / Maurice Mathieu RIP (Maujean Family) and
Olly Maujean (Theresa Hoogewerf)
Friday / 6.30am / Communion Service
Saturday / 8.00am / Communion Service
Sunday / 7.00am / Norman & Theresa Beeson RIP (Donnelly Family) and
Denyse Quibell RIP (Rory & Norlie McDonogh)
9.00am / Pro Populo
5.45pm / Celeste RIP (Antoinette & Rowland Litkie)

Welcome New Parishioners

Change of Address and/or Phone No

/ / Need dedication information

New registration

/ / Registered but do not receive mail
Moving out of the parish / Email mailing list
City / Code

Place in the collection basket or hand to a Minister of Hospitality

Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
4th October 2015 Richard Lyng, O.S.A
First Reading (Gen 2:18-24)
In this, the second account of the creation of human beings in Genesis, God’s concern for his creation leads him to a new act of creation: the creation of woman. With this act, creation is completed. Human beings are designed for companionship and community. The story concentrates here not on the man and woman as such, or indeed on sexuality, or even on marriage, although these inter-related elements are all important ingredients. The stress is on the need for harmonious relationships, in the context of human community. Human beings were from the beginning social creatures. Part of their essential character is to exist in relationships: with creation, with other people, and with God.
Second Reading (Heb 2:9-11)
The Letter to the Hebrews is addressed to a community of believers (2:3-4); these had already received basic instruction (6:1-2), were familiar with persecution and suffering (10:32- 34), and were at the time of writing experiencing challenges to their faith. If, as is most likely, the recipients were Christian converts from Judaism, it is understandable that the letter insists on the superiority of the New Covenant over the old one.
Christ is portrayed as a perfect sacrifice, making all others superfluous: he is Saviour, Son of God, High Priest, pioneer, guide and perfector of faith (Heb 12:2). But this strong affirmation of Christ’s divinity does not neglect elaborating on his humanity (2:11). In fact he is perfected (that is, completed) through suffering. He took on a human nature, sharing our fate even in death.
Gospel (Mk 10:2-16)
This incident takes place in the territory of the much-married Herod Antipas who had divorced his wife to marry Herodias, his brother’s wife. John the Bapist met his death because of his challenging Herod on this very matter. The Pharisees’ question may well have been designed to bring Jesus into conflict with Herod. But there is no agreement among the Pharisees themselves on the matter of divorce. While all agreed that divorce was legal, different schools had different views on what might be grounds for divorce. Further, the rabbis bitterly condemned indiscriminate divorce, even if it was legal.
Jesus refers them to Moses as the highest authority recognised by the law, and interprets the Mosaic waver as a concession to their obduracy. He then appeals to an authority higher even than that of Moses, the Creator God himself. The indissolubility of the marriage bond was the original intention of the Creator God. That teaching is now being restored by this ‘new Moses’ because it is in harmony with the divine plan as expressed in the Book of Genesis.
Children are valuable examples of ‘citizens of the Kingdom’, not because of their innocence and wide-eyed naivety, but because of their receptivity and lack of social status. The Kingdom must be received as a gift; it cannot be earned through human labour or social status.