PEAK Skills Review Game
Directions: Divide the class up into teams. The teams will rotate players so one person per team will complete each challenge. Player who is answering doesn’t need to give a verbal answer; they need to complete the challenge first. Have fun!
Standard 1:Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources.
- An example of a primary source is the news reporter who talked to the guy who climbed Mount Everest.
- If this statement is true, do 5 push-ups
- If this statement is false, do 10 jumping jacks
- When writing a report for science class, you Google the key word periodic table and read information about Dmitri Mendeleev on Wikipedia. When you citing this reference in your paper, you cite
- Google – say the alphabet backwards
- Wikipedia – count down from 20
- Listen to the following passage. Think about if it is a primary or secondary source.
- Sunday, 14 June 1942. Friday was my birthday. The first present that greeted me was you. I got lots of things from Mother and Daddy. I got a few books, a game, a brooch, and some money.
- If this is a primary source, hop on one foot for 10 seconds
- If this is a secondary source, run in place for 10 seconds
Standard 2: Determine the central idea or information of a source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or opinions.
- A central theme of a text is the main idea
- If this statement is true, take three yoga breaths
- If this statement is false, run a lap around the classroom
- Listen to the following passage. There are many plants on our earth. Plants can be big. Plants can be small. We can’t even see some plants. They are too small. Plants need many things to grow. They need sunlight. Some plants need a lot of sunlight. Others need very little sunlight. Plants need water to grow. Just like sunlight, some plants need a lot of water. Other plants need very little water. A cactus can live without a lot of water.
- The main idea of this passage is
- Cacti don’t need water. Do three sit-ups
- Plants need a lot of sunlight to grow. Skip around the room
- There are many different types of plants. Do a Karate Kid pose
Standard 4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text.
- Listen to the following sentence: Mr. Copland humorously deprecated his looks, finding in his gaunt physique, narrow face, prominent nose, and buckteeth a comic resemblance to a giraffe. The word “Depreciated” best means
- Draw pictures of. Two diamond push-ups
- Make fun of. Do three sit-ups
- Understand. Sing “Mary had a Little Lamb”
- Listen to the following sentence: Pressed to keep up with the plethora of new poetry, small magazines, professional journals, and anthologies, they are frequently also less well read in the literature of the past. The word “Plethora” best means
- Mess of. Do five push-ups
- Piles and piles. Roll on the floor three full rolls
- Excess. Hop on one foot for 15 seconds
Standard 7: Integrate visual information with other information in print and digital text.
- Look at the picture (reading graph). Which profile had the middle vocabulary score?
- Profile 1. Skip around the classroom
- Profile 2. Do finger exercises
- Profile 3. Pat your head and rub your stomach
- Look at the picture (Tobacco). What two causes of death does tobacco not factor in?
- Lung Cancer and COPD. Touch your toes then your head five times.
- HIV/AIDS and diarrheal disease. Ten finger/nose touches.
- Heart and respiratory disease. Run in place for 10 seconds
Standard 8: Distinguish among fact, opinion, and reasoned judgment in a text.
- Listen to the following passage. Determine if it is fact or opinion.
- To impose a generic, one-size-fits-all, common core curriculum on students actually results in more drop-outs and a lower graduation rate. The graduation rate can be increased only with a focus on developing diversity, not on standardization.
- If this is fact, whistle or hum “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star”
- If this is opinion, do three push-ups
- Listen to the following passage. Determine if it is fact or opinion.
- A New York defense lawyer says the last defendant scheduled for trial in a criminal prosecution that shut down the three largest Internet poker companies in the U.S. has agreed to plead guilty.
- If this is fact, Take three yoga breaths
- If this is opinion, pretend to play hopscotch
- Listen to the following passage. Determine if it is fact or opinion.
- Athletics are governed by the School Board of Managers and participants must meet the following requirements. Have a 2.0 G.P.A. or higher for the quarter before tryouts, the current quarter, or have a cumulative 2.0 with no more than one F for the current quarter. No more than one “U”, or one “N” and one “U”, or two “N”s.
- If this is fact, pat your head and rub your stomach
- If this is opinion, pretend to jump rope for 10 seconds
Answer sheet
- B) jumping jacks
- B) count down form 20
- A) hop on one foot
- A) 3 yoga breaths
- C) Karate Kid pose
- B) 3 sit-ups
- C) hop on one foot
- B) finger exercises
- B) 10 finger/nose touches
- B) 3 push-ups
- A) 3 yoga breaths
- A) pat head/rub stomach