Provincial Grand Chapter Meeting – 16 March 2017
Dining applications can be made electronically [Form A] as well as by postal application [Form B].
If you wish to pay electronically, it is essential that you complete the online application form indicating any special dietary requirements.
Our bank details are:
National Westminster Bank Plc
Account Name : ProvGChapter of EL
Account Number: 02280973
Sort Code: 011001
Description : ProvGChap Dining 2017
If you wish to send your application by post, please complete the “Hard Copy” Dining Applications and send, with the appropriate dining fee to:
The Secretariat, Rossendale Masonic Hall, Ashday Lea, Haslingden Road, Rawtenstall, Rossendale, BB4 6QX.
Online Application Form Hard Copy Dining Application
Online Dining Application [Form A]
Provincial Reference No (if known) ......
Chapter Name & No......
Number of dining places required...... [at a cost of £25 per person]
Name of Guest[s]......
Alternative Meal ......
Request to sit with ......
Email Address: ......
The menu comprises:
Chicken Liver Pate and Bread Roll. Roast Topside of Beef with Yorkshire pudding, Roast Potatoes, Selection of fresh Vegetables and Gravy. Strawberry Cheesecake with whipped cream.
If you have any special dietary requirements [eg vegetarian/fish], please indicate this on the application form. Please note that changes cannot be made on the day and that your place card will indicate that you have chosen the alternative meal.
Please Note: A Cloakroom Area is provided in the Windsor Suite for those Companions who are dining.
Our Bank details are:
National Westminster Bank Plc
Account Name : ProvGChapter of EL
Account Number: 02281333
Sort Code: 011001
Reference : ProvGChap Dining 2017
Please supply ...... ticket[s] for the Dinner on 16 March 2017,
for which I enclose £ ......
[£25.00 each EXCLUDING wine] Cheques payable to Provincial Grand Chapter of East Lancashire
TEL NO...... CHAPTER NO......
GUESTS (NAME AND RANK) please continue on reverse side if necessary.
Please sit with, or near to [Name, not Chapter] …......
The menu comprises:
Chicken Liver Pate and Bread Roll. Roast Topside of Beef with Yorkshire pudding, Roast Potatoes, Selection of fresh Vegetables and Gravy. Strawberry Cheesecake with whipped cream.
If you have any special dietary requirements [eg vegetarian/fish], please indicate this on the application form. Please note that changes cannot be made on the day and that your place card will indicate that you have chosen the alternative meal.
Please Note: A Cloakroom Area is provided in the Windsor Suite for those Brethren who are dining.