KTU 27.02.2010




Mark the best choice to fill in the blanks

The planet Venus crosses directly in front of the sun only twice a century – and on June 8, 2004, this event happened for the first time since 1882. The transit always takes only about six hours. In 1627, the great German astronomer Johannes Kepler first 1) …………. a transit of Venus, but he died 2) …………….. he could witness the 1631 event. In 1769, the explorer Captain James Cook – just a lieutenant at the time – made his first voyage to the South Pacific 3) …………… to view that year’s transit from Tahiti. Moreover, more than 50 expeditions 4) …………… from the U.S., Britain, Russia and other nations to every corner of the earth to see the 1874 transit. There was an important reason to make such efforts: 5) ……………… the moments a transit began and ended from different points on Earth, astronomers could use trigonometry to 6) ………… calculate the distance from Earth to the sun. That was 7) …………… in theory than in practice, though, and nowadays astronomers use other methods to measure the distance to the sun. Last June, the world was watching out of 8) ……………….. and wondered at seeing a planet 9) ……… across the face of the sun – first hand proof that the seemingly two-dimensional sky is anything but. A transit is coming June 6, 2012. The people who miss that one are out of luck because there 10) ………. be another transit until 2117.

1. a) managed b) positioned c) established d) predicted e) succeeded

2. a) before b) unless c) until d) while e) during

3. a) so that b) in case c) as well as d) in order e) because of

4. a) are launched b) launched c) were launched d) have launched e) were launching

5. a) having been recorded b) that recorded c) being recorded d) by recording e) recorded

6. a) frequently b) precisely c) ultimately d) absolutely e) normally

7. a) easier b) easily c) easiest d) more easily e) the easier

8. a) complexity b) determination c) curiosity d) decision e) need

9. a) move b) to move c) moved d) being moved e) had moved

10. a) needn’t b) will c) could d) won’t e) should

Mark the best choice to complete the sentence correctly and meaningfully.

11. A: Did we pay the electric bill last month?

B: We ______. We got a second notice today.

a) could have c) can’t have e) should have

b) shouldn’t have d) must have

12. Now, Don wishes he ______studying English years ago.

a) had started c) could have started e) were started

b) might have started d) started

13. Tell me about the city ______you grew up.

a) that c) in which e) on which

b) which d) at which

14. The cords attaching the computer to ______printer need to be replaced before ______wear down any further.

a) mine / it c) my / it e) their/ us

b) her / they d) us / they

15. The judge made the witness ______the question.

a) answer c) answering e) to be answered

b) answered d) to answer

16. A: I'll make a cake for the party.

B: I'm responsible ______the drinks.

a) of c) with e) for

b) from d) to

17. Ten years ago, Tanya told John that she ______to him again.

a) had never spoken c) could never speaks e) might speak

b) never spoke d) would never speak

18. Ann’s friends all asked her why ______that job.

a) she was not accepting c) would have accepted e) she is accepting

b) she had accepted d) she could have accepted

19. ______a lot of fruit that birds eat, they’re still welcome in my garden.

a) Despite c) In spite of e) Because

b) Although d) For

20. I was very sick, but I've been feeling better since I ______the doctor.

a) have visited c) was visiting e) visited

b) had visited d) am visiting

21. A: How tall is Jack?

B: He's about ______as I am.

a) as same height c) as higher e) the same height

b) as tall d) so tall

22. A: Why did you send me only twenty dollars?

B: Sorry. If I had had more money, I ______given you more.

a) may have c) would e) should have

b) would have d) was going to have

23. It was wrong of you. You _____ your father's car without asking him first.

a) shouldn't have borrowed c) mustn't borrow e) can’t borrow

b) can't have borrowed d) couldn't borrow

Mark the sentence which is closest in meaning to the given one

24. It took Canan a little less than two years to write her autobiography.
a) Canan has been writing her autobiography for two years now.
b) Canan finished her autobiography in just under two years.
c) It has now been two years since Canan wrote her autobiography.
d)Canan will have finished her autobiography in two years’ time.
e)Canan should have written her autobiography two years ago
25. People know that the police chased the suspects along the street.
a)The suspects who were caught by the police had been chased down the street.
b)There are some people watching the police running after the suspect up the street
c)The police are said to have caught the suspects while they were running down the street.
d)It was certain that the police had seen the suspects running down the street.
e)The suspects are known to have been chased down the street by the police
26. I was going to have a long walk yesterday, but it was freezing.
a)I wouldn’t have gone for a walk if I had known it was so cold yesterday
b)I didn’t go for a long walk yesterday because of extremely cold weather
c)I enjoy going for long walks, unless the weather is very cold
d)Yesterday it wasn’t very cold, so I was able to have a long walk
e)I didn’t want to go for a walk yesterday.
27. It is against the rules to open your book the moment the test has started.
a)As soon as the test had started, the students opened their books, which was against the rules.
b)When the test starts, the students can open their books if they want to.
c)You mustn’t open your book once the test has started.
d)They shouldn’t have opened their books when the exam started.
e)The examiners always warn the students not to open their books when the test has started
28. France hasn’t won a gold medal in this sport for a long time.
a)No other country has won as many medals as France has in this sport.
b) France has never won a gold medal in this sport.
c)France last won a gold medal in this sport a short time ago.
d)The last time France won a gold medal in this sport is not known.
e) It is a long time since France won a gold medal in this sport.
29.The town has all kinds of facilities except a theatre.
a)The only thing the town has is a theatre.
b)There are no facilities in the town but a theatre
c)Among all other facilities in the town, the theatre is the most popular
d)What the town lacks is just a theatre
e)The town has got every kind of facility, including a theatre
30. He stood no chance of getting the job.
a)It was a chance for him to get the job but he missed it.
b)He has been looking for a job for some time but he hasn’t found one yet.
c)There was no likelihood of his getting the job.
d)He stood there waiting to get a chance to be employed.
e)I didn’t doubt for a minute that he would get the job

Find the incorrect sentence that disturbs the meaning of the paragraph

(I) I have spent most of my life in cities so I’m not sure if I made the right decision to move to the village.
(II) The people here are friendly enough but the lack of entertainment is a bit boring.
(III) A friend has opened a gift shop in a small town not far away.
(IV) The only actions here are the ones you expect to find in a typical farming community.
(V) If I can make some new friends, I may be able to enjoy life more.
a) I b) II c) III d) IV e) V
(I) The fame of a valuable painting makes it difficult for thieves to sell it.
(II) A famous stolen painting is not the kind of thing that a buyer could display openly.
(III) Therefore, thieves try using such stolen works of art as a means of making other deals.
(IV) Meanwhile, museums can barely afford enough guards to protect these artworks.
(V) For example, they can exchange these paintings for people kept in jails.
a)I b)II c)III d)IV e)V
(I) One of the last discovered elements, plutonium is a good source of energy.
(II) It is made in large amounts by nuclear reactors.
(III) Since it is easy to produce, it is used a lot in nuclear weapons.
(IV) It was named after the planet Pluto.
(V) An amount of Plutonium about the size of an orange is enough to fuel a nuclear reactor.
a)I b)II c)III d)IV e)V
(I) The cheetah is the fastest moving of all the land animals.
(II) The cheetah usually prefers to hunt alone, but the males sometimes hunt in packs.
(III) lt is capable of reaching a speed of 70 kilometres an hour in just 2 seconds.
(IV) When in pursuit of prey it can travel at a speed of 100-127 kilometres an hour.
(V) Moreover it can keep up this speed tot between 200 and 600 metres.
a)I b)II c)III d)IV e)V
(I) Sir Walter Raleigh was an outstanding example of the versatile Renaissance man.
(II) Though he was a famous seaman, his real importance lies in other accomplishments.
(III)As the Renaissance developed in Italy and other European countries, it began to take on added dimensions.
(IV)He was a poet, a musician, a scientist, a historian, an explorer and even a pirate.
(V)He also took an active part in the colonization of America.
a) I b)II c)III d)IV e)V
Fill the blanks in the dialogues below with the suitable response
36. Mandy: Do you know where Steve is?
John :……………………….
Mandy:Do you think he will be back?
John: No idea. Do you want me to pass a massage on to him in case he returns?
a) He is over there, can’t you see?
b) He was here a minute ago but he suddenly disappeared.
c) He has gone to Holland for the weekend.
d) Why do you always expect me to know Steve’s whereabouts?
e) He hasn’t arrived late. He must be stuck in the traffic.
37. Alex: Have you ever tried to cheat in the exam?
Barbara: Only once.
Alex: When?
Barbara: ………………………….. .
a) How long ago was it?
b) I was in the supermarket.
c) During a chemistry exam at university.
d) When I was a student, I used to cheat.
e) Nobody saw me.
38. Boss: Will you please book me on the morning flight to Hamburg tomorrow?
Secretary: …………………………….. .
Boss: That’s not certain yet. I can arrange the return flight myself.
Secretary: Very well, sir. Would you like me to order a vegetarian meal, too?
a) Sorry, but I have more important things to do
b) Unfortunately all the seats are full.
c) Of course, sir. When will you be flying back?
d) Are you taking me, too?
e) I thought you were flying to Stuttgart.
39.Jim: Have you heard the weather forecast for tomorrow?
Bob: Yes. It’s supposed to rain, and there will be thunderstorm as well.
Jim: That’s bad news. I was planning to take the kids for a picnic.
Bob: …………………………………. .
a) We might join you since it is going to be a nice day.
b) Then, it is supposed to clear up on Monday.
c) How old is your oldest kid?
d) Well, in that case you will have to think of something else.
e) I’m sure you will have a wonderful outing. Don’t forget to take some pictures.
40.Antonio: How much Money did you spend on this shirt?
Sarah: ……………………………
Antonio: Why not?
Sarah: It is for your birthday.
a) It is too much money. Would you like to try it on?
b) Would you like to buy it for me?
c) Why? Do you like it?
d) Why do you try it on?
e) Don’t you want to buy it?

Mark the choice which completes the given sentence correctly and meaningfully.

41. If we had been in a hurry to catch the train, ______.

a) the others would have warned us about the heavy traffic

b) we couldn’t have gotten to the library before it closed

c) we might have attend the lecture

d) it wouldn’t have been necessary to take a taxi

e) they wouldn’t go without us now.

42. ______unless you are interested in psychology, a field that requires a deep understanding of human behaviours.

a) He’s thinking of going to a psychiatrist

b) There is no point in reading that book

c) You could not solve your psychological problems

d) This is the book you have suggested on psychology

e) Don’t go to a psychiatrist

43. The moment we arrived home ______.

a) I realized that I have forgotten to buy the bread.

b) I had expected my mother to arrive

c) I had to start getting the evening meal ready

d) the telephone was already ringing

e) they were waiting for us

44...... , the fear of crossing bridges is less well known.
a)  While fear of flying is widely accepted
b)  When the truck was moving towards the other side
c)  Since so many people suffer from the disorder
d)  As the wooden bridge started to swing
e)  By the time the car stops in the middle
45. Astronomers have discovered a newborn planet......
a)  how planet formation can occur quickly
b)  that is still in the process of forming
c)  which have formed within the last 10 million years
d)  while they were doing experiment
e)  if it weren’t too small to be seen with modern instruments

Mark the sentence which is closest in meaning to the given one

46. On sunny days I always feel more cheerful and so, I think, do most people.