CGEP Research Grant Budget Narrative 2016-17, LAST NAME

CGEP Faculty Research Grant - Budget Narrative

Please provide a line-item budget and a budget narrative. Grant proposals without completed budgets and budget narratives will not be reviewed.

Please use the Budget Template to list the costs associated with the grant portion of the project. You may expand the budget template if your budget requires it.

In the Budget Narrative, please detail how the investigator arrived at the amount for each line item, and how the funds will be spent. The narrative should be formatted according to the headings on the budget template.

Research grants will range up to$10,000. The CGEPFaculty Grants Committee may on occasion provide somewhat larger awards. The amount of support requested should be consistent with the nature and complexity of the proposed project. During the review process, the Grants Committee may ask for budget revisions. If the expected expenses of the project exceed the amount requested from CGEP, please explain how you will fund the difference.

The deadline for applications isMay 15, 2016. Funding will be available from July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. In special circumstances, the award committee may make the award for a longer period. After the grant award deadline, unused funds will be returned to the CGEP Faculty Grant Program; on rare occasion, the Grants Committee may approve an extension. No funds from the three faculty grant programs may be used for faculty compensation.

A. Personnel Salary

Investigators may request salary for personnel (other than faculty) who will devote time to the project. This includes ColumbiaUniversity student research assistants and others. The budget narrative must include a detailed breakdown of the time and amounts requested for each salary request.

B. Fringe

The Center on Global Energy Policy does not set any requirements regarding Facilities & Administrative (F&A) costs, and defers entirely to the host department and/or school of the winning faculty researcher to decide whether to deduct F&A from the internal prize monies.

C. Travel

Investigators may request support for travel for activities (such as field work) required for the proposed research. Please provide full explanations of travel, including destinations and how costs were estimated. Allowance for air travel should not exceed the cost of round-trip economy airfares.

D. Other Direct Costs

OtherDirect Costs may include the following:

(1) Datasets and analytics packages.

(2) Basic event costs [Venue, AV, facilities, etc]. Funds may not be used for catering.

(3) Costs not specified elsewhere in the budget. These costs must be itemized and detailed in the budget justification.

Please contact us at with specific questions about what a grant will fund.