Student Wellness Committee (SWC)/Integrative Health Care Minutes) 5/26/16, 1:00-2:30 pm at Laney College,

Laney Tower- 801

In Attendance: Veronica Crawford, B.A., Clerical Assistant II; Evan Schloss, LMFT, LPCC, Health Services Coordinator~ COA; Lisa Sawadogo, Mental Health Counselor~ Laney; Indra Thadani RN, MS, District Director of Student Health Services; Larry Lariosa, MFT~Merritt; Glenda McComb, MBA, Deputy Director of Healthy Communities; John Holman, Healthy Communities Patient Navigator~ Laney; Lisa Wicks, Healthy Communities NP~ Laney & BCC; Stephanie Doucette, Acupuncturist; Jon Murphy RN, FNP, PHN, MSN ~ Merritt; Janine Greer, M.A., MFT~ BCC; Merrick Wise, Healthy Communities Medical Assistant; Meghan Moriarty, Student (Health) Intern; Ammar Hussein, Student (Health) Intern; Agnes R. Cerda, Medical Assistant~ Merritt College

Absent: Jamie Adair, MSW; Lifelong Medical Care;(excused)

Agenda item: / Discussion/ conclusions: / Follow up: who, when, what:
  1. Approval of April Minutes
/ The meeting was called to order at 1:10. Ms. Crawford made a motion to approve the minutes. Mr. Schloss seconded it. We celebrated Mr. Schloss birthday!!!
  1. Announcements
/ Ms. Thadani shared the latest publication of the C-Direct, which addresses the importance of student learning outcomes (SLO’s), and updates for accreditation. Ms. Thadani read that, “The institution identifies student learning outcomes for courses, programs, certificates, and degrees; assesses student achievement of those outcomes; and uses assessment results to make improvements (p.17). Ms. Thadani reported that Peralta Student Health Services are in compliance with the SLO’s, because we provide chart reviews, satisfaction survey’s feedback, HAPPYS surveys, etc. Ms. Thadani asked if the mental health counselors measure SLO’s. Mr. Schloss stated that rely on the feedback of the students, identify coping skills, and create workshops about stress management, time management, etc.
Ms. Moriarty shared the SLO’s for Laney College 17th Annual Wellness Fair. Student Health Services offered a free healthy lunch to each student that filled out a “Passport to Wellness” which asked questions about the various health organizations. Ms. Moriarty reported that over 200 students participated in the festivities and 62% of students answered all questions accurately.
Ms. Thadani shared and provided an overview of the Spring 2016 end-of–semester newsletter. Ms. Thadani shared the results for the nominations for the service excellence awards. The recipients are: Dr. Jon Murphy; Agnes R. Cerda; Larry Lariosa; Veronica Crawford; Sarah Kim, Peralta Health Intern; Chris Randle, L.A.c; Lisa Sawadogo; Stephanie Doucette, L.A.c; David Heron, L.A.c; & Meghan Moriarty. The winner of the recognizing excellence award is Veronica Crawford.
Ms. Thadani shared that the Vegan Soul Fest will take place at Laney College on September 24, 2016, and encouraged everyone to share with students, staff, and faculty. / Ms. Thadani will provide trophies to all of the recipients & winner in the next meeting.
Ms. Thadani will report back on the status of the Vegan Soul Fest at next meeting on September 8th, 2016.
  1. HAPPYS: everyone
/ Ms. Thadani provided everyone with a copy and analysis of the Health Assessment Planning Pathways Yielding Success (HAPPYS) survey reports for all four Peralta campuses.
Berkeley City College (BCC) collected 210 HAPPYS surveys during the Spring 2016 semester. BCCsurvey results reported that loneliness is a key concern for students. Ms. Thadani suggested encouraging students to join clubs or creating a social network. A research study by Berkman & Syme showed that social support groups will benefit the overall health of the individual. Ms. Greer said she was shocked that weight is a concern of students, and she will begin brainstorming ideas of how to address this concern. Students at BCC have requested more information for mental health, and the BCC health intern will make sure to reach out to students that requested information. Ms. Greer reported that she is in contact with the Kognito representative in hopes to promote the program at BCC with faculty, staff and students. Once the new nurse is hired at College of Alameda (COA), they can begin addressing this issue!
COA collected 444 HAPPYS surveys. COA survey results showed that students biggest concern is weight & students are requesting more information about weight management. COA is currently in the process of hiring a nurse, and the nurse will be able to address the concerns of the students.
Laney College collected 488 HAPPYS surveys. Survey results showed that stress is a major concern of students & students would like more information about weight management. Laney College is also in the process of hiring a nurse, which will be able to address the concerns of the student. Student from Dominican University contacted over 100 students about their health concerns.
Merritt College collected 265 HAPPYS surveys. Survey results showed that stress is the top concern for students, and students are requesting more information about mental health. / Everyone will report back on the status of contacting students that requested information in the next meeting.
  1. Sexual Assault: “Not Anymore”
/ Ms. Crawford stated that 15 students have completed the “Not Anymore”, and 51 students are in progress of completing the modules. Ms. Thadani reported that that is a good start, but we have to do better. / Ms. Crawford will report back on the status of “Not Anymore” in the next meeting.
  1. Update on CAL fresh and Medi-Cal enrollment
/ Mr. Holman informed everyone that enrollment for both CAL fresh and Medi-Cal has been slow, and found out that more people are living with parents. Mr. Holman reported to everyone that Cal Fresh has a lot of guidelines for students. For example, students are required to work 20 hours/week to be enrolled in Cal Fresh, which is considered part-time, which is hard for students.
Ms. Thadani asked how could health services reach more students? Ms. Thadani reported that Mr. Homan has been doing outreach on Tuesday and Thursday morning in the Student Center to market health insurance services. Mr. Holman will provide fliers for San Pablo Healthy Communities, as a health clinic resource for students for the summer semester.
Ms. Thadani asked, “How can we support students financially”? Ms. McComb suggested looking into SparkPoint, which will provide students with financial resources. Ms. Thadani asked the health interns if a financial resource would be helpful for students. Ms. Moriarty stated that having workshops focused on finance would be nice. Ms. Thadani informed everyone that the outreach table supplied a financial wellness information sheet. Ms. Thadani asked that all outreach tables have the financial wellness sheet available. / Mr. Holman will report back next meeting on any updates on CAL Fresh & Medi-Cal in the next meeting.
Ms. T will connect Mr. Holman with counseling chairs to do outreach with new students in the fall semester.
Mr. Holman will provide flier for San Pablo Healthy Communities in the next meeting.
  1. Mental health update
/ Mr. Schloss stated that the mental health counselors are requesting to hire a mental health consultant that will provide guidance with policy & procedures, administrative procedures, auditing, etc. Ms. Thadani suggested that the group create a job description for the mental health consultant position. However, Ms. Thadani shared that there may not have current funding. Mr. Schloss reported that the counselors are waiting for the dates of the Argosy University mental health intern orientation.
Ms. Thadani shared resources that Ms. Greer had provided her with that focus on how to deal with grief, guidelines for better sleep, and progressive muscle relaxation. Ms. Greer stated that all you have to do Goggle the topics to find the documents. / The mental health counselors will provide a job description for the request of a mental health consultant in the next meeting.
  1. Wellness Fair Debriefing
/ The 17th Annual Wellness Faire at the Peralta Colleges was a great success! Veronica Crawford, District Clerical Assistant II & Peralta Health Intern Meghan Moriarty coordinated the event for Laney College. The Laney Wellness Faire had over 20 health and wellness organizations attending, and over 200 students participated in the festivities.

Health Instructor Stephanie Sanders-Badt’s coordinated BCC Wellness Faire, and as always students here engaged + learned tremendously about health issues. Over two dozen organizations participated in the event. BCC students designed, planned, researched and presented the entire event.

The Merritt College Wellness Faire had 18 community partners, and participation of 50 students. Dr. Jon Murphy, RN, FNP, PHN, MSN, Agnes R. Cerda, Medical Assistant, Adji Rokhaya Peralta Health Intern organized the event.
The College of Alameda (COA) Wellness Faire had 17 organizations and community partners present and over 100 students attended. Evan Schloss, LMFT, LPCC, & Peralta Student Health Intern Adji Rokhaya coordinated the event.
  1. Summer hours and projects
/ Dr. Jon Murphy took the initiative and created a flier of all the Peralta health centers hours and times. Peralta Student Health Services Summer Hours are as followed:
Merritt College:
Monday-Thursday, Nurse (NP)from 9-2pm Room R-106; (510) 436-2533.
Mental Health: Tuesdays & Thursdays 8:30-1:30 pm R106 @ 510-434-3826
Laney College:
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9-3pm Nurse Practitioner(NP), Student Center SC-410; (510) 464-3134
Mental Health Counseling (Lisa Sawadogo): Mondays and Tuesdays from 8:30a-4:30 & Wednesdays from 8:30-1:30 Room SC-414; (510) 464-3535
College of Alameda~
Health Supplies/Mental Health Counseling (Evan Schloss): Tuesday-Thursday 9-4pm Room F-105; (510) 748-2320
Berkeley City College:
Monday-Wednesday Health Clinic, NP: from 9-2pm,South Campus 2070 Allston Way Ste. 203
phone: (510) 666-0013
Mental Health: (510) 981-2919
, Room 124D; Mon, Thurs. 9-3p; Tuesdays 9-4pm
****BCC Mental Health hours are just for June. / Ms. Thadani will report back on the status of Peralta hours and projects in next meeting.
  1. Intern Feedback
/ Ms. Crawford summarized a message left by a student requesting more & frequent acupuncture/massage services. Everyone agreed that more frequent acupuncture/massage services would benefit the students. So, everyone agreed to go back to three appointments per semester, and appointments can be schedule on a first come basis. Ms. Moriarty reported that students want more nurses. Ms. Thadani stated that PCCD is in the process of hiring nurses for COA and Laney College. Ms. Thadani stated that she + the “hiring committee” hired a new Acupuncture coordinator to replace Chris Randle.
Ms. Moriarty suggested creating a Peralta email for interns, because people are less willingly to respond to emails that are not from Peralta. Ms. Thadani said that IT will probably not approve this. Ms. Moriarty also suggested that the team should create Google docs where all health services documents and fliers will be available. Google docs will allow anyone to make changes to the documents/fliers, and they will always be accessible. / Ms. Moriarty will report back on the status of the Google docs in the next meeting.
Ms. Thadani will report back on the status of an Peralta email for interns.
  1. District Processes
/ Ms. Crawford thanked everyone for submitting his or her office/medical supplies requested list by the deadline. Ms. Crawford reported that she missed the deadline for purchasing for the Spring semester, and purchasing will began on July 1st. / Ms. Crawford will report back on the status of purchasing supplies for Peralta health center in the next meeting.
  1. Strategizing for mental health full time position @ Laney
/ Ms. Thadani reported that she is hoping that some funds will come from the District to pay for mental health position for Laney College. Healthy Communities Inc. (HCI) has offered to take Ms. Sawadogo on for 10 hours to do mental health outreach + education during the Fall semester. / Ms. Thadani and Ms. McComb will report back in the next meeting on the status of strategizing for mental health full time position @ Laney College.
  1. Nursing positions
/ Ms. Thadani reported that she has interviewed someone for the COA nursing position. Unfortunately, no one has applied for the Laney College nursing position. / Ms. Thadani will report back on the status of the nursing positions in the next meeting.
  1. Other
/ Ms. Thadani reported that she spoke to the Chancellor in regards to increasing the student health fee from $18 to $19, with a $1 increase. The students are required to vote to approve the suggested changes.
Students vote in May. Ms. Thadani asked everyone to take a look at the HSACCC website to become a member. Please provide your information to Ms. Crawford so she can pay for membership.
Ms. McComb stated that chart reviews would be assessed by Dr. Watson for BCC & Laney College.
Ms. Greer provided an overview of her experience at the 2016Annual MHWA conference. Due to the fact that the BCC Wellness Faire was the same day as the conference, she was unable to attend the whole conference.Ms. Greer learned and participated in the “Empty Chair” technique. This technique was first popularized by Fritz Perls, one of the founders of gestalttherapy, anempty chairfaced the client. The client imagined someone (or himself, herself, or parts of him or herself) in it, and spoke, gestured, or otherwise communicated to the "empty chair," which was now not so empty. Ms. Greer states that the conference was focused toward diversity, and she learned a lot about insurance & liability in terms of being a mental health counselor. / Ms. Thadani will report back on the status of increasing the health fee in 2017-18.
Everyone will report back on his or her status of becoming a HSACCC member. Submit info to Ms. Crawford by July 30,2016.

Minutes submitted by: Veronica Crawford, District Clerical Assistant II for Peralta Health Services June 7, 2016 + Indra C. Thadani, DHS