Application Form for the 2016

Virtuoso Sustainable Tourism Leadership Hotel Award

Overview: Virtuoso believes that travel and tourism can play a valuable role in the protection of cultural and natural heritage for future generations to enjoy the beauty and diversity of our planet. Virtuoso remains committed to promoting sustainable tourism best practices, including environmental preservation and the well-being of local communities, in destinations throughout the Virtuoso travel network.

Award: The Virtuoso Sustainable Tourism Leadership Hotel Award recognizes outstanding leadership and commitment to sustainable tourism principles and practices among Virtuoso hotels, large and small.

How to Apply: Complete the following application, answering all questions (use N/A if a specific question is not applicable to you). Each company may submit one application only. If you are a hotel company with more than one Virtuoso hotel, you may submit for one hotel only (i.e. your best example of sustainable tourism leadership in practice). Please do not submit any supplemental materials – only the completed application will be reviewed.

If you have been a prior Winner or Finalist of the Virtuoso Sustainable Tourism Leadership Award, you may reapply but please also include any new initiatives in sustainable tourism that further demonstrate how you continue to expand your efforts.

Application Deadline: All entries must be received by May 13, 2016 in order to be considered for the award, which will be announced at Virtuoso Travel Week Global in August.

Applicant Information

Name of Company:

Name/Title of Person Completing Award Application:

Email contact:

Telephone contact:

Complete Address of Company:

Website of Company:

Telephone/email of Company:

Supplier Category - Hotel

Green Operations

1)Do you reduce, reuse, and recycle? (i.e. reduce paper use, use recycled content materials, reduce waste, provide water cooler stations or purified water in glass bottles rather than plastic bottled water, avoid Styrofoam and plastic service items, use non-toxic cleaning products, etc.) Yes/No

If yes, please provide two current examples of how you do this (Max 100 words):

2)Do you engage in energy conservation efforts (i.e. using green, renewable power, tracking use of energy to reduce use, monitoring for energy efficiency, turning off lights, shutting off air conditioning/heating systems when spaces are not in use, etc.)? Yes/No

If yes, please provide two current examples of how you do this (Max 100 words):

3)Do you engage in water conservation efforts (i.e., installing low-water use toilet systems, monitoring for water leaks, recycling gray water for irrigation, using rain water catchment, etc.)? Yes/No

If yes, please provide two current examples of how you do this (Max 100 words):

4)Are you actively engaged in efforts to monitor your carbon footprint to reduce negative impacts on climate change (i.e. offer carbon offsets, use fuel efficient and/or electric, hybrid vehicles, use sustainable biofuels, engage in reforestation efforts, provide group transportation for employees, monitor and limit diesel generator use, etc.)? Yes/No

If yes, please provide two current examples of how you do this (Max 100 words):

5)In 100 words or less, please provide what you think is your best example of your efforts in implementing green operations.

Maximizing Social and Economic Benefits

1)To support the local economy, does your hotel maximize efforts to source locally (i.e. fair-trade purchasing, offer organic or other local farm-to-table products, purchase locally made crafts, supplies, etc.)? Yes/No

If yes, please provide two current examples of how you do this (Max 100 words):

2)Does your hotel support community development initiatives in the destinations where you operate (i.e. support or collaborate with local organizations involved with education, social welfare, health care initiatives, etc.)? Yes/No

If yes, please provide two examples of community initiatives or projects your business supported in the last 24 months (Max 100 words):

3)Does your business maximize efforts to hire local people at your hotel, including opportunities for capacity-building, providing staff training and career advancement, fair wages and benefits? Yes/No

If yes, please provide two current examples of how this is being implemented (Max 100 words):

If yes, approximately what percentage of your staff is locally hired? ______.

4)Do you educate your guests/clients to encourage better understanding of the local culture where your hotel is located to help reduce any potential negative impacts from tourism (i.e. provide information about the local culture and customs, helpful suggestions for basic greetings in the local language, respectful behavior and safety tips, etc.)? Yes/No

If yes, please provide two current examples of how you educate your guests/clients (Max 100 words):

5)In 100 words or less, please provide what you think is your best example of your company’s efforts in support of maximizing social and economic benefits.

Supporting Cultural and Natural Heritage

1)Does your hotel contribute to efforts to protect the natural environment and/or support biodiversity conservation (for example, contributing to conservation organizations, supporting scientific research, engaging in habitat restoration, etc.)? Yes/No

If yes, please provide two examples of nature conservation initiatives or projects that you have supported in the last 24 months (Max 100 words):

2)Do you educate your guests/clients on ways to minimize negative impacts on the natural environment (i.e. guidelines for appropriate behavior around wildlife, minimizing disturbance to ecosystems, providing environmental education to guests in the hotel, etc.)? Yes/No

If yes, please provide two current examples of how you educate your guests/clients (Max 100 words):

3)Do you contribute to efforts to support cultural heritage, including support and education about historical, archeological, and/or culturally important sites, art, events, and traditions? Yes/No

If yes, please provide two examples of cultural initiatives or projects that you have supported in the last 24 months (Max 100 words):

4)Does your hotel promote “sense of place” and authenticity that embraces both local cultural and natural heritage, in terms of your architecture, décor, ambiance, art, restaurant, cuisine, etc. Yes/No

If yes, please provide two examples of how you promote sense of place and authenticity at your hotel (Max 100 words):

5)In 100 words or less, please provide what you think is your best example of your company’s efforts in support of cultural and natural heritage.

Additional Information

In 100 words or less, please describe your company’s most important and successful sustainable tourism initiative – green operations, maximizing social and economic benefits, supporting for natural and cultural heritage - and indicate both some of the challenges you have faced and successes you have achieved.