
July 2006

ForwardPage 2

PhilosophyPage 3

Administrative Organization of the Rolette SchoolPage 5


01-01 Corporate Powers

01-02 Organization of the Board

01-03 Officers and their Duties

01-04 Policy Formulations Duties

01-05 Board Committees

01-06 The Superintendent and Board Policy

01-07 Amendment or Suspension of Board Policy


02-01 The Superintendent


03-01 The Principal


04-01 General Requirements for Employment

04-02 Substitute Teachers

04-03 Instructional Load

04-04 Contracts

04-05 Daily Schedule

04-06 Daily Program

04-07 Teachers Meetings

04-08 Sick Leave

04-08a Leave of Absence

04-08b Other Leave

04-09 Extended Contracts

04-10 Entering the System

04-11 Staff Reduction

04-12 Substitute Teachers

04-13 Mandatory Retirement

04-14 Annuities

04-15 Transcripts and Certificates

04-16 NDEA Annual convention

04-17 Mileage and Expenses

04-18 Length of School Year

04-19 Salary Payments

04-20 Sheltering Teacher Retirement

04-21 Other Duties and Responsibilities

04-22 Use of Building for REA or Union Activities

04-23 Salaries for Extra-Curricular Activities

04-24 Job Descriptions for Extra-Curricular Advisor/Coach


05-01 Noninstructional Personnel

05-02 Non-Certified Contract Negotiations

05-03 Business Manager-Secretarial

05-04 Custodians

05-05 Food Service Personnel

05-06 Bus Drivers


06-01 School Lunch

06-02 Transportation

06-03 Library/Media Services


07-01 Safety Policy

07-02 Drug Free Workplace

07-03 Weapons Policy

07-04 Health Records and Disease Control

07-05 Non Discriminatory Policy

07-06 Harassment

07-07 Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect

07-08 Building Rental Policy

07-09 Schedule of Fees

07-10 Patron Complaints Policy

07-11 Teacher Scholarship Policy

07-12 Discipline Policy

07-13 Technology Policy

07-14 Displays Including Religious Objects or Documents

07-15 Review of Assigned Grades

07-16 Tobacco Policy

07-17 School Wellness Policy


08-01 School Enrollment Procedures

08-02 Entrance Requirements

08-03 Residence Requirements

08-04 Non-residence Requirements

08-05 Attendance and Absences

08-06 Release of Students During School Hours

08-07 Various fees and Hot Lunch

08-08 Activity and Field Trips

08-09Pupil Progress Reports

08-10 Retention

08-11 Courses of Study

08-12 Playground Supervision

08-13 Extra-Curricular Activities

08-14 Physical Education Requirements

08-15 Students Cars

08-16 Student Testing

08-17 Special Education

08-18 Graduation Requirements

08-19 Graduation Policy

08-20 Additional Notations

08-21 Dual Credit Policy


09-01 Personnel Files

09-02 Staff Evaluation

09-03 Participation of School Employees

09-04 Patron Participation

09-05 Parent Visitation


10-01 Goals

10-02 Curriculum Description and Evaluation

Page 2


The desire of parents for their children is to receive the best education obtainable. Thousands of specific factors determine the education a child receives in the classroom. Home, community, and general environment can often do as much or more to educate a child than can the school. All factors should be kept in mind and in focus by parents and teachers. Co-operation from all sides will best enable the pupil to benefit from education and learning situations in school, at home, and in the community. These policies will give all those concerned with the education of our youth, a better interpretation of a very complex institution - the local school system.

This manual states new and established policies for the School Board, professional employees, non-certified employees, and pupils regarding employment, administration, and conduct. These policies will be reviewed as local needs demand or to bring them in line with state requirements. It should be assumed by all concerned that North Dakota Compiled Statutes supersede local school policy and are a reference source of powers and duties which need not be repeated here except in brief explanation. All other handbook or policy statements will in no way conflict with policy as stated in this manual.

All employees and pupils should bear in mind the fact that services and opportunities offered to them by the community in which they live should be repaid with high standards of conduct and active constructive participation in community activities and betterment.

Page 3


Statement of Philosophy

The philosophy underlying the policies and practices of the administration, faculty, and patrons of the Rolette Public School might well be summed up in the following statement:

Our school is established upon the premise that the reason for its existence is to

assist in the preparations of the youth living in the community for wholesome, active, creative, and constructive citizenship which, in turn, should provide for complete and intelligent living in our complex and changing society.

To realize a practical application of this philosophy, the Rolette Public School is attempting to provide each individual, within the limits of his capacity, the opportunities to:

1. Develop physical, mental, and emotional health.

2. Develop moral and ethical values.

3. Develop cultural interest and worthy use of leisure time.

4. Build attitudes of appreciation of democratic ideals, tolerance, and civil


5. Provide a flexible curriculum which is sufficiently broad in its offerings to meet his needs and desires.

6. Provide a happy, wholesome school atmosphere in which this welfare is uppermost in the minds of all who work with him.

7. Provide instruction by a staff whose preparation is sufficiently adequate to meet his needs for social, academic, and vocational skills.

Policy Adopted

Policy Amended

Page 4




We offer the best education possible in a safe environment with the resources available.



1. Acquire and apply knowledge

2. Address individual differences and needs

3. Build self-esteem

4. Cultivate democratic ideals

5. Develop organizational skills

6. Encourage appropriate use of time

7. Enhance curiosity

8. Establish high expectations

9. Expect appropriate behavior

10. Experience success

11. Foster physical, mental, and emotional health

12. Improve moral through communications

13. Promote a positive attitude

14. Stimulate thinking and reasoning

15. Support acceptable values



1. Accepting and unbiased5. Nurturing and sensitive

2. Challenging and productive6. Pleasant and comfortable

3. Cooperative and trusting7. Respectful and empathetic

4. Creative and stimulating8. Structured and equitable


1. Responsible and responsive students

2. Supportive and concerned parents

3. Caring and dedicated teachers and support staff

4. Positive and on-going leadership from the administration

5. Receptive and responsible board of education

6. Informed and interactive community


1. Complies with state and federal requirements

2. Concentrates on communication skills

3. Develops social and coping skills

4. Effectively used material, devices and equipment

5. Includes electives for divergent interests

6. Is coordinated from K-12

7. Prepares for adult life

8. Provides opportunity for supplementary activities

9. Utilizes various techniques, methods and strategies

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Legal authority to control the schools of the district is vested in the local School Board by the Constitution of the State of North Dakota, the North Dakota compiled statutes, rules and regulations of the State Department of Public Instruction, and court interpretations of the above.

Policy Adopted

Policy Amended



A. The Rolette Public School District No. 29 shall be a Corporate Body for school purposes.

B. The School District shall possess all the powers and shall perform all the duties usual to corporations for public purposes or conferred upon it by law.

C. The name of the Rolette School District shall be "Rolette Public School District No. 29, of Rolette County, State of North Dakota."

D. The corporate name may be changed by a majority vote of the electors voting at the next school election.

Policy Adopted

Policy Amended



A. The Board shall consist of five members elected by the electorate of the District, as determined by the voters of the District.

B. One or two members shall be elected to the Annual Election held each year on the first Tuesday in June. The elected officials shall serve for a term of three years, term to commence the second Tuesday in July.

C. Vacancies created by sickness, death, or resignation shall be filled by appointment by the Board, said appointees will serve until the next election. (Annual) The clerk shall certify the appointment to the County Superintendent of Schools.

Policy Adopted

Policy Amended



A. The chairman shall preside at all regular and special board meetings, countersign all checks, conduct meetings according to Parliamentary Procedure, make appointments and assume such other duties as described in the North Dakota Complied Statutes.

B. The Business Manager shall be responsible for having Board minutes recorded, file all reports required by law, be responsible to see that all papers pertaining to district business are filed, be responsible for accurate records of all district funds, sign all checks, drafts, or warrants, or orders drawn by him/her. He/she shall be responsible for the accuracy of the expenditure and receipt register and shall make a written monthly report of the financial condition of the district to the Board at the regular monthly meeting. He/she shall report in writing to the county Superintendent a list of officers elected, and assume such other duties as described in the North Dakota compiled Statutes. He/she shall attend all meetings of the Board and perform all duties required of him by the Board.

C. The Vice-President shall preside at all regular and special Board meetings in absence of the President.

Policy Adopted

Policy Amended



The Board members should maintain high standards of conduct and ethics. Their efforts should be devoted toward providing, through democratic procedures, the best school program possible which is accessible to every resident child of the district. Their policy formulation duties consist of the following:

A. General Functions:

Legislates and establishes general policies such as the scope of educational offering to be maintained from kindergarten to grade twelve; sets length of school year and vacations; decides extent of expenditures to be made for education; decides upon buildings to be provided; uses effort to secure state legislation to meet local needs; employs a professional school executive to administer the schools and evaluates and appraises his services.

B. Functions related to Professional and Non-Professional Employees:

Adopts pay scales; elects or rejects employees on the nomination of the Superintendent; ratifies contract; and determines principles of treatment for employees.

C. Functions Related to Finances:

Approves and adopts an annual budget; decides upon the size and the time of bond levy proposals to the electors; adopts regulations for the accounting of all school funds.

D. Functions related to Curriculum offerings:

Decides the general scope of the local educational offerings, in addition to those required by law, and passes upon instructional procedures related to controversial matters, such as those sometimes connected with religion, science, social and governmental organizations, within the limits of the law and the requirement of adequate academic freedom of instruction by instructors.

E. Functions related to School Plant:

Decides what building shall be built, when and where, and what equipment shall be purchased for them; decide upon extensions of buildings and any major alterations; selects and employs school architects as needed; decides the number of caretakers for the buildings and the general quality of care to be given, all with the counsel of the Superintendent.

F. Functions Related to Pupils:

Authorizes the establishment of special schools or classes or other facilities for pupils who are physically or mentally handicapped; determines the general requirements for graduation from the various units of the system; provides for protection of health by use of school lunches, county Health and Public Officials; makes regulations regarding corporal punishment, truancy, and delinquency.

G. Functions Related to Public Relations:

Represents the community's attitude toward the kind of facilities to be provided for education and interprets these to the Superintendent; evaluates the administration of the schools before individual citizens and citizen groups; intercedes for proper and adequate State legislation and financial support for schools.

Policy Adopted

Policy Amended



The Chairman may appoint committees with at least two members each. These committees will work in close conjunction with the Superintendent, and will report to the Board for approval of any action they desire taken. The Superintendent will be a member of all committees and shall attend all their meetings when at all possible. Such committees will be discharged upon completion of their assigned duties. No committee will commit the Board to a course of action without reporting to the Board at a regular or special meeting and having a majority of the board concur on their opinions.

Policy Adopted:

Policy Amended: 08-19-04



The Board shall delegate the Superintendent as Executive officer of the District to execute its policies. Instructions to employees' to the execution of their duties shall come from the Superintendent or someone delegated by him. In the absence of written policy, the Superintendent shall take action to handle or solve a problem and report the action taken to the Board.

Policy Adopted

Policy Amended



Existing Board Policy may be amended or suspended through the following procedures; a motion to amend or suspend an existing policy by a Board member at a regular board meeting, (first reading); the motion being re-stated at the following regular school board meeting by the member who originally made the motion, (second reading); the motion is now open to be seconded and if seconded is voted upon. The action takes effect immediately if approved unless the motion called for the policy to take effect at a later date.

Policy Adopted

Policy Amended



A. Qualifications

a. The Superintendent shall have earned at least a Masters Degree from an approved institution with a major in Educational Administration. Preferably he should have graduate work beyond his Masters Degree.

b. He shall have had at least five years of experience in teaching and in administration of schools.

B. Appointment

a. The Superintendent shall be elected by the board and he/she shall be issued a contract for not to exceed three years. He/she will have one month vacation per year. These provisions will not necessarily apply to a Superintendent new to the system.

C. Duties

a. The Superintendent shall serve as the executive officer of the Board and shall be charged with the responsibility for implementing the policies of the Board. He/she shall prepare the agenda for each meeting, attend all Board meetings except when his contract is being considered, and participate in all deliberations of the Board when such deliberations do not involve his/her employment.

b. He/she shall administer the school in conformity with the adopted policies of the Board and rules and regulations of the State Department of Public Instruction and in accordance with state law.

c. He/she shall develop administrative principles and procedures for implementing Board policy.

d. He/she shall with the help of teachers and principals be responsible for the selection of text books.

e. He/she shall direct the formulation and revision of salary schedules within the financial resources of the community and make recommendations to the Board.

f. He/she shall be responsible for the selection of the members of the teaching staff and all other employees of the district, and to that he shall recommend to the board its appointment, the applicant he deems best suited for the position to be filled in each case.

g. He/she shall have power to fill staff vacancies, subject to approval of the Board.

h. He/she shall organize and administer special education, vocational education and adult education classes.

i. He/she shall direct the in-service training of teachers and principals through conferences, workshops, group discussions, committee studies and use of consultants.

j. He/she shall have power to employ such incidental personnel as may be necessary within the limits of budgetary provisions. He/she shall be authorized to employ substitute personnel when any of the regular personnel are compelled to beabsent.

k. He/she shall prepare an annual budget showing appropriations necessary to meet the estimated needs for the up-coming year and submit same to the Board for approval. The budget must be ready for the County Superintendent no later than August 15th.

l. He/she shall prepare and keep up-to-date an inventory of the property of the district.

m. He/she shall assign, transfer, promote, demote, or dismiss all clerical, custodial maintenance, operational, and instructional employees, unless otherwise provided, subject to the approval of the Board.

n. He/she shall purchase all supplies and materials approved for purchase by the Board.

o. He/she shall assume responsibility for insurance programs, school lunch programs, transportation programs, methods of handling money in the school building, telephone service, activity programs, fire protection, health protection, and distribution of supplies.

p. He/she shall approve application from outside agencies for the use of school property, supervise such use and collect rentals in accordance with the established Board policy.

q. He/she shall, with the help of the Board, prepare a plan for use, maintenance, rehabilitation and construction of buildings.

r. He/she shall have general supervision of all the repairs to buildings authorized by the Board and the maintenance of the land and buildings of the district.

s. He/she shall be responsible for the construction and alteration of buildings in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the Board. Building inspection in all buildings shall be conducted once a year by the Board.

t. He/she shall visit classes as his duties permit to observe instruction and discipline.