Thirty-Seventh Congress of Phi Lambda Upsilon
Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
New Orleans, LA
Saturday, March 17
11:30 AMRegistrations and Credentials- Morial Convention CenterRoom 214
1:00 PMGeneral Session I - Morial Convention Center(Room 214)
- Call to Order and Welcome: Dr. Eugene Grimley (Natl. President)
- Report of Congress Programs and Credentials Committee: Dr. Manuel Soriaga (1st Past President)
- Reading and Approval of 36th PLU Congress Minutes: Dr. Deborah Bromfield Lee(Natl. Secretary)
- Reports of National Officers:
- President’s Report: Dr. Eugene Grimley, Elon University
- Vice President’s Report:Dr. Annie Lee, Rockhurst University
- Secretary’s Report: Dr. Deborah Bromfield Lee, Florida Southern College
- Treasurer’s Report: Dr. Lucas Tucker, Siena College
- Editor’s Report: Dr. Brandi M. Cossairt, University of Washington
- Historian’s Report: Dr. Manuel P. Soriaga, California Inst. of Technology
- Appointment of Congress Committees and Assignments (please see the attached list of appointments)
- Committee Meetings
6:00 PMGeneral Session II - Morial Convention Center(Room 214)
- Chapter Reports (brief) by Delegates (in order of the attached list)
- Reports of Committees
- Nomination Committee – Dr. Manuel Soriaga (1st Past President)
- National Officer Election(by secret ballot)
6:30PMFresenius and Honorary Awardees – Process and report
7:00 PM General Session II (cont.)
- Approval of Committee Reports
- Voting on Committee Recommendations
- New Business
- New Committees appointed to handle new business (as needed)
- Vote to Adjourn the 37th Congress
- Congress delegate reimbursements, Dr. Lucas Tucker (Natl. Treasurer)
8:00 PMExecutive Committee Dinner (TBA)
Attire is casual/informal. Delegates & Executive Committee members should arrive and check in hotels on Friday, March 16, 2018. All PLU members/alumni/alternate delegates, Councilors are invited to attend.
The National Executive Committee of Phi Lambda Upsilon
President:Dr. Eugene Grimley,Treasurer: Dr. Lucas Tucker
Elon University, Elon, NCSiena College, Loudonville, NY
Vice President:Dr. Annie Lee, RockhurstEditor:Dr. Brandi Cossairt, University
University, Kansas City, MOof Washington, Seattle, WA
Secretary: Dr. Deborah Bromfield Lee, FloridaHistorian:Dr. Manuel Soriaga, California
Southern College, Lakeland, FLInstitute of Technology, Pasadena, CA
1st Past President,Dr. Manuel Soriaga,2nd Past President, Dr. Charles Campbell
CIT, Pasadena, CAThe Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA
Chapter Delegates to the Thirty-Seventh Congress
Sienna College (Beta Psi)Univ. of Nebraska (Rho)
Mary ZickFatema Bhinferwala
Elon University (Gamma Alpha)Randolph-Macon College (Gamma Epsilon)
Kaitlyn WalsPROXY to Eugene Grimley
Rockhurst University (Beta Phi)Mississippi State University (Beta Rho)
Scott GmoserJeremy Burt
Delta State University (Gamma Delta)Kennesaw State University (Beta Upsilon)
Ana Daisy CarmarilloFrancisca Small
Purdue University (Nu)University of Tulsa (Beta Tau)
Stevie NorcrossJesse Phillips
University of Washington (Epsilon)Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (Alpha Nu)
Noushyar EslamiEvelyn Rugaber