/ Grove United Board Meeting
7:45 PM to 9:30 PM
BG Tavern & Grill
Type of meeting: / General Board Meeting / Facilitator: / President, Bill Eisenstot
Invitees: / Bill Eisenstot, Henry Goldenstein, Matt Friedman, Priscilla Van Zanten, Scott Murphy, Cary Claver, Brad Morgan, Dan Georgen, Joel Manning
Absent: Bob F
Guest: Garry Garcia, Pepe Jon, Laura Georgen
  1. Old Business
  2. Approval of March 22nd minutes – Cary Claver motioned to approve; Matt Friedman 2nd. All in Favor: Scott, Priscilla, Henry, Matt, Dan, Joel, Bill, Brad. Opposed: None Minutes Approved
  3. Review Follow-up Action Log; log updated
  4. Long Grove Fields Status –
  • Lawyers from Long Grove not responding to the revisions.
  • Going thru village manager to help. Joel visited them today; they will look into getting us early approval to get the fields ready for the summer camp.
  • Matt recommends hiring a lawyer to review the contract, one that is more familiar with working with the village.
  • Henry to send the agreement to the new lawyer for review; will send by Apr 30th
  1. New Club Website
  2. Demo of new software completed 4/21
  3. Software looks good but not sure if it will be ready for tryouts this year.
  4. Brad and ML need to play with the system and provide feedback this Friday.
  5. The team will consider creating a form in Google Forms for the on-line by Friday.
  6. The new website should replace cooler email and field assignment.
  7. Will not replace the volunteer hub. Bill to send demo link to Scott, Pepe Jon and Garry later tonight.
  1. Calling Post Usage & Cost
  2. Main sentiments: some items should be solved via email but not all.
  3. The committee lead should be able to make decisions within reason.
  4. Need some guidelines to making decisions without board’s approval.
  5. Cost must be presented with email proposal.
  6. Bill will put proposal together to address how we handle moving forward
  1. Tournament update
  2. 357 teams; final count.
  3. Will refund teams not accepted.
  4. Committee will work 7 – 11pm.
  5. Sponsorship opportunities still available.
  6. Will rent Ice chest and store on site.
  1. GUSA Summer Camp proposal –Presented by Pepe Jon
  2. Proposal: Club compensation plan – 3 tier plan
  3. 50 Player – 5% back
  4. 100 Player – 7.5% back
  5. 150 players – 10% back (capped at $3k)
  6. Need to confirm fields. BG. Fields not available. Need to consider Mendard fields
  7. Payment should go thru the new system
  8. Motion to approve Club compensation plan and camp proposal; Dan motion to approval, Joel Manning 2nd, the motion. All in favor; Bill, Scott, BradAll Opposed; Cary Claver Abstain: Priscilla and Henry. Motion Passed
  1. Buddy Soccer – starts May 1st 9:30 – 10:30am.
  2. Need board member to attend just for visibility.
  3. Only 5 players registered, but expect to see players the day it starts.
  4. Looking for trainers to show up for 1hr to support this event
  1. Senior Banquet
  2. low response from the HS team. Only 2 kids applied.
  3. Will consider not buying plaques for everyone if they don’t attend.
  4. We should include a recognition night for the team managers & assistant team manger with plaques.
  1. Changes to the AR fee structure – need Alan to attend for a question and answer session
  1. Elections in August – announce at manager’s meeting in May
  1. There are 5 people up for election.
  2. Bill will follow up on who needs to go thru the election process?
  1. Registration Night – Need to consider a different format and location
  2. Need to consider doing it over 2 – 3 days
  3. Mandatory attendance for the team mangers. Need pre-meeting with managers to set the expectations for registration night

Executive session – 10pm – 10:45