The Commercial Dimension
The UK supports legitimate and responsible business activity in the Arctic.
The UK will encourage UK business to engage directly with the Arctic Council, Arctic States, indigenous peoples and other actors, as appropriate. The UK will facilitate responsible business activity in the region by UK companies.
Energy security
To help satisfy projected longterm demand for imported gas and our transition to a low-carbon economy, the UK supports investment in new infrastructure that would connect Norway’s new Arctic gas finds with the existing North Sea pipeline network.
The UK will promote the International Maritime Organization (IMO) as the most appropriate authority for the regulation of international shipping, including that in Arctic waters.
The UK intends to keep under review, in the longer term, whether there is anything that it is best placed to do, in order both to facilitate worthwhile trade opportunities and to help ensure that this is done with due regard to safety and the environment.
The UK will play a leading role in the development of the mandatory Polar Code so as to ensure it comprehensively addresses safety and environmental issues, and press for its early adoption.
The UK will work with Arctic States and the Arctic Council to further promote safe Arctic shipping.
The UK will seek to obtain observer status at the Arctic Regional Hydrographic Commission to share its knowledge and expertise of Arctic hydrography.
The UK will ensure that it provides specific online travel advice that is accurate, up-to-date and aimed at British citizens who are thinking of travelling to the region. The UK will work closely with representatives of the travel industry when reviewing its travel advice to discuss continuing concerns and to suggest practical solutions, including how best vessels can provide each other with timely and effective mutual support.
The UK takes an active part in a number of Regional fisheries Management Organisations (RFMOs) and we will continue to work with the EU to ensure that they operate in an effective manner so that ecosystem sustainability and science are at the forefront of decision making in the organisations.
The UK will ensure that any UK public funding for bioprospecting is mindful of requirements to seek Prior Informed Consent under the Nagoya Protocol.
UK commercial expertise
The UK Government will promote the UK as a centre of commercial expertise with direct relevance to many industries that are growing in the Arctic.
The Environmental Dimension