Mitch’s list of additional sites

  • - educational resources
  • - The Smithsonian’s Education website. Lesson plans, strategies, games, etc.
  • - resources from 35 federal organizations.
  • database for online, submitted webquests.
  • - It is a ZERO in the address, not the letter o. Lesson plans for ALL subjects.
  • - teacher resources
  • - teacher resources
  • - more teacher resources from education-world
  • - teacher resources
  • - teacher resources (social studies)
  • - teacher resources (math)
  • - research, strategies, and resources for students with disabilities
  • - teacher resources (reading/language arts)
  • - teacher resources (science)
  • - teacher resources (reading, primarily k-5)
  • - teacher resources
  • - interactive math lessons
  • - shows news stories from around the world
  • -add music to picture slideshows
  • - Postcard creator. Good for language arts.
  • - word clouds
  • - word clouds
  • - word clouds
  • - Online pen pals; website designed specifically for k-12
  • being updated atm. Online Literature circles
  • online PowerPoint database
  • - database for premade jeopardy games and a template for designing your own
  • EXCELLENT tool to teach math. Extremely steep learning curve
  • - similar to Scratch. Uses 3D environments. Steep learning curve. Helps introduce/teach: Java, C++, and C# computer programming in a relatively simple way.
  • - educational games (k-5 only)
  • - teacher friendly youtube
  • - teacher friendly youtube
  • - downloads youtube videos onto computer
  • - book recommendations
  • - create logos, timelines, soundtracks, music, and much more. Presentation tool. Teachers can have a ‘master’ account, which enable them to create student logins
  • - video creator. Requires subscription for full access.
  • - old Presidential commercials
  • - breaks down economic concepts and money management.
  • - history of the world through an interactive atlas. Free trial with limited access.
  • - create online polls
  • - presentation tool
  • - takes screenshot of whatever is on your computer screen. Image can be saved to online database.
  • - create online music. Very cool for musically inclined students.
  • - online flash card creator
  • - online speeches, lectures, debates, etc.
  • - find and create online quizzes. Teacher can assign students a login name; website will grade students performance and send scores to teacher.
  • - uses Facebook interface. Students can communicate with you, but not each other. Useful for polls, assignment turn-ins, and teacher feedback
  • - interactive whiteboard (smartboard) games.
  • - Share and organize documents. An online binder.
  • - rubric creator
  • - Educational videos - students’ favorite
  • - Create educational flash games. Cost $
  • - A more advanced version of Limited trial time, cost $ after.
  • - create wiki sites for free
  • - example of wiki. Teacher resources found in the ‘summary section.’
  • - how to make a wiki