7:45 PM to 9:30 PM
BG Tavern & Grill
Type of meeting: / General Board Meeting / Facilitator: / President, Bill Eisenstot
Invitees: / Bill Eisenstot, Henry Goldenstein, Matt Friedman, Priscilla Van Zanten, Scott Murphy, Cary Claver, Brad Morgan, Dan Georgen, Joel Manning
Absent: Bob F
Guest: Garry Garcia, Pepe Jon, Laura Georgen
- Old Business
- Approval of March 22nd minutes – Cary Claver motioned to approve; Matt Friedman 2nd. All in Favor: Scott, Priscilla, Henry, Matt, Dan, Joel, Bill, Brad. Opposed: None Minutes Approved
- Review Follow-up Action Log; log updated
- Long Grove Fields Status –
- Lawyers from Long Grove not responding to the revisions.
- Going thru village manager to help. Joel visited them today; they will look into getting us early approval to get the fields ready for the summer camp.
- Matt recommends hiring a lawyer to review the contract, one that is more familiar with working with the village.
- Henry to send the agreement to the new lawyer for review; will send by Apr 30th
- New Club Website
- Demo of new software completed 4/21
- Software looks good but not sure if it will be ready for tryouts this year.
- Brad and ML need to play with the system and provide feedback this Friday.
- The team will consider creating a form in Google Forms for the on-line by Friday.
- The new website should replace cooler email and field assignment.
- Will not replace the volunteer hub. Bill to send demo link to Scott, Pepe Jon and Garry later tonight.
- Calling Post Usage & Cost
- Main sentiments: some items should be solved via email but not all.
- The committee lead should be able to make decisions within reason.
- Need some guidelines to making decisions without board’s approval.
- Cost must be presented with email proposal.
- Bill will put proposal together to address how we handle moving forward
- Tournament update
- 357 teams; final count.
- Will refund teams not accepted.
- Committee will work 7 – 11pm.
- Sponsorship opportunities still available.
- Will rent Ice chest and store on site.
- GUSA Summer Camp proposal –Presented by Pepe Jon
- Proposal: Club compensation plan – 3 tier plan
- 50 Player – 5% back
- 100 Player – 7.5% back
- 150 players – 10% back (capped at $3k)
- Need to confirm fields. BG. Fields not available. Need to consider Mendard fields
- Payment should go thru the new system
- Motion to approve Club compensation plan and camp proposal; Dan motion to approval, Joel Manning 2nd, the motion. All in favor; Bill, Scott, BradAll Opposed; Cary Claver Abstain: Priscilla and Henry. Motion Passed
- Buddy Soccer – starts May 1st 9:30 – 10:30am.
- Need board member to attend just for visibility.
- Only 5 players registered, but expect to see players the day it starts.
- Looking for trainers to show up for 1hr to support this event
- Senior Banquet
- low response from the HS team. Only 2 kids applied.
- Will consider not buying plaques for everyone if they don’t attend.
- We should include a recognition night for the team managers & assistant team manger with plaques.
- Changes to the AR fee structure – need Alan to attend for a question and answer session
- Elections in August – announce at manager’s meeting in May
- There are 5 people up for election.
- Bill will follow up on who needs to go thru the election process?
- Registration Night – Need to consider a different format and location
- Need to consider doing it over 2 – 3 days
- Mandatory attendance for the team mangers. Need pre-meeting with managers to set the expectations for registration night
Executive session – 10pm – 10:45